
The supreme (English version).

Daoistwo3aK4 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 01

Andréia on:

"I was in a forest and when I looked around I saw a black wolf that made me shiver, when I was going to get close to him suddenly I heard a noise ...", I get up then sitting on my bed all sweaty, looking around seeing that it was just a dream.

I get up and turn off the alarm clock, I see the time and it's 5:30 am I look at my "room" which was actually a basement with a bathroom where there was only cold water, I look at that little bathroom too lazy to go shower .

Dad didn't want me in the house, especially with visitors and when my sister left, she threw me in the basement.

I go to the bathroom still sleepy, when the cold water touched my body it woke me up right away I take a shower I do my morning hygiene, get dressed and go to the kitchen to make my parents' breakfast, when everything is ready they go down and I go get ready to go out and get some air and train for a while, when I get to the room they are there.

(Amélia) Mother - Where are you going? - he asks getting up from the sofa where he was reading a magazine.

- I'll just breathe a little air. - I answer without looking at her.

(August) Father - We will leave and only come back tomorrow morning, when I arrive I want everything impeccable and the coffee made, or else you get ready. - He spoke in a threatening tone that made me shiver remembering the last time I was beaten by him, I was unconscious until I woke up in the hospital alone, he sits on the sofa next to the woman still standing.

- Yes sir! - I answered him head down.

Mother - And we'll move in next month, don't forget to pack everything in the house.

- Yes ma'am.

Father - Now your useless can come out. - he said with disgust in his voice.

Mother - And when we get there don't forget to take the potion to hide its smell because I don't like to feel it. - He raged up the stairs.

I just agreed with my head leaving home, as I finished my studies I will walk a little and see the city of Rio some more and enjoy training because I missed these classes with my parents saying it was unnecessary, '' if I had a battle you would die '' was the argument used by the two, to keep memories before leaving because I believe that I will not have much time for that because I have to pack everything and send what is necessary for whatever, I forgot to ask before leaving.

I'm walking and suddenly my cell phone rings.

- Hello? - I answered without looking at who was on the display.

Angel (sister) - Hi. - I smile recognizing practically the only voice capable of calling me at such an hour.

- Hi Angel. - I say excited.

Angel - I was so excited when Mom told me that they were going to live near me.

- Ah ... let's go? - I ask wanting to know more.

Angel - Yes, I got a job as a secretary in a company and I'm going to live in the house of my dreams. - I noticed your anxiety.

- How cool, everything will be okay if you behave and how is the pack there? - I ask, because I don't know where she is or who cares for the pack, my mother never told me.

Angel - It is true, I now live in the pack of the supreme in California is very cool. - I choke on my saliva.

- Su ... su ... supreme? - I am recovering still scared.

Angel - Yes Look, I'll wait for you, but now I need to go later and I'll tell you more about my service ok? Kisses I miss you. - Say sad.

- Okay, I miss you too, take care !!

Angel - Leave it, did you see it too? Goodbye!!

- Yes, miss, bye. - I hang up smiling.

As soon as I hung up the phone, I returned home and only one question came: "Is what they say about the supreme true?"

* Author's Notes *

I already have some chapters ready I will post as I do others so as not to stop the story. Affectionate kisses.