
Seira's Visit

Viona strode purposefully toward the reception desk, exuding an unmistakable aura of self-assuredness. She paid scant attention to the mix of curious, admiring, envious, and jealous gazes cast her way by those who watched her progress.

The receptionist, wearing a polite smile, greeted her, "Good morning, miss. How may I assist you today?"

"I'm here to meet with Reigha Arsalan," Viona stated firmly as she reached into her designer handbag, retrieving the card and presenting it to the receptionists.

The receptionists, their expressions a mix of disbelief and suspicion, gazed at Viona and then at the card.

Viona, her demeanor clearly unimpressed by the receptionist's explanations, removed her sunglasses and fixed the women with a cold stare. "Vat are you vaiting for? Escort me to Reigha's office, already!" she demanded, her R Country accent growing thicker by the moment.