
The Superhero And His Assistant

Jin-hoon is a descendants of superheroes and as such his dream is too become a hero figure like his parents, also known as the Pillars. And finally he comes of age to get his powers. Danger came and he was assigned as his first job. And during that mission he sees a familiar face. And surprising is that, she's the one who proposed to him. And as fate wished she saw his secret and true identity. And as she promised to keep his identity hidden she gave him conditions. And one of them is— 1. Be her boyfriend! This is the story of a young boy climbing up in the hero ranks and his acting girlfriend, keeping their relationship as boyfriend and girlfriend. ------------------- First novel. Still a newbie so there might be some mistakes. Also don't really know how to describe. Still trying to learn by writing. Hope readers highlight my problems. -------------------- Cover created by Canva. Not mine

BFG · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Character Details (Chapter 1-7)

[Note: Since I don't really write my characters in that much detail I assumed that it might be nice if I just describe them like this. And for this late realization I humbly apologize. And also this might be full of spoilers in the future so I'll just divide it with the chapters. Like in which chapter did this character appear]

Part 1:

1. Name: Jin-hoon

Age: 17

Height: 5'5"

Hair Color: Messy Black

Eyes: Black

Accessories: Round Glasses (Only to hide his identity like Superman(Or so he wants to think))

Hobbies: Playing games, Reading books and manhwa

Likes: Living quietly, Doing superhero works, Winning a hard game with MVP

Hates: The annoying side of Jag-eun

2. Name: Jag-eun

Age: 15

Height: 5'

Hair: Long Blond. Likes to keep a ponytail while going out on a date or special occasions and also in sports.

Eyes: Green

Accessories: Rectangle Glasses(Only to study)

Hobbies: Reading books, Travelling, Playing Games

Likes: Annoying Jin-hoon, Gossiping, Eating, Blogging, Talking about hero stuffs(She can only talk with Jin-hoon about since all other friends think it's childish)

Hates: Getting ignored, When someone beats her(In certain points)

3. Name: Park Seok(Jin-hoon's father)

Age: 50

Height: 5'6"

Hair: Black

Eyes: Black

Accessories: Glasses(To study)

Job: Office Worker

Hobbies: Writing stories(A pretty famous book writer)

Likes: Writing articles, Helping people

Hates: Unknown

4. Name: Kim Ye-jun

Age: 47

Height: 4'10"

Hair: Long Black

Eyes: Dark Purple

Accessories: None

Job: Housewife

Hobbies: Uploading videos on the internet about cooking

Likes: Cleaning, Scrolling through social media

Hates: When people give bad reviews without any logical statement, when Jin-hoon and Seok don't listen.

(That's all for Part 1. Part 2 is currently ongoing. I am not that good of a writer so the chapters come short. And that's all to remind.)

N.B. Updates will come when a certain part or a new character appears. Well that also goes for villains.