
The Super Brain System In Fairy Tail (Fairy Tail)

Fairy Tail The Super Brain System In Fairy Tail

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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312 Chs

Chapter 212

Chapter 212: Insight into the mystery of the curse, analyze the power of God!

Lisanna's hands, how many magic tools, let alone Loya, even she herself doesn't know.

Right now, even Erza and the others were shocked by the magic tools thrown one by one from Lisanna's hands.

In the past, although they knew that Loya would always like to put magic tools in Lisanna's hands, who didn't have much combat power, but now it seems that they are still a little shocked.

"Lisanna, you

Mirajane, who is a class, looked at this scene speechlessly. After all, Hades is also the existence of the Twelve Shields, and he is still the best among them.

But even so, even with such a powerful expert, Lisanna was able to stalemate with the magic tool in her hand with all her strength.

This is really shocking.

"Don't worry, sister, there are still a lot of magic tools that Brother Loya gave me. Just let go and fight, don't worry about anything!"

Lisanna spoke earnestly, and upon hearing her sister's words, Mirajane and Erza, who were mortal enemies, looked at each other and nodded.

"Since Lisanna said all this, we can't let her down!"

"Get rid of him quickly, let's go help Loya!"

With that said, the two majestic breaths, in the original strong state, went one step further!

Wendy's many blessings, the ultimate eruption of her own blood..

With the blessings of various conditions, even in the face of Hades at the level of twelve shields, there is no fear in the eyes of the two!

But just as the two were preparing for the final blow and ending the battle with Hades, Loya was deeply immersed in the ancient curse of black magic.

Through the eye of insight, Loya can clearly see these so-called curses erupting from Zeref's body, but he is actually no stranger to it.

Because in a sense, the composition of these curses is very similar to the power of the gods born in him because of the magic of destroying gods.

The only difference is in properties and more complexity.

If you put these two points aside, it can be said that there is almost no difference.

"Is this the curse of the god Anxel Raml?

A look of excitement flashed in Loya's eyes, one after another was quickly decomposed by the eye of insight, and turned into understandable knowledge that was mastered by Loya.

But this mastery can only be said to be a mere scratch, and to be more precise, it is a deduction based on one's own understanding of the power of God.

Because the temporary ability is not enough to control this curse, Loya did not say anything about taking risks.

If it was the same as Zeref, it would be a little bad to be tainted by this curse.

But this still can't hide the joy in Loya's heart. The information he originally sent back through the eye of insight has deepened his understanding of the power of God.

"Like this, it's still too slow.

Taking a deep look at Zeref, Loya meditated in her heart.

Parsing begins!

The eye of insight can help Loya see through the essence of things and gain a better understanding.

However, this speed made Loya a little dissatisfied.

At this time, it is natural to use the power of your own system.

Originally, I just wanted to find Zeref for a little experiment to understand the problem of the nature of life and death.

But at the moment, the power of the gods is an unexpected harvest, and Loya will not let it go. He immediately changed his goals and began to analyze the power of gods contained in the curse on Zeref.

Life and death, this question is not a domain that Loya can touch for the time being, at least until he reaches the level of Zeref and Black Dragon, he is not ready to intervene for the time being. (cddd)

After all, the existence of the curse felt from Zeref this time has already made people deeply understand how terrifying this taboo is.

Right now, analyzing the power of God in the curse is naturally the best way.

Compared with the power of demons and giant dragons, the power of God in the body is still too weak.

If you can gain new cognition and understanding through analysis, even if you don't get much progress in size, you will be more handy in manipulating it.

Moreover, the terrifying power generated by the fusion of the power of the dragon and the demon before, can not help but let Loya have a bit of reverie in his heart.

The combination of the power of a simple demon and a giant dragon has such a powerful formidable power. If you add the power of God, then…

Once this idea appeared, it was difficult to disperse in Loya's mind for a long time.

If his conjecture is correct and there is no problem, then it is very likely that another leap in strength is waiting for him.

[Ah! According to the information provided by Zeref·Dragneel, combined with the existing information, we will start the data comparison and make a comparative analysis!"

[The analysis is successful, the curse is the attribute of God, and it has special effects attached to the attack!][There is currently no access to the nature of this magic power, and it is impossible to carry out a deeper analysis. To analyze the information currently available, it needs to consume 65% of the current mental power and 85% of the magic power!)

[Do you choose to study?]

Seeing the result indicated by the system, Loya was not frightened by the consumption indicated, but the joy in his eyes became more intense.

The age of the gods, an age when the rule of the dragon race is even longer.

As the most powerful existence in this world, no one knows why the gods disappeared in this world in the first place, and no one knows where they went.

But one thing is beyond doubt, that is, in the age of gods, all creatures are ants, even if it is a dragon, even if it is a dragon king level powerhouse, it is vulnerable in front of the gods.

As the power mastered by the gods, the name