

Yang Chen, the supreme alchemy genius of a generation, was betrayed and killed by the woman he was closest to because he could not practice martial arts, and was reincarnated in the body of a waste boy who was bullied. From then on, began a period of enchanting life that shocked the world. The strongest and purest elixir, cultivating genius? No one in this world knows what a genius is better than Yang Chen. He couldn’t practice martial arts in the previous life, what he wants to do in this life is the All Heavens Martial Venerable who turns his hands for the clouds and covers his hands for the rain! Those who insult me, those who betray me, kill without mercy!

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chapter 16

Chapter 16

Seeing that Yang Chen took out 200 Spirit Stones, Sun Qiaomei next to Yang Heng's eyes suddenly shined, and the eyes staring at Yang Chen gradually became strange. Just kidding, this is 200 Spirit Stone, not a shitty street thing!

Do you know what the 200 Spirit Stones stand for?

Yang Heng also had more than 300 Spirit Stones on his body before, but having more than 300 Spirit Stones does not mean that he can take out 200 Spirit Stones as a reward to a maid. When she saw that the two hundred Spirit Stones were finally given to Gu Mingyue, Sun Qiaomei's expression changed.

This is simply reckless waste of natural resources.

Two hundred Spirit Stones, too many things to do, for a maid?

Why give it to a maid?

If given to her, she will accept it without the slightest hesitation. Even she will consider the matter of choosing a mate to target Yang Chen. Now she is bleeding with pain, two hundred Spirit Stones.

She looked at Yang Heng, wondering if everyone in the Yang Family was so generous. That's right, Yang Chen is rumored to be such a waste, and you have two hundred Spirit Stones. What about you, Yang Heng? Don't you Yang Heng have a good reputation outside? !

Sun Qiaomei is still like this, let alone Zhou Huaiyi.

Zhou Huaiyi looked at Yang Heng eagerly, the meaning in his eyes couldn't be more obvious, how could he not want these two hundred Spirit Stones? Two hundred Spirit Stones, he has worked hard in the Yang Family for more than ten years. I am afraid that he will only get two hundred Spirit Stones. There is no way, how much can a servant earn?

The 200 Spirit Stones that Yang Chen gave to Gu Mingyue directly paid for his more than ten years of hard work.

He kept talking in his heart, this…

I don't expect Yang Heng to give 200 Spirit Stones, you can almost give some.

However, all he saw was Yang Heng's increasingly ugly face. As for the Spirit Stone that made people smile, he had never met a single one.

How could Yang Heng not want to waste like this?

However, he doesn't have a Spirit Stone.

The last time he had more than 300 Spirit Stones, he almost squandered all of his belongings. If the remaining Spirit Stones are played again, he will be a bachelor. If you ask him for a father. , his father probably didn't break his legs.

Thinking of this, Yang Heng became furious, clenching one's teeth and said: "Yang Chen, is it fun to play these childish games?

Yang Chen is completely happy:" Childish, Pediatrics? Yang Heng, you have to remember that I got these Spirit Stones from you. If you think these Spirit Stones are pediatrics, then you can't even do pediatrics, so what else can you say? of?"

"I believe that this grandson is not very good at being with a man who can't even do pediatrics. "

After Yang Chen said this, he glanced at Zhou Huaiyi lightly: "Zhou Huaiyi, you have changed masters, and it seems that you don't take you seriously."

Zhou Huaiyi was clamoring for "very difficult to deal with" just now, but now hearing Yang Chen's words, he blushed and couldn't say a word.

He is now in The heart has already faintly regretted it.

I think he betrayed Yang Chen long ago and reported to Yang Heng the joy of Gu Mingyue and Yang Chen. Although he has been promoted by Yang Heng many times, in fact, What did he get? Does 10% of the 200 Spirit Stones work ? He is now scolding Yang Heng's eighth ancestors, but so what? Is regret still useful?

"Mingyue, let's go! "Yang Chen smiled slightly.

Gu Mingyue looked at Yang Heng's expression flying into a rage out of humiliation, but she didn't know how to vent it, and she was very angry. Yang Heng looked for them over and over again. Trouble, but it really affected Yang Chen and her, and now seeing Yang Heng suffer the consequences, she is naturally relieved.

However, just when she was about to leave with her own Young Master, suddenly, another sneer sounded.

"Yang Heng, you just lost to this waste for a while, it's not a big deal. Spirit Stone? hehe, as long as the adults in the clan will amaze the world with a single brilliant feat, rise completely. What is two hundred Spirit Stones? Rewards will be given within the clan, and a waste material like him who cannot cultivate martial arts will naturally be revealed at the clan meeting. when the time comes, trifling two-three hundred pieces of Spirit Stone, can it still fall into your eyes?"

This voice is more ironic than Yang Heng.

When Yang Heng heard this voice, he seemed to see a rescuer. He arrived at a young man who was taller and more powerful than Yang Heng. He was leading a beautiful girl who looked slightly better than Sun Qiaomei, and walked over slowly.

The girl was snuggling tightly in the man's arms. In the middle, the endearing little bird, who is affectionate, is very well-behaved. Obviously, he has already established a relationship with this man, so he is unscrupulous and has no intention of disguising outside. It is not like Sun Qiaomei and Yang Heng, and the relationship is not a word. .


When Yang Heng saw the tall and mighty man, he immediately smiled and said.

When Yang Chen saw the man who suddenly appeared, his eyes showed solemnity. The color of his face.

He knew the identity of this person with just a few memories in his memory.

