
The SupernaturalZ

Monsters are everywhere, destroying Humanity. It is up to the Supernatural Response, an organization formed in direct response to the first documented case showing the existence of the darker side of humanity… but will they succeed?.... New Chapters Daily!

Nicky_RBLX · Urban
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19 Chs

Chapter 8: New Patersson

I spend most of thr time sitting on my bed with one or two books laid open. My study is interrupted one day when Aunt Elena, and Uncle Tyler invites Sarah over.

I literally walk into the living room to see her sitting on the couch, chatting to with aunt, and uncle. Before I can say anything Uncle Tyler silences you with a gesture.

"We invited her over, you used to be close. We wanted to give you a chance to make things right between you." Says Uncle Tyler

Glaring at Sarah she shifts slightly brushing her hair out her eyes. At least she looked embarrassed.

"Please Kale, try to get along for us. Maybe you can become friends again?" Says Aunt Elena

I let out a sigh, maybe they were right I could at least try for their sakes. I try to start a conversation but she is tense at first, and I can sense things are still pretty rough at her house. Under the watchful eyes of my aunt, and uncle, we make small talk

I don't mind hanging with Sarah but can't believe my aunt, and uncle are interfering old bats.

Sarah reveals that thanks to my help, she was able to get into UNJP.

One afternoon, Sarah sits quietly beside me, she was tense as I could tell she wanted to tell me something important. Eventually she looks up at me.

"Please listen Kale, it's no excuse but my parents are getting divorced, and my life was getting stressful. Rather than dealing with the problem, I took it out on you. I got new friends who like to pick on others too, you was an easy target, and I was a bully. But still you helped me, it made me remember what we used to be like. Maybe we could be friends again?"

"We already are," I say smiling.

Sarah returns the smile with one of her own.

"Thanks, I know I don't deserve it but it means a lot to me."

Still smiling she holds out a hand which I'm happy to shake.

Two Years Later

I'm packing my bags for college: clothes, toiletries, and the like. When I finish, Ihead downstairs where Aunt Elena, and Uncle Tyler wait for Me.

"Are you all packed?" say Aunt Elena

"Yes Aunt Elena." I reply

"Good, your uncle will take you to the station in a bit but I wanted to tell you we are so proud of you, and I know your mom, and dad would have been proud to." says Aunt Elena

"I know," I say with a tinge of sadness.

Uncle Tyler puts a firm hand on my shoulder. "I know you miss them but they will always be with you."

"Thanks," I say with a smile that doesn't quite reach my eyes.

Uncle Tyler loads my bags into the car while I hug my aunt goodbye. I climb into my uncle's car, and he pulls off, and takes me into the station. When I get there he pays for the ticket, and helps put my bags onto the train. He hugs me tightly.

"Keep in touch kid. Your aunt would worry otherwise." says Uncle Tyler

"I will uncle. I promise." I say

"I've got you a gift Kale," my uncle says, handing me a wrapped book-shaped parcel.

"Thanks uncle. I'll see you soon." I say

Wishing him goodbye I get on the train, and find your seat. The train journey is nearly two hours long so you decide how to pass the time.

Then when I woke up from my short nap on the train, I look out the window and see a beautiful, large and advance city.

This is New Patersson.