
The Supernatural Miracle Twin

Royal vampires and werewolves twins born from human who ancestors powers dwell upon them at birth. Their birth father is the king of the country and their mother is a regular citizen who took a procedure to have one last kid not knowing the sperm was the king. The mother of the twins new that their ancestors sent all their powers to the twins making them dangerous so she separate them at birth and gave the boy twin away to the king but she ended up giving the girl away when she almost killed one of her sons. The twins had a rough childhood making them stronger. The girl became over powered with all the abilities she possesses. She have to face her enemies to protect the world with the help of greek gods/goddesses and she have to face her LOVE TRIANGLE. PLEASE GIVE ME SUPPORT AND SHARE YOUR IDEAS WITH THE WORLD. PS. I DREW THE COVER, I HOPE YOU LIKE IT.

Anime_Novel_Nerd21 · Fantasy
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22 Chs


My twin will be here in 10 minutes okay? Okay great, while we're waiting why won't you tell me about your other side of your human family Zach asked me. Well, both my ma and pa are black but they are light-skinned and I have 1 sister who is the oldest and 3 brothers. Time to time I go visit them, hey I'm gonna go get some water and you make yourself at home and I will be right back. I quickly teleported out of the room into my favorite area in the woods. I-I cant is in a room with him by myself, I couldn't breathe. While the Princess was having racing thoughts Johnethen who is now 28 years old was on patrol in the area. Them two always train and go to war together. Hey princess, Johnathan said hanging upside down from a tree tapping on my shoulder. I didn't notice that he was talking to me until he tapped on my shoulder. When I turned around to look at him, our nose touched, before he could react I jumped back and teleported back into my room. I landed on top of Zach when I teleported rationally. Oh good my brother here, I said it while I quickly got up and sat across the bed. 

Okay, brother where do you want to start at. Hmmm… How about we started at the legend but you started sis, said Brice. Okay, fine bro, I said. Every 10 thousand billion years a new vampire is born in the most royal vampire family, the Kuran family, I said.  On my human mom's side, there are shrine maidens and psychics. On my dad's side their witches and werewolves. Also, the devil wanted to have a little fun so he mixed he's genes with ours and God wanted to even it out so we won't be under the influence of him so he gave us some powers, said Brice.

OK, but how do you guys' powers work, Za asked Nell we are still figuring out all the powers we have but the powers we know of is telekinesis, firepower, water powers, ice powers, wind power, blood control, teleportation, mind reading, super strength, super speed, super hearing, compulsion, flying/levitation, electric powers, and probably more than we haven't I said. Sister you forgot to tell him about your special gift only you can use, said Brice. Well, I have an MPD ( Multiple Personality Disorder) that you already know but it's triggered when I get to a certain point of my madness. Right now I'm not able to use all the powers I know of right now but when my personality switches over I'm able to use ALL of my powers but 2x stronger with stage one but stage two is very dangerous, I said speaking seriously.  Okay, I have another question said, Zach. Okay answer away, both the twins said at the same time. 

    Do you guys know who the devil is and do you have some of his powers or something, Zach asked. Well, I don't personally know him but  Chloe does you know that when Chloe becomes Queen she will be Queen of Hell, of Earth, Our 2 kingdoms, Queen of Vampires, and the most Powerful Alfa on Earth while I help her rule the world right Brice said excitedly. So Chloe knows the devil, but ain't the devil bad like evil, prince Zach said in a concerned voice. Chloe, my sister you're answering this one, said, Brice. Okay, so like the devil is evil to most people but all he does is to be selfish and punish people who killed people or who volunteered to give their soul away so they could live longer or gain power with the help of demons. The only bad thing about the devil is that he thought it was wrong to forgive the ones who did terrible things that did not deserve to go to heaven, I said while hiding my face. Wow, that's deep sis, Brice said in a sad tone. Oh Ummm, Okay know, sorry if I made you a little bit sad there my Princess, Prince Zach said in a cheerful tone. Oh, don't worry about it, the devil can be a psycho. I kinda believe that he gave me the mental disorder with my personality, I said jokingly. Umm hey, I'm going to go and get fresh air, it's getting stuffy, I said with a forced smile on my face. Princess Chloe walked out of the room then wanderers halls trying to clear out her head. I can't believe I let my emotions show like that, I had just got to get out of there. I know that Zach didn't mean to be insensitive like that, it's just that people think the worst when they hear the word the devil or the name Samael or Lucifer. 

