
Chapter 13

Nina's and Selena's apartment

The abrupt ringing of a cell phone sounded in the living room.

Selena who was busy watching a K-drama turned to check if it was her phone ringing. When she realised it was not hers but Nina's, she raised her voice towards the kitchen and called out,

"Nina, you have a call!"

Nina shouted from the kitchen asking who it was.

Selena went to pick up the phone but paused when she saw the caller ID.

Realising there was no response after a while, Nina walked out from the kitchen and looked towards Selena who was behaving weirdly curiously.

Selena looked worriedly and cautiously answered as she handed over the phone her,

"It...is Sophie" she noticed how Nina's hand paused for a second after hearing the name before taking the phone from her.

Before Nina could answer the call, it ended but she didn't have to wait long as Sophie called soon after.

She answered the call and cautiously placed it beside her ear.

"Nina!" Sophie's excited voice sounded from the other side. "I missed you so much!"

Nina unconsciously smiled when she felt her excitement. Although she was a year younger than Sophie, she sometimes felt like she was the older one as the other woman always behaved like a child sometimes.

"How are you, Sophie? How is K City?

"I am no longer in K City, I am back in Nova. I just came back today which is also why I am inviting you to come over. I want to introduce my fiancé to you!" It was obvious from her tone that she really adored and treated Nina like a real sister.

Nina suffered from consecutive shocks, first is that Sophie was back in Nova. Second is that she wanted to invite her over to the Walter' mansion and the third one was that she wanted to introduce her fiancé to her.

She couldn't help thinking if she had not been informed that she and her brother had broken up so she decided to tell her now.

"Sophie, me and your brother..." Her words got cut off by Sophie.

"Yes, my brother too. He is also..." Sophie paused for a while and no longer continued what she originally planned to say." Anyway, you must come. I am waiting for you"

Although Nina was curious about what she wanted to say initially, she decided not to care about it anymore. She also felt helpless at Sophie's excitement. She could never bear to reject the woman as she was one of the few people in the world who made her heart feel warm.

She agreed in the end even though she didn't plan to in the beginning.

Sophie hanged up feeling very satisfied.

Selena had heard everything since the call was on speaker and looked worriedly at Nina, she asked curiously,

"Do you really plan to go?"

"I don't have a choice, do I?"

Selena couldn't help thinking in her heart, 'It isn't that you don't have a choice, you just harbour your own selfish motives for going'

She sighed helplessly at her foolish friend but as a good friend, she suggested she should go with her as emotional support.

Nina was happy to accept as she was actually feeling nervous.

* * * * *

Mrs Walters removed the ear she placed on Sophie's cell phone and sighed in relief after the call with Nina ended. If not for her timely interruption, she was afraid that her insensitive daughter might have blurted out something she was not supposed to say and ruined her plan.

Sophie looked curiously at her mother and asked innocently,

"Mom, Why did you not want me to tell Nina that brother was also going to be here?"

"Silly girl, it is so that we can give her a nice surprise!". 'More like a shock' she thought evilly to herself.

"Alrighty! Mom, let's go downstairs. Brian is waiting for me. I do not even understand why you pulled me upstairs just to make a call. It's not like there is a secret" Sophie murmured incontentedly as she made her way downstairs.

Mrs Walters thought shrewdly to herself as she laughed in her heart, 'Of course I will pull you upstairs as I don't want my future son-in-law see me trick my own daughter!"

Sophie turned back timely to see a wicked look on her mom's face. She looked startled as she asked weirdly,

"Mom, what evil plan are you brewing in your mind? Do you even know you look like an evil old witch right now?"

Mrs Walters cleared her throat uncomfortably and knocked Sophie's head.

"This is why I usually said you are insensitive, who tells their own mother that she looks like an evil old witch.

"Mooom! I am just saying my true thoughts out loud! Who told you to have such a wicked look in your face."

Mrs Walters sighed helplessly as she looked at her daughter thinking,

'Forget it. I am already used to it anyway.'

She cheered up when she remembered that Nina was coming.

'Hmph! I will tolerate you this time since you helped me solve a massive problem!' She thought arrogantly as she made her way downstairs.