
08 | L-Corp Ships It


: Jess, can you please place an order of 500 assorted flowers and send them to Kara Danvers' office at CATCO please for tomorrow.

: of course miss luthor

: if you don't mind me asking, what's the occasion?

: Just to thank her for being a wonderful best friend.

: alright miss luthor i shall have those flowers ordered for tomorrow

: anything else?

: 'best friend'

: lol 'best friend'

: we sense gay

: Wait, the engineers are on this chat too?

: well it is called l-corp miss luthor

: kara danvers is the one who always visits us employees in the lab right and brings us all coffee and remembers all of our orders right?

: yes rosie

: oh okay then

: are you guys talking to each other on the same chat on the same phone under the same account?

: yes

: duh

: we need to make a new video about this

: agreed

: let's title it 'oblivious gays'

: Please refrain from doing that.

: they're writing notes already

: ...

: i'll help

: Betrayal, Jess?

: me too

: me three

: i'm helping too

: ...


: guess who i just arrested

: who?

: none other than veronica sinclair

has entered the chat

: wtf why are you here

: it s ver y d iff icult to t yp e w i th han dcuf fs on

: she's like one of the most wanted at the deo

: he y lan e ;)


: o m g lena? hold up lemme br e ak out o f this ho l din g cell

: shit we've lost her

: how did you even break out of the cell? isn't it secured with iron bars?

: bitch i have skills

: how do you know lena?

: oh look it's kara danvers aka supergirl

: ...

: is it really that obvious?

: yes it is

: Me and Veronica went to boarding school together.

: you forgot the fact that i'm your best friend too

: jeez

: And she's my best friend too.

: What were you arrested for now?

: she was arrested for money laundering this time

: excuse me

: did you even see me hang money on washing lines

: no you didn't therefore i'm not a criminal

: that's not what money laundering means...

: you're lucy lane right?

: the younger, bi-er version of lois lane?

: uhhh yes?

: we should go out for drinks some time ;)

: what am i witnessing

: i don't think that's the best idea since i'm the co-director of a secret government organisation who has you on our wanted list

: Veronica, what are you doing at my window?

: open the fucking window dumbass

: well that's a shame lane

: There.

: thank you

: I'm harbouring a fugitive aren't I.

: well not anymore

: i just sent dimples my bail money

: this is laundered isn't it

: ;)