
The Super Brain System In Fairy Tail (Fairy Tail)

Fairy Tail The Super Brain System In Fairy Tail

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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312 Chs

Chapter 274

Chapter 274: Dragon Capture Plan


With the last roar of Kilkonis, the black chain that almost wrapped him into a zongzi began to fade in color, and gradually disappeared into his body.

So far, it means that the life and death of Kilkonis is completely in the hands of Loya, and he can even control it directly.

The future Rogue in the original book, the magic of manipulating dragons, still has some drawbacks.

Like Yanlong, Atlas Flame.

Because of Natsu's identity, he finally turned his back on the battlefield.

But after Loya's manipulation magic optimized by the deduction mode, there is no such drawback at all.

It can be said that from the body to the mind, from top to bottom, as long as the dragon is controlled, even if Kirknis is to die now, the other party will definitely not have any resistance.

It is even more unlikely that the kind of defection in the original book will happen.

"Kneel down.

Loya stood on top of Kilkonis's head, speaking lightly.

With an order, Kilkonis's eyes were full of humiliation, but his body fell to the ground uncontrollably, and lowered his high head towards Loya.

"That's right, although it's bigger, it's still pretty good for everyday use as a means of transportation or as a slave.

Loya patted Kirknis's head with satisfaction, raised his eyes and smiled at Makarov not far away.

"Father, why don't you come and see the new toy I found for the guild?

Looking at the giant dragon that just walked out of the eclipse gate, now in front of Loya, he is as honest as a puppy.

Everyone present was almost stunned, but what made them even more curious was that the giant dragon mentioned the god just now, and it was aimed at Loya.

Could it be that Loya's power is enough to rival the gods?

Thinking of this, the shock in my heart became stronger.

You must know that in this world, gods and other things are not just so-called legends, but there are indeed such existences.

And when it comes to power, the gods are the best in the world, even Zeref, the former ancestor of the dark magician, is now under the curse of the god of life and death Anxel Raml and cannot get rid of it.

One can imagine how powerful the gods are.

Even the dragon race that once ruled the world is nothing but ants in front of the gods.

The reason why it was their turn to rule the world was entirely because the gods in this world had disappeared.

Makarov looked at all the things in front of him. Although Loya had always said to let him rest assured before, the current scene really made him a little unimaginable.

The mighty dragon just knelt down in front of Loya, and he was as obedient as a puppy.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never have believed it.

But now the facts are in front of his eyes, no matter how shocked he is in his heart, he has to believe it.

"Smelly, cough, cough,

Makarov coughed twice. After all, he was his own child. He was fine with what he said at home, but now he still has to give Loya face in front of outsiders.

Loya ", have you really tamed this guy?"

"Of course, this guy is as well-behaved as a dog now, as long as I don't die, it is absolutely impossible to break free from my magic.

Loya stomped as he spoke, and Kilkonis quickly lowered his head, lying on the ground so that Makarov didn't have to raise his head to talk to Loya.

"It's so unbelievable..

Makarov stretched out his hand and gently touched the scales on Kilkonis' body, muttering to himself.

"Don't be too surprised, it's best to prepare yourself mentally and wait for the bleeding."

"Bleeding? What's going on?"

Makarov looked at Loya in confusion, not understanding why he suddenly said that.

"It's nothing, I'm just going to catch hundreds or thousands of giant dragons and use them as slaves of our guild.

"When the members of our guild go out to do quests, they will all go out with the giant dragon. Does it feel good?"

Makarov was stunned, his expression froze on his face, and his eyes fluctuated for a while, apparently falling into contemplation.

"Is what you said true?"

Makarov looked at Loya suspiciously, as if he couldn't believe such a beautiful vision.

"When have I lied to you, and isn't the existence of this guy the best proof?"

Loya patted Kilkonis under him with a smile, Makarov was silent for a while, and finally gritted his teeth, a firm look flashed in his eyes.

"Then it's settled, everyone in the guild will help you to conquer these giant dragons together!

"That's right! Loya, if you can get me a dragon, let alone help, my life is yours!"

Macao said excitedly, his eyes full of excitement.

That's a giant dragon!

The strength of any giant dragon is far stronger than that of ordinary people, and even the existence of the heavenly king is far from being an opponent of the giant dragon.

Only the powerhouse of the 12th Shield level of the Guardian can be compared with the most common giant dragon.

If you have such a powerful mount, don't say that 007 is going to perform any tasks in the future.

Even when you go out, it's too windy, it's simply too desirable!

"That's right! And me!"

Gray is also not to be outdone.

"We also want, Loya, you agreed, one person at the head, if it's really difficult, one team at the head can also be!"

For a time, Loya was instantly surrounded by the entire guild, roaring in his ear.

"I know, I know, since I said this, I will definitely do it.

As for "You can wait with peace of mind, I'll just deal with the giant dragons alone.

With the heart of a fairy, he casts the magic of manipulating giant dragons, and it can be said that he has no pressure at all.

Unlimited supply of magic power, let alone ten thousand dragons, even if it doubled tenfold is only a matter of time.

Just seeing everyone in Fairy Tail cheering so excitedly, everyone in the surrounding guilds looked at Kilkonis, who was crawling on the ground, with an uncontrollable look of envy in their eyes.

That is a giant dragon. If they can, they also want to be able to have it. Thinking about it is an unbelievable thing.

"President, why don't you talk to President Makarov?"