
The Supernatural Miracle Twin

Royal vampires and werewolves twins born from human who ancestors powers dwell upon them at birth. Their birth father is the king of the country and their mother is a regular citizen who took a procedure to have one last kid not knowing the sperm was the king. The mother of the twins new that their ancestors sent all their powers to the twins making them dangerous so she separate them at birth and gave the boy twin away to the king but she ended up giving the girl away when she almost killed one of her sons. The twins had a rough childhood making them stronger. The girl became over powered with all the abilities she possesses. She have to face her enemies to protect the world with the help of greek gods/goddesses and she have to face her LOVE TRIANGLE. PLEASE GIVE ME SUPPORT AND SHARE YOUR IDEAS WITH THE WORLD. PS. I DREW THE COVER, I HOPE YOU LIKE IT.

Anime_Novel_Nerd21 · Fantasy
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Am I Allowed To Date Him Now?


My phone started ringing, I open my eyes and then I saw I was hugging all over Christian in my sleep. Omg, 😱 I did not just sleep with a boy in my bed that is not my brother. At least I was under the covers and he slept with another blanket


I looked at my phone and it was Rachel calling me. I answered the phone. Umm good morning Rachel, I side in my sleepy voice. Is my brother over there, she asked. Yes he is but he still sleeping, is there anything I can do for you? I asked. No, there not and you can go back to sleep now, she said then hang up. I checked what time was it and it was 2 o'clock turning at 3 o'clock, in the morning. I turned off the lamp that was left on then I laid back down and stared at Chris 4 pack abs. I really want to touch them, Wait! No! don't think like that.

I was uncomfortable falling back to sleep with me knowing that a boy was in my bed. I got up, put on my slippers and robe then I teleported to Christian closet to get his uniform, underclothes, shoes, school bag, the papers that were on his desk, his body wash, his toothbrush.

I teleported back in my room then put his clothes and the other stuff belong in the bathroom on the bathroom and counter. Then I put his shoes and his school stuff near and on the chair in my room. I grabbed what I was gonna wear and use it in the morning then took it with me when I went to Brice's room. After I put my stuff down in Brice room I got in bed with him.

Did you have a bad dream again sister, Brice said in his half-sleep voice. No, that's not it, I think I might have drag Chris in bed with me when I was half sleeping and kinda kept him there and I just woke up and I don't feel comfortable sleeping in bed with him especially at our age, I said. What! I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind! Brice shouted out while he quickly sat up. Hey stop, it's not his fault. I was half asleep and you know how I am, I said. I laid him back down while hugging him.


The alarm sound went off


The Princess woke up breathing hard. Brother!! The sirens are going off, deploy the troops, the princess said in a serious voice. Hey! Hey! its just the alarm clock, everything fine, we are not at war, we're home in our new mansion. Brice said while hugging her and comforting her.

Emma and Christian's burst opens the doors. Get her PTSD pills now! Brice shouted. Christian ran straight back to the princess room then went in the bathroom and grab the pills off the counter then tossed it, Emma, then she uses her vamp speed to get back to the princess. while it took a minute for the pills to work they had consumed 30minutes to make sure Chloe was alright.

What triggered that to happen, Christain asked. It was the alarm clock, Chloe uses weird sounds or music for her alarms so this exact moment wouldn't arise, Brice said. Judging to what she was shrieking out, I think it was a flashback of war times. Emma and another maid help wash up, dressed, do her hair for her while she was still dozed off from the meds.

Prince Brice calls the pills, PTSD pills because it's for it but they're actually super strong anxiety and panic attacks pills mixed in one that was prescribed for her PTSD.

When everyone got dropped off at school, Chloe clings on to Prince Brice all the way when they got to the nurse's office. The nurse put out both Prince Brice and Lord Christian while the princess lays down and calm her mind.

