
The Super Brain System In Fairy Tail (Fairy Tail)

Fairy Tail The Super Brain System In Fairy Tail

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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312 Chs

Chapter 238

Chapter 238: Shocked people in the guild

Hearing Future Lucy's mournful cry in his ears, Makarov's expression became kind and kind, and he gently patted Future Lucy's back.

Although some don't know what's going on, but his own child Makarov will never admit wrong, and the mark of Fairy Tail on Lucy in front of him can't be faked at all.

"It's okay, it's okay, just cry if you want, no one will bully you here.

Makarov spoke softly, comforting Lucy in front of him.

Even if he doesn't understand the hidden feelings, his love for his children will never change.

President ""

In the future, Lucy burst into tears, and this feeling of being lost and found is really the most precious thing.

Looking at the "Nine Seven Seven" companions who had fought with the dragon race and finally died in front of him, they once again appeared in front of him alive.

In the future, this feeling in Lucy's heart is really something that no one can understand.

The people around also gathered around at this time.

Fairy Tail is like this. When any member encounters difficulties, they will unite and never give up or give up.

After comforting the future Lucy for a while, she stopped crying in Makarov's arms.

"Lucy, tell me what all this is about.

Makarov spoke gently, like a kind old father.

In the future, Lucy sucked his nose, with some tears on his face, and began to slowly tell what happened to him, his origins, and why he appeared here.

Loya and the others have already heard these words, and naturally they won't feel too much.

But for Makarov and others, this is no less than a blockbuster.

"Wanlong Invasion?!"

"The Eclipse Gate?!"

"From the future?!"

Whenever Lucy said a breaking point in the future, it would cause everyone to exclaim, and when they heard that everyone was finally killed by the Wanlong invasion, the entire hall fell into silence.

Even Makarov had a shocked expression on his face, unable to speak for a long time, obviously digesting the content of all this.

But fortunately, Makarov has a wealth of life experience after all, and he quickly recovered, his eyes passed over Lucy in front of him, and looked at Loya behind him.

"What about this stinky boy? Loya also died together?!"

Makarov said with some doubts, in the entire guild, to say it, Loya is really the most similar to Makarov in every aspect.

Especially in various aspects such as outlook on life and values, Makarov has been cultivating Loya as a future guild successor.

If he really encountered a situation of mortal death, then he believed that Loya would never back down if he died in battle with everyone.

But after going through the previous underground library, Makarov had a clearer understanding of Loya's strength.

They have already stepped into the realm of the legendary gods, even in the face of such a scene that Wanlong attacked, I believe in Loya's strength.

It is absolutely not impossible to escape, and even with his strength, it should not be a problem to escape with everyone in the guild.

To say that everyone died in Huadu, Makarov would never believe it.

Because of this, in front of Loya's current strength, it is almost impossible to achieve.

"This is not…"

Future Lucy shook his head, a look of confusion flashed in his eyes.

"I don't know why, there is no Loya in the world where I live, only the guild's family."

"No Loya?"

This made everyone in the guild a little puzzled. Loya has been in the Fairy Tail for many years.

If the Lucy in front of me really came from the future, then how could he not know Loya?

But not only do not know, even in that world Loya does not exist, which makes it a little difficult to understand.

Is there something wrong with it?

For a time, many guesses appeared in the hearts of everyone.

"Actually, if I think about it, the most reasonable explanation should be a parallel world."

Loya looked at the dazed look on everyone's face at this time, and had to stand up and explain.

As the most knowledgeable person in the entire guild, no one stood up to refute Loya's words, but looked at him with a late face, waiting for his explanation

"The parallel world is also very simple to understand, let's take the simplest example.

After some explanation from Loya, everyone finally understood what the so-called parallel world meant.

It's just that only a few people can figure it out. Hanhan like Natsu is still dumbfounded, grabbing his head and looking incomprehensible.

"So, the Wanlong invasion and the death of everyone are not guaranteed to happen?"

Macao thought about it and came to such a conclusion.

Before Loya could answer, he heard Makarov sneer, but his tone was rather proud.

Loya "This stinky boy, although he is a little unreliable at other times, he is still worthy of trust in terms of strength.

"Hey, old man, I can't pretend that I didn't hear what you said, it's not very reliable at other times..

Loya rolled her eyes, somewhat dissatisfied with Makarov's words.

"Isn't it? Have you done less trouble, you stinky brat..

Makarov remembered what Loya had done, and said with a beard.

However, the bickering between the two instantly dispelled a lot of the dullness and depression of the news 3.3 brought by Lucy in the future.

After all, whoever knew that he and others would die because of such a desperate thing as the Wanlong invasion would not be in a good mood.

But now, since it is known that it is a parallel world, the development will be very different, and Makarov is so confident in Loya's strength.

Everyone's hearts were no longer so worried, and they began to talk and laugh.

"President, does it really matter?"

Lucy in the future is still a little worried.

Although I have seen Loya's magical power, it is only in the field of healing after all, and I still don't know much about the real battle.

Therefore, Lucy still can't be relieved.

"It's okay, Loya's strength, but very strong…