
The superhero was startled

Jantis wandered into Gotham and was picked up by a red hood one late night. From then on, the amnesiac little ninja had a home. But why would Gotham have things that shouldn't exist in reality?! From the appearance of supernatural horrors like Sadako, Hanako, and Kayako in reality, did Jantis really encounter ghosts today? Not only that, she was also startled. Even the superheroes who had never thought they could see ghosts: ...were truly seeing ghosts now. Facing Jantis, they just wanted to say: Shut your ears! Don't listen to (horror stories)! Shut your eyes! Don't watch (horror movies)! Shut your mind! Don't think! In Gotham, where highly intelligent villains abound, suddenly appearing ghosts aggressively occupied the darkness. Gotham might become a playground for ghosts. No one knew what they wanted to do, and even if they were killed, they would still come back. Until the superheroes discovered that these ghosts existed because of the girl's fear, then let her overcome her fear—come on, become a firm materialist! Jantis was very strong, but she was still afraid of ghosts. But screaming in fear wouldn't drive them away—so physical exorcism was a good solution. What to do when ghosts are always frightening? Beat them up first, then talk.

liuxiaoqzl · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Nothing is Impossible

Roy was eventually let in because he brought some good stuff with him.

Jason simply let Jantees play with them herself, while Roy, rubbing his chin, watched the expressionless white-haired little girl. His mouth made clicking sounds, earning him a kick to the waist from Jason.

Roy shrugged indifferently, rubbing his waist, then leaned closer to Jason, whispering as if sharing some strange secret, "So, you had me make those weapons for this little one? She doesn't even look like you. What's the deal between you two?"

"None of your business," Jason retorted gruffly.

Roy slung his arm around Jason's shoulder, adopting a friendly tone, "Come on, tell me. I won't spill."

"I found her," Jantees spoke softly, standing behind the sofa between the two, breaking the silence with her words.

Roy jumped in surprise at being caught talking behind someone's back. He immediately put some distance between himself and Jason, who along with Jantees, gave him a strange look, as if questioning his intelligence.

He felt embarrassed under the little girl's gaze for a few seconds, then quickly forgot what he'd done. Instead, he focused on her words, "Jay never told me about you. If I hadn't come this time, he probably wouldn't have mentioned you at all. Little girl, tell me about yourself!"

"Don't be so nosy," Jason rubbed his forehead, but seeing that Jantees didn't seem threatened by him and had even brought many good things, he didn't remain on guard.

Jason walked into the kitchen; dinner wasn't ready yet.

From Jason's attitude, Jantees understood that this guy named Roy Harper was his friend, someone who could come to Jason's safe house, so she trusted him.

"Hey girl, what's your name? Where are you from? And what do you mean by 'found by Jay'?" Roy stared at the girl's expressionless face, finding her Asian features delicate but a bit gaunt.

Not long ago, Jason had asked him to help make a batch of small items, things suitable for children, like darts and daggers, as well as a waist pack to carry them, and even a protective outfit for moving around in the night.

Given the price, it was no less than what Jason spent on himself. Roy was genuinely curious, but despite his inquiries, Jason never answered his curious questions.

Roy had initially guessed that Jason had found a little kid or perhaps an apprentice, but in this world, he didn't think Jason would burden himself with an additional child. Children were fragile, involving them in their affairs was a sin.

Jantees held a double-bladed dagger in her hand, deftly spinning it around. Her tone remained unchanged, "Jason gave me my name. I'm called Jantees. I don't know where I'm from. 'Found by Jay' is just that, literally found."

Watching her agile hands and the sharp, custom-made dagger, which would be a dangerous weapon in the hands of a child, but seemed like a toy in hers, Roy exclaimed, "Wow, I now see how kind he is!"

Jantees squinted, "He always has been. He's the best."

Roy felt that Jason hadn't found a little kid, but rather a little fangirl. Just look at the way she defends him.

"Yeah, you're right. He's definitely the best Jason!" he laughed.

In the kitchen, Jason ignored Roy, calling Jantees over, "Come eat."

Roy very consciously sat at the table, waiting for his share of food. But Jason only served a portion to the girl before going back to the kitchen for his own.

Seated calmly, Jason completely ignored Roy, raising an eyebrow, "Do you have no hands or feet that you need my help? Go get your own from the kitchen."

Seeing that he had his own portion, Roy felt entitled and made himself at home, treating the place like his own territory. "Oh, Jay, your cooking is still so good."

Jantees didn't disturb Jason and his friend's conversation or antics in the kitchen. After finishing her meal and putting away the tableware in the kitchen, she quietly and unobtrusively returned to her room, leaving Roy and Jason chatting in the kitchen.

Roy knew he was saying things unsuitable for a child to hear, so he peeked out of the kitchen to see where the little girl was. Not finding her in the living room, he lowered his voice and asked Jason, "Jay, are you serious? Are you really raising a little girl?"

