
The Super Brain System In Fairy Tail (Fairy Tail)

Fairy Tail The Super Brain System In Fairy Tail

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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312 Chs

Chapter 300

Chapter 300: Three people walking together, news of the black dragon

Early in the morning, Loya woke up from her sleep and looked at herself as Mavis, who frowned slightly and had a few red stars on his face.


A smile flashed in his eyes.

What happened last night, Loya really did not expect.

But he is not that kind of Liuxia Hui, there is no reason not to eat the meat delivered to the door, anyway, everyone is what I want, isn't it?


It's just that this happened a little bit suddenly.

But Loya didn't think about it too much, everything happened anyway, didn't it?

For a traveler, who doesn't want to be able to do something they like with the beautiful two-dimensional girls in the original book?

Not long after Loya woke up, Mavis next to him woke up.

The two looked at each other in midair, and Mavis' face turned red again.

"How is it, is there something wrong with your body?"

Loya said softly and asked Mavis.

Anyway, this kind of thing happened last night, of course, we still need to be concerned about it.

When Mavis heard Loya's words, he blushed slightly and shook his head.

"There is nothing uncomfortable. The white breath makes people feel like they are soaked in warm water all the time, very comfortable."

Mavis said in a red whisper, which made Loya a little funny.

"Did someone say something to you yesterday?"

Thinking of Mavis's abrupt approach, Loya asked with a bit of a smile.

"No, I…"

Mavis still wanted to hide the past, but facing Loya's deep eyes, there was nothing he could do.

He could only nod his head, coughing and panting.

"It was Queen Irene who told me about it, but it's all I want!"

As if afraid that Loya might misunderstand something, Mavis explained in a hurry.

Seeing Mavis looking so anxious, Loya had a smile in her eyes.

"Don't worry about anything, just take it slow.

Irene "The Queen said, I want you to be able to…

Mavis spoke seriously, listening to her words, Loya also understood Irene's thoughts.

I didn't expect this girl to be so infatuated with herself, she tried her best to make herself stay here as much as possible.

"I'm a little surprised that you can agree."

Mavis blushed, and said with a bit of reverence in his eyes.

"Lord Loya was very kind to me, changed my fate, and was very gentle.

"In my heart, Lord Loya is as great as a god, so I would like to…

These almost confessional words made Mavis blushed as if he had a fever, and even his breathing became a little short.

"I see."

Hearing this confession, the smile in Loya's eyes became even brighter.

"I am very happy to hear this.

Mavis' eyes were full of joy, and his eyes were full of love, just like a girl in love.

After a good time, Loya and Mavis got up.

Today is still the time to practice magic, but Irene came over early.

Looking at Loya and Mavis who no longer behaved like yesterday, Irene's eyes flashed with joy.

Mavis, a simple girl, was so embarrassed when she looked at her that she was almost like an ostrich, burrowing directly into the ground.

"Looks like something good happened last night."

Seeing this, Loya smiled and said to Irene.

"Okay, don't laugh at Mavis, it's not a good idea from you, you're already embarrassed like this without seeing others."

Loya "How can you do this, someone new will forget the old."

Irene pretended to be aggrieved, but judging from the smile in her eyes, it was obviously a deliberate joke.

Loya stretched out her hand and directly put Irene into her arms, hugged them and said with a smile.

"How could I forget you, after all, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have the chance.

Listening to Loya's words, Irene's face also raised a smile and said softly in Loya's arms.

"Then ask Mr. Loya to start today's teaching.

A good day starts with teaching the two of them magic.

Now Mavis, like Irene, started learning dragon slaying magic.

The law of the goblin or something, this is not in a hurry at all.

The most important thing is to improve the level of dragonization of the two while Loya is still there.

As long as it can be quickly transformed into a dragon, then the rest is very simple.

After all, as a dragon, the lifespan is still very long. As long as you can become a dragon, you can have a long time to study other magics.

Furthermore, when they meet again, it will be 400 years later.

Only with the support of Dragon Transformation can Irene and Mavis live to four hundred years later.

So dragon transformation is a must for them.

However, based on the current relationship between the three, this teaching time was extraordinarily joyful.

It's not boring at all, and Mavis is extra serious.

Whether it is practicing dragon slaying magic or using dragon blood to enhance the level of dragon transformation, this girl is extremely serious.

She also heard about Loya's departure from Irene.

I also know that after passing this period of time, I want to see Loya again after 400 years.

As a human being, it is naturally unrealistic to want to live that long.

So because he wanted to see Loya again after 400 years, Mavis worked very hard in his cultivation.

In the previous words, maybe I wanted to change my identity, get a stronger amount, and have a better life.

As for now, her heart is full of wanting to have a long life and to wait for the day when Loya and she meet again.

This is Mavis' greatest wish right now.

Just in this learning atmosphere, several days passed in a row.

In the past few days, there is still no news from Akuno Nokia, but Loya is not in a hurry for the time being.

It's just playing with Irene and Mavis every day, fun things between teachers and students.

Of course, Mavis was a little shy at first, but after having the first time, he was completely let go.

Sometimes, even more open than Irene, Loya really feels that this kind of life is really good under the service of the two.

However, with the progress of the search, it became wider and wider in Dolagunov, and the news finally came after another month. again,