When it was time for everyone in homeroom Prince Brice was an excuse from class to go to Miss Katherine's room. Excuse me Miss Katherine but I'm just here to tell you that my sister is in the nurse right now calming down and resting. She kinda had an episode this morning but she would be here for the 2nd period, I told Miss Katherine.

Hey Prince Brice, is it true that Lord Christian spent the night sleeping in your sister's bed? a student asked. Yes, that is true but my sister slept with me in bed and that's why she had the episode.

What do you mean by episode Prince Brice? the same student asked again My sister is suffering from mental conditions but she takes medicine to help her with that but last night I forgot to turn off my alarm clock then turn the on my phone that plays loud music and the alarm clock reminded Chloe when she was 6 years old when she helps fight in the war.

What do you mean by war? the same student asked again. If somebody y'all don't know but on 20 10 - 2013 there was a war going on between the kingdoms and my sister was brought in that war so she can help stop the enemy unlock her powers at 3years old. and by the time I turn 5 I unlocked mines and I had to help my sister win the war.

So, Princess Chloe has PTSD, the same student asked. Yes she does but she has also other mental problems but only 1 of them is caused by a brain tumor but she only doctor she trusts doesn't have the right equipment sense that tumor is in a sensitive spot of the brain.

Hey, you should become a reporter one day, Brice said to the student who keeps on asking questions.


The second-period bell rang

2 minutes later after the bell rang the Princess made it to class. when I open the door everyone stands up and bowed to me. I bowed back then float to my seat while closing the with my telekinesis. While the Princess was taking notes and class she was also writing a diary entry.

The entry named: Entry 3,750.

Last night I had a great time hanging out Christian but we're kinda discreetly dating now. Christian and I watch a movie but I fell asleep during it, also I got a picture shirtless picture of Christian. I kinda accidentally drag Christian in bed with me but I was half sleeping. For some odd reason, Rachel called me almost at 4 in the morning looking for her brother. I gather Christian stuff from his house than brought it here to my house while I get my stuff I need for the day and put it In Brice room while I sleep with him. When Brice's alarm clock went off I thought I was in the middle of a war with my brother. I spent some time and the nurse's office to recollect myself.

After the princess was done taking note and writing her entry, She rewrote her notes in a simpler way. So when it's time to tutor kids in a couple of months in got notes down for them for grade 5th-10th. I did the same during the rest of my classes up to lunch. Hey, Chloe Are you alright, both Brice and Christian asked her. Hey, boys and Neveah what do you think of the school's choir I asked. Well, the School has the best Choir but one of the main singers in was in 8th grade and now she's in high school so we need another person to join, why you ask, Neveah had answered the question first. I'm thinking to sign up for it, I said. I quickly ate my lunch then started flipping around the rooftop, I checked my watch and said that I going to pack my stuff up and go by the nurse and take my medicine so I have an early start leaving school early. Neveah followed the Princess, Hey Chloe is there something going one between you, your twin brother, and Chris Neveah asked. Well, the night you video call me, you know that Christian was there at my house and that later on, I was like half asleep and I pull him in bed with me and At almost 3 am I woke up hugging Christian while in bed and I got uncomfortable so I went and slept in my brother's room. Also, my brother is quite protected from me, I said. Oh, I get it, It's because you were in a position with him and Brice, I mean Prince Brice is very protected over you, Neveah said. We stop by the nurse to get my medicine and I saw a girl named Cameron and she had a huge cut on her hand and without hesitation, I grab her hand put it up to my hair, and start healing it. While I heal her my hair glowed to gold and she was so focused on my hair she didn't notice my hair head her until I asked her how it feels. Your hair is so soft, Cameron said. How does your HAND feel? I asked. It feels great like nothing happened. They walked out to the princess locker while Neveah was still shocked about the healing with the hair thing. Neveah, why don't you come with us my brother also wants to meet you, I said. Umm, I need to ask my dad- I already called him on my own time so now would you come, I said interrupting her. Neveah walked away to get her stuff together then walked back to her while she's carrying both Brice and Chris bag. Why are you taking there's with you? Neveah ask. I'm taking them because of look at the time it's almost passed 1 pm and we are leaving now, I said. We went to the front foyer and waited till we get checked out by Emma. When all of us got in the car, I had teleported it to the castle. Before the guards were able to check the car, they notice the wheels and the Princess stick her had out the car window. They quickly let them past. After walking in Neveah was the only one who was astonished by the castle. They walked into the throne room.