Jason knew what Roy was likely to say and didn't react strongly. He nodded calmly, "Yes, I am. I've made my decision."

"You even had me prepare those weapons for her. Are you planning to groom her as an assistant too?" Roy couldn't believe that Jason was following Batman's footsteps, grooming an underage assistant. Wasn't he always against involving minors in such matters?

But now, seeing the girl, Roy was truly convinced. Jason was indeed raising a little girl, not in some other house, but in his own safe house, and it seemed like he had long-term plans for her.

Jason sighed, "I'm not grooming her for anything. Someone was probably already training her before I found her. I can't just leave her be. I won't involve her in what I do."

That was just an excuse. Jason knew that he couldn't just leave her alone after seeing her.

Frowning, Roy looked at him, "Oh, Jay, you seem to really like that little girl. If you're not grooming her as an assistant, why did you have me make those things for her?"

"To let her protect herself. She's quite skilled," Jason said. "I still haven't found out about her original organization."

Roy furrowed his brow, then suddenly relaxed it, patting Jason's shoulder, "Don't worry so much, Jay. That little girl seems really smart! You didn't see her playing with those flower knives earlier. Super cool!"

Jason smiled, "Her abilities will impress you too. Don't always treat her like she knows nothing."

"I'm leaving for a while. Take care of her while I'm gone," Jason said.

Roy: "What! I only had dinner with you! And now you want me to take care of a kid?"

"She's not a troublemaker. She's easy to take care of," Jason said. "Take her to school in the morning, pick her up in the evening, and take her out to play when she doesn't have class."

Roy looked reluctant.

Ignoring Roy's reaction, Jason continued, "If she's scared at night, read her bedtime stories to help her sleep."

Roy's face was shocked. "You can still read bedtime stories?"

Who would have thought that this tough guy who handles guns at night would have to read bedtime stories to the kid he's raising?

Jason gritted his teeth. "Anyone with a mouth can do it."

Roy shut his mouth. "Anything else?"

He still compromised. If Jason hadn't been leaving for a while, he wouldn't have entrusted this to him. As a good friend and partner, what else could he do? He could only agree.

Jason thought for a moment. "No, that's all. She's very well-behaved."

Roy looked skeptical. Hadn't he seen kids of this age with considerable abilities before?

Jason shrugged indifferently, knowing that Roy would understand later.

Jantees, who was in her room reading, was called out by Jason. He told her he would be leaving for a while and that Roy would take care of her during that time, allowing the two to bond.

Roy was still somewhat shocked by Jason's gentleness towards the child. He warmly faced the little girl, "Jenny, don't worry, I have experience taking care of children."

Jantees looked up at him, then at Jason, saying, "I'll take care of him."

Ignoring her tangled hair, Roy playfully ruffled her hair, "Kid, I said I'll take care of you. I'm the adult, listen to me."

Jantees just nodded expressionlessly.

Roy looked at Jason, "You take back what you said earlier about her being well-behaved."

Jason shrugged, "She is well-behaved."

Roy didn't believe it and ended up arguing with Jason. Seeing their antics, Jantees closed the door, pretending she didn't see anything.

The next day, Jason left early in the morning. Roy, who was sleeping on the couch, groggily heard Jason saying, "Remember to wake her up later and take her to school. Don't skip any meals, and remember to give her pocket money."

"Okay, okay!" Roy didn't expect Jason to be so nagging about this matter. "I'm definitely a reliable adult. How could I possibly not take care of a little kid?"

Jason: ...

Feeling uneasy, Jason reminded once more, "If you hear any strange noises at night, don't open the windows. Check on her instead."

Roy didn't take it seriously and impatiently urged, "Okay, okay! I know she's more important. I'll take good care of her. When you come back, you'll see a perfectly intact little girl, not a single hair out of place."

Jason suddenly felt more worried.

Roy thought, "Really, he's so worried about this and that. Why didn't he just take her with him? Such a fussing mother hen!"

After Jason left, Roy dozed off on the couch for a while. Then he heard the sound of the bedroom door opening. He turned his head and saw the little girl, still half-asleep, yawning and heading towards the bathroom.

"Good morning—" Jantees, about to call out a familiar name, paused as she looked at the stranger she had only met yesterday on the couch. "Hello."

"Good morning." Listening to the little girl's hoarse voice, Roy thought she was indeed very cute, but he still had doubts about her being well-behaved. He wasn't sure what Jason's definition of well-behaved was.

Roy said, "Jason left not long ago. He'll be back in about a week."

The girl nodded and went into the bathroom. When she came out, she seemed much more awake and returned to her usual expressionless demeanor.

Roy looked at her as she came out of her room a while later, all neat with her backpack on, quietly staring at him.

Roy guessed, "Okay, girl! Let's have breakfast and then I'll take you to school!"

Roy was confident. Taking care of a little girl? How could he, Arsenal, possibly fail at that?