
The supreme (English version).

Daoistwo3aK4 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 07

Andréia on:

I open my eyes little by little and look at where I am and I realize I am in a hospital room, I look at my side and there is a beautiful man here that I have never seen before, I look at him for a while and I smell him of wet earth and chocolate, I almost whisper the words I have been most afraid of in my life.

- My.

As soon as I whisper that word I watch him move in the chair and let out a snarl, I don't know what he's going to do to me so I prefer to get out of here as soon as possible, '' are my clothes here? '' I asked taking the needle out from my left arm and turning off the devices connected to my chest I get up from wandering with a lot of pain I manage to walk to the bathroom, watch and find my clothes hanging behind the door I dress and leave without making a noise when I get out of the hospital I go to the nearest forest transforming me I keep running to Ana's house.

Seeing her house that is in the middle of the forest, I transform and knock on the door hoping that she is home, as soon as she opened the door and saw me she hugged me very tight that I let out a groan of pain and almost a few tears.

- Aii - I say while she squeezed the area of ​​my belly feeling a slight headache.

Ana - Sorry friend, - she said looking at me and starts to evaluate me checking if everything was fine with me. - Why did you take so long to arrive? Why are you feeling so much pain? My God, what are you doing out there that didn't come in? - She releases everything at once pulling me slightly into the house.

- Calm down Ana, let me in straight and sit down and I'll explain everything to you, because I can't stand up. - I tell her she gives me space to sit and closes the door, I settle on the couch and ask for a glass of water and a pain reliever that I forgot to ask a doctor for, I take the medicine and she sits across from me. a chair and put some healthy food on the table would be nice if I liked it, but my stomach likes bullshit.

Ana - Now you can start because I am already very curious and I know that I will be very angry with you who already made a mistake for your beast face. - Tell yourself more about your feelings, because it didn't affect me at all.

- We arrived at that house and said I was leaving, my mother pulled me to a cleaning room at the end of the corridor and beat me until I lost consciousness to finish with a golden key I woke up today in a hospital with a man beside me sleeping in the chair, I got dressed I went to the forest I changed and I'm here. - I say everything summed up by my hunger that is not low and hiding some details.

Ana - I do not believe that in addition to arriving here at my house today all busted, tell me the short story and still lie looking in my eyes about everything that happened in that fucking house until I showed up at the hospital with a man I supposedly didn't know. - Says angry getting up and almost shouting at me.

- At first I did not know and I do not know who this man is, I only know that before passing out a man appeared at the door and it was not my father I just could not see who it was, because my vision was blurred and I passed out, when I woke up it seemed to be the same man and ... - I didn't know how to tell her that, I'm sure she'll yell at me, I'm scared. - He's my mate. - I say quickly and at once.

Ana - My goddess gives me the patience I need not to commit a homicide with this being sitting on my sofa looking at me as if I were an idiot. - He asks with his arms up and closing his eyes tightly, turning his gaze to me, I felt all his indignation. - My love, look me in the eyes and give me a good reason for you to have run away from your companion and already I warn you if it is not a good reason prepare to die of hunger, because I am not obliged to cook for A PERSON WHO ABANDONES THE COMPANION IN THIS FORM AND WITHOUT AN EXPLANATION. - It started quietly, but ended up exploding with me which made me shrink a little.

- I didn't know if my parents were with him or if he was a security guard at the behest of the bastard and I didn't know if he was going to reject me so I left there and came here without thinking twice. - Said looking and seeing her taking a deep breath regaining her calm.

Ana - Do you even know his name? Or what does he do in the pack? To act so impulsively. - I can't even identify what your eyes express anymore.

Before I can answer that I don't know anything about him we ended up hearing a very loud and strong howl it seems that I was desperately looking for someone, when I heard him my heart started to pound and I started to squirm in pain it was too strong to I can take it.

Ana - Andréia, for the love of the great goddess do not tell me that this howl is from the Supreme and do not worsen my situation with yours by saying that he is your soul mate. - Ask everything I didn't know how to answer and she picks me up and takes me to my room and lays me on the bed.

- Thank you, I don't know who he is or I know if he is the supreme or not, unfortunately I didn't think to ask. - I say and squirming in the bed of pain.

Ana - This howl to get here can only be the Supreme, even I can't stand the intensity, but what is he looking for to release so much dominance in such a strong howl? - In that she is right, whatever he is looking for I hope he finds it soon, I never felt so much pain even when I was beaten by my parents is a thousand times greater.