 Meanwhile Back In the Princess room with her twin brother Prince Brice and Prince Zachary. Umm, hey Brice did I say something wrong back there. No, it's fine. She just doesn't like it when people assume stuff and she likes to remove herself from the problem so she doesn't want to make it into a bigger problem. Right now she's probably tearing her hair out because she showed her emotions about the topic, Brice said. You should know that she might be strong but she is pretty fragile, wait shush I think she is coming back, I hear footsteps. Princess Chloe walks into the room un-announced then she sits down next to Prince Zachary. Okay, Chloe, don't be a cry baby there's nothing wrong you are the ice cold-blooded princess you don't show your emotions out in the open explicitly to someone who thinks I might be fragile, I kept saying to myself over and over again in my head. Chloe, Chloe, Chloe snap out of it your numbering and zoning out of space.

I looked up and around expressionless, Oh sorry were you talking to me, I said coldly. Wait, why did I say it like that? It's just I don't want him to get hurt in the future, especially what happened in my memories. I got up off the bed and walked out of the room once again with my expressionless face. When Princess Chloe walked out of the room Prince Brice had followed her. Princess Chloe turned around to look at her brother, she was in tears. DON'T FOLLOW ME, BROTHER! LEAVE ME ALONE! I said yelling at him. Prince Zachary heard the Princess yelling so he pokes his head out the door to look down the hall without being seen. He saw the princess in tears, she looked like she was about to have a mental breakdown or something.

Hey, Hey, calm down, it's okay sis. I can tell that something is wrong, is it about your memories?  Prince Brice said in a soft smooth voice. It is brother, I said while my voice is cracking up. Here, just sit down and I sing you a song then you can let me in your head to see the problem, Zach said. Yes, brother. Prince Brice started to hum and sing to calm Princess Chloe down while Prince Zachary started to walk towards the Princess with her favorite baby blanket. Before Prince Zachary could say anything, Prince Brice Shush him then mouth no distractions and also call Johnathan so he can help make sure those workers who come by staying quiet and the same for you. Prince Zachary went and did what Prince Brice told him to.

He won't be friends with me because I'm different, brother, I said. Why would you say that sis, said prince Zach? Everyone that I care about throughout life will die havhhavees already died or is endangered and I thought being a little cold to Zach would distance him a little. The things I say to people hurt me more than they hurt them. Yeah, I know sis but let me see, let me in your mind. Princess Chloe closed her eyes and Prince Zach closed him then started singing Princess Chloe's favorite nursery rhyme London Bridge Is Falling Down.

  Meanwhile, Prince Brice is Going through Princess Chloe's memories. There are a bunch of dead bodies surrounding dear Princess Chloe while she's distantly watching Prince Zachary. Every person who walked towards Princess Chloe Drops dead. All around her turn black and bloody red while over where Prince Zachary is at are all rainbows and sun shines. Princess Chloe gets up and walks the opposite way from him but the change in mood and place changes in her mind. The place where the Princess mind takes our Prince Brice is back in time before either the twins were born; it was the memory of their ancestors. How all the wolves followed their dear female alfa but not one dared to fall in love or give her love because of all who did die. Next, they went to visit the ancestor's witches ' memories. One of the ancestors was a pair of twin sisters but each of them had different fathers. One was a warlock the other was the devil, the sisters were born in a certain coven that only twins will be born, when they turn 21, one of them will be consumed by the other. The twins knew that one will be consumed so they split apart but the twin with the devil's gene in powers kicked in. The twin thought she was so powerful that she could find a way for both of the twins to live together past 21. When the young twin used a powerful spell but it had black magic in it. The twin was consumed by the black magic to the point she became a supernatural heretic, a vampire witch. The twin told her sister and that she should join her but you should have a baby first just in case. The normal witch twin gave birth to only one kid but that kid had the devil's genes but luckily have normal human blood in the child.

Princess Chloe's mind took Prince Brice through the memories of the psychic ancestors. The psychics had killed lots of people but never on purpose. The psychics showed that no matter what or when they tried to control their power(s) when they got mad they lost control. Prince Brice Quickly pulled out of Princess Chloe's mind because he didn't want to see more death and he found something out. Ok, sis, I have two things to tell you, said Brice. 1. You have a New ability, 2. That's the past will stay the past and you can change the future so none of that could happen if you make a difference now brace said with a charming smile on his face. Wow, that makes me a lot happier than you said brother, I said smiling. Hey, what's my new power? I asked. Memory Reading. Memory reading? I said in a confused tone. It's like an Ability to read a target's memories. Sub-power telepathy and memory manipulation but in your case, you don't have to know or see your target to use it you just need to think of it.

Also, do you think that all the things that happen in our ancestors' past won't happen to us in any form even when some did, I said in a concerning voice. Well if you learn more self control the future can change. Hey, I'm gonna go call George to check on Andrew then I'm going to go to sleep I said while yawning. Goodnight Princess said, Zach. Goodnight Sister, said, Brice.