
Forbidden library 1

Author's Pov

After she explained more about familiar to the twins, she went back to her dorm to rest a little bit before she goes for dinner. Getting to her room, she went straight to the bathroom to take a shower, afterwards, she picked up a black sweatpants and a baggy top to wear, she wanted something she would feel comfortable in and not anything tight. Since she entered the room she hasn't seen any sign of onyx or sensed him, doesn't he know the council would soon get here. sighing she said to herself.

Aurora's Pov

Lilith and I laid on our bed talking about random things while waiting for time to clock 8.

"So where's onyx?" She asked sitting up straight from her bed.

"Dunno". I replied her. I was feeling really sleepy, my eyes are getting droopy and I'm suddenly having a rethink about going to dinner today.

"It's time, let's go". Lilith said standing up from her bed throwing her hair in a messy bun.