
78 | Normal Farm Activities


: wOAH did anyone else see that??

: the shiny shiny rings on their fingers? quite hard to miss that harold

: sooooooooo if my assumptions are correct...

: can definitely confirm yes they're engaged and now they're having lunch in lena's office

: niceeeee

: oh that is nice

: honestly when they first started dating three years ago i thought they would have u-hauled by the end of the week

: for i too was once struck by u-haul lesbian syndrome

: was that the girl you got married to and then divorced a week later because you found out she leaves the lights on whenever she leaves a room

: that is absolutely correct yes

: she also left a trail of breadcrumbs wherever she went

: like... literal breadcrumbs??

: actual fucking breadcrumbs, no clue where they came from

: i'm still convinced she had a loaf of bread stuffed in her shirt at all times for what purpose? no clue

: ... getting her carbs fill

: well at least now that i'm dating harold i can't u-haul lesbian with him since he's, y'know, a man

: wait we're dating???

: what the hell is going on

: kathy married a woman and divorced in in the span of a week

: something something gluten-filled bread

: ex-wife has lightning powers... and harold has amnesia

: i... can't even begin to say how incredibly wrong that interpretation of this whole situation is

: sometimes i've found that it's better not to ask questions sometimes

: this is one of those times

: okay so me and kathy are dating which is TOTALLY not news to me

: wasn't it your guys' one month anniversary last week



: yoooo sam you found any new powers yet?

: well if you call me being able to lift the sofa without breaking a sweat, then yeah i think i've found a new power

: what, you couldn't do that before?

: babe i think i would have known if i could lift up a cow with my bare hands

: Sam, did you go to a farm and lift up the cows...

: ... noooooo

: totally not haha why would you ever think that

: because it seems like a 100% thing you'd do

: yes i went to pet the cows in the middle of the night

: hmm sure and not a mysterious hookup then

: Veronica...

: no not that night!

: not that there's ANY mysterious hookups happening

: no siree!!

: nope i just visit the farm from time to time

: that was a completely normal reaction sure thing we believe you


: i do not believe her

: Neither do I, but she's already stressed about her suddenly having superpowers, so maybe we should lay off a little.

: okay yes that's a good point

: one day, sam

: one day


: weirdest case came in at work today

: well not really a case, just a short briefing awareness kind of thing

: apparently there's this person who's been going to the nearby farms and just... petting the cows, lifting them up, and then leaving them unharmed

: seems like a kara thing to do

: they're so cute!! can you blame me?

: but ah no, wasn't me this time

: ... this time???

: the countryside makes a good relaxation spot

: can't fault you for that

: or the cow thing

: still sounds like a kara thing

: you sure it's not her?

: unless kara's been sneaking out at night to lift cows...

: um not that i'm aware of

: Kara hasn't left bed at night at all this month, probably not her.

: yeah i only pet them in the afternoon

: and people think I'M weird

: oh no you're definitely weird, veronica

: thank you

: you're... welcome?


Hope everyone is doing okay after that... finale, because oh boy oh boy that sure was a Time™.

(At least it was a gay old time.)

I really want to finish this fic but that could literally take years so I do thank you guys for sticking with me — I want to at least see Supercorp getting married so hopefully we'll get there eventually lmao.

If you want non-crack supercorp fics, I have an AO3 where I post a bit more frequently than here. I've already got 4 fics out, two of which are season 6 fix-its for certain episodes of that utter mess of a season soooo find me at:


Hope you have a good day!! :)