- I just hope you find and stop all that power, it hurts too much Ana. - I say crying and she hugs me.

Ana - Calm down, I'll get you some food. - I just nodded and saw her leave.

She comes back with the food and only leaves when I finish eating, she was worried about me and she didn't leave me until she showered because she couldn't get up, two weeks passed and that power continued and grew more and more, Ana I was already desperate and didn't know what to do because I was too weak and pale to survive much longer.

Ana - Andréia has no way of staying like this any longer. I will supreme ask him to stop this. I better try everything I can than to see you die here. - She said desperately taking her bag and went to get the car key beside the bed on the nightstand, when she approached, I grabbed her arm trying to stop her from going, but I was too weak to say anything and I looked at her with tears in my eyes, and I felt my vision darken, letting me be taken by the dark ocean that was taking me.

Ana on:

When I met Andréia many years ago when we were still children I knew I had to protect her from anything that wanted to harm her, we are inseparable and I had to bring Andréia to live with me to be safe from those two monsters she calls family , but when she arrived the next day it was different because of the injuries and I still can't believe that she abandoned her partner and doesn't even know who he is or waited for him to wake up to know and just ran away from it.

After hearing that strong howl she began to squirm in pain and I was able to bear it, because for me it was not so strong since he was looking for someone who, of course, is not me, but Andréia, as she is weaker because she is an omega, felt pain immense that seemed to be more in the chest and belly area, I started to despair after two weeks with her almost motionless in bed and she was very weak, she couldn't speak or eat properly just cried and moaned in pain, the power of the supreme was just increasing as each day passed, i had to do something before she died, when i decided to go out to go to the supreme i went to get the car keys and she looked at me i could see pain in her eyes she wanted to prevent me from leaving home, then she passed out, I started to cry and I checked her pulse seeing that she was weak very weak I left her there and I was running in the supreme only he can help her now if he doesn't help he will end up killing her.

I looked at that huge company and knew it was there, because I felt its highest power there concentrated on the top floor of that building, I went in and asked for its floor number despite knowing it would be the last one since its position here is not small, I went up up to the 40th floor and I saw her secretary I tried to be polite I swear I tried, but she was the one who didn't want to collaborate with my good will not to end it.

- Good afternoon, can you tell me if Mr. Matthew is in your office now? - I asked trying my best smile, I didn't have time to argue with the apparently 25 year old woman who measured me from head to toe and looked at me with disgust, goddess helps me not lose my patience or I am able to put this building below.

Secretary - He is, but he will not be able to receive you, he is too busy to receive people like you. - I smiled happily, turning her attention to the computer.

- And what kind of person do you think I'm cute? - I lean over your desk.

Secretary / Offered - The worst kind, you know I know he is a cat and must have stayed with you, but now you are passed on because he is mine. - I can't help laughing.

- Wow you know things that I don't even know, do you see the past? Because I can see the future and yours is not very good if you don't make the right choice in two minutes. - I look at her angrily.

Secretary / Offered - Are you threatening me? - I smile.

- If you see yourself as a threat wait to know if I am serious, now let him know that I want a few minutes of your precious time and it is urgent. - She snorts.

Secretary / Offered - I'm saying he doesn't have time for you. - A minute of silence to regain my patience or for her death in the meantime.

- Why don't you ask to see it? - I say already losing patience, one more step to homicide.

Secretary / Offered - Why don't you look for someone better to pester far from this building and Matt? - He answered my question with another one and very intimately calling him by his nickname, how cute, I'm going to rip her head off, but I realize that she is human according to the law I can't, she was lucky.

I decide not to fight with her, because I have someone to fight with in that room, I look at her very angry and pass by her going straight to the room not wanting to lose more of my precious time and my saliva with that being, she tries to stop me, but I am much stronger than she and I open the door with force receiving the incredulous and angry look of the Supreme, but I do not let myself be intimidated since my anger is much greater than his at that moment.

Matthew - What's going on here? - Question looking directly at the offered, but step in front of it.

- You shut up and sit down now, and you. - I say pointing to that thing that is clinging to my arm thinking it can drag me out. - Let go of my arm and go to your table before I take your head off like a Styrofoam. - She continued holding on looking at me with wide eyes, must think I'm crazy or I didn't speak her language. - SAAII !! - I shouted at her that she left me in fear and scared running away closing the door quickly, I looked at him with anger that emanated from me and thought to myself.

'' Today, nobody holds me back if I have to take it all down, I do it! ''