Everyone bowed to the Princes then the Princess walked up to them then said they would like trade Lord Christian for Prince Zachary place. The Oldest Prince stand up then said, Prince Zachary, you may come out. Prince Zachary came out behind the curtains and stand in front of Prince Frederick. Prince Edward used one of his powers to remove unnatural energies and natural energies put it in someone or something. Prince Edward was able to get all of Princess Chloe energy out of his powers out of Prince Zach then gave it back to her. Hey how come you didn't put it in me, Christian asked. It's because of that my younger sister abilities work when she gives some away, the ability that splits in half to give the other person chooses what ability is suited best for him, so my sister doesn't make the decision what power you have but if I put this in you I'm making the decision for your body going to chose and I don't want that, Edward said. Chloe, kiss him, Prince Fredrick demands. I kissed him on the and only levitated a little. The Princess took off her antennas sit on her throne then she started to meditate to find what powers has she giving Lord Christian.

You there! is your name Nevada, Prince Frederick ask. No my Prince, I think you mean to ask was My Naveah, Neveah said while trembling. I heard that you are the friend that my little sister had so far, I'm a little disappointed I thought she would have more friends, Frederick said. Older brother, you know that it takes time for her to warm up with people that haven't shown any common interest she likes, Edward said. Hey Chris, may you get one of the guards for me, Frederick asked while Edward was taking Chloe's phone at her purse. The guard came in and Edward hands him the princess phone to take a picture. Ok everyone let's take pictures but let me get another throne and our crowns and tiaras. After a minute or to later when Edward set everything up for the pictures, Prince Nicholas the 1st prince of Tockoru, came in the room then asked are you finished yet. Almost if you join the picture and good you already got both of you and your brother crown with you, Edward said in excitement while he runs back to get and throne. After the Prince's sat down in their seats then Chris stands behind the princess while trying to hold her hand, while Neveah just stands behind Prince Frederick. Ok, pictures done, said Edward. You sure love your pictures, said both the brothers of Tockoru and Princes Frederick. Prince Edward grabs his younger sister's phone then started to change the lighting of it then sent it to himself than decides to post it. Before he posted he had Neveah to do the hashtags and tagging everyone in the post. Princess Chloe finally stops meditating. I told my brother that I don't usually have to mediate, looking for answers when she went through this with Zach, then I said that Chris took half of her telekinesis, fire powers, speed, and water powers. Wow, that's a lot, Edward said.

Hey, Neveah why do you have my phone, I asked. Here look, we took a group photo together, and I quoted the post:

I was able to convince my kingdom and Zachary was able to convince him to stop the force courting by allowing me to date my best friend who is a Duke.

Wow, I like that, I said to Neveah. Aww thanks, princess. Hey call me Chloe and do you want to come over to my house. I asked. Yes, I would love to but let me asked my dad.

Oh talking about your home, Chloe, Prince Nicholas, and I decide to have Prince Zach live with you while Prince Brice lives within the Tockoru castle grounds. Also since we're not making his private tutors come with him you would have to order one or tutor him yourself, Prince Frederick said. Oh God, I'm so happy I put that lock on my bedroom door.

Hey guys, my dad said yes and that he can stay passed dark or even sleep sense it Friday also Chloe you're going to help me with my classwork and you should know that I'm in all of your classes except for science.

I said I would of post this yesterday but I haven't gotten enough sleep so when I took a nap it lasted till the very next day.

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