This man is Yang Heng's big brother, three years older than Yang Heng. Born in the moon, his name is Yang Wu. Yang Wu is a talented Martial Arts genius in the Yang Family. He is the same age as Yang Heng, but he has reached the Body Refinement Realm 4th Layer. He is the real well-known figure of the Yang Family. He is expected to win the title of champion at this year's Yang Family meeting.

This Yang Wu can be said to be a treasure of the Yang Family. >

And the woman beside him is a small family, the Treasured Young Lady of the Yu family. This woman is indeed beautiful, but there is a faint sly look in her eyes, and she is obviously a woman who is not very easy to control.

I don't know if Yang Wu knows this, but it seems that she really thinks this daughter of the family is a good girl.

"Brother, you are right, I lost to him for a while. After all, a guy who can't cultivate Martial Arts is just a waste. At the adult meeting, it will naturally be revealed. "Yang Heng said grimly.

Sun Qiaomei thought carefully and felt that what Yang Heng said was very reasonable, and said without rushing: "I can't cultivate Martial Arts, it's just waste after all. . "

Yang Chen was treated as a flower in the greenhouse by his elder sister before, and did not practice martial arts. In the eyes of many people, it was considered to be an aptitude for not being able to practice martial arts and not practicing martial arts . Rumors spread for a while. Rumors, many people think that Yang Chen has no aptitude for martial arts and is a real waste.

"You are not allowed to insult my Young Master, my Young Master is a genius! "Gu Mingyue scolded angrily.

Zhou Huaiyi seemed to have regained his confidence at this time, and chuckled: "Genius? Gu Mingyue, you still don't know if your Young Master is a genius?"

"Now is the beginning of the adult meeting, and many young talents in the Yang Family have friends from other ethnic groups beside them. hehe, Yang Chen, there seems to be no one around you. Oh, yes, you are a waste of martial arts, and other people from other races, who would want to get acquainted with you? "Yang Wu sneered.

Yang Chen touched the chin and didn't speak in a hurry.

For now, the major clan adult meetings are about to open, and many pampered young masters Mrs. and Mrs. will walk around each other in the major clan and start to choose a mate. For example, some geniuses from certain families will become the favorite and admired by other Great Family Treasured Young Lady before the adult meeting begins. Objects.

Of course, these pampered young masters and young ladies are also cautiously choices. After all, the adults will not be opened, and no one knows how many catties and how many taels they have.

Like Yang Heng, although the rumors are good, Sun Qiaomei is still cautiously. As the daughter of the Sun Family, she has always hung Yang Heng and made Yang Heng her second choice.

As for Yang Wu It is better. Although the adult meeting has not started yet, but with its strength, it quickly captured the heart of the daughter of the Yu family. Now the relationship has become established. This daughter of the Yu family is already Yang Wu's fiancee. The date of marriage is exactly A few days after the adult meeting begins.

This is the benefit of strength. Before the adult meeting begins, young and talented people from other ethnic groups will try their best to make friends. After all, once the adult meeting is over, in the meeting The dazzling ones are bound to be supported by Yang Family. Spirit Stone, cultivation technique, cultivation, none of them are lacking.

Why does Yang Caidie have so many Spirit Stones?

It's because Yang Caidie has passed the adult meeting and is talented. Her Spirit Stone was given by the Yang Family.

Thinking to this, Yang Chen touched his nose, speaking of which, it's true He is the most shabby. When the adult meeting is about to start, he has no friends. As for the Treasured Young Lady of a certain family looking for him? That is even more impossible.

"Brother, you are right. . This Yang Chen is a piece of shit, haha, the adult meeting is about to start, and a foreign woman doesn't even care about him. On the contrary, you, big brother, seem to have already established a relationship with sister-in-law. "Yang Heng hurriedly said flattering with a smile, his big brother is much better than him.

In the future, he will definitely become a senior member of the Yang Family.

Yang Wu didn't say anything. The young girl beside him snuggled up in Yang Wu's arms and said slowly: "The relationship has been set, but Yang Heng, don't compare this waste with your big brother, that is an insult to your big brother. . Foreign women, as long as their eyes are not blind, it seems that they will not look at a waste material who cannot practice martial arts."

"Maybe some exiled waste girls can look up to this Yang Chen." After all, Yang Chen's future fate may also be mostly expelled. "Sun Qiaomei's lazily sermon.

Being ridiculed by these people, Yang Chen calmed down.

But when he was about to speak, suddenly, the surrounding crowd suddenly became lively.

"Look, who is that?"

"My God, it's the eldest lady of Feng Family, Feng Family daughter Feng Xuuewu has come to our Yang Family!" "

"How is it possible, how could the eldest lady of the Feng Family come to our Yang Family?"

The Yang Family is a medium clan among the hundred clans.

So, even if there are some marriages, most of them are only medium clans. For example, those adults will come to make friends with the Yang Family Geniuses are actually geniuses of small clans who want to climb high branches. For example, the daughter of the Yu family in Yang Wuhuai wants to climb the relationship of Yang Family.

However, medium clans and large clans There is still a gap, the Feng Family is a big clan, so the Yang Family adult meeting, basically no one will come from the big clan, the grades are different.

Feng Family is a well-known figure in the big clan , Feng Xuuewu, was named peak genius a few years ago, the three golden hairpins of the Great Wilderness, this kind of role. The Yang Family never thought of climbing high, even Yang Wu.

Now, this Feng Xuewu came to the Yang Family, which naturally caused a lot of people to talk about it.

Yang Chen saw Feng Xuewu coming, and there was a look of doubt in his eyes, but soon, He showed a smile, because Feng Xuewu looked towards him in the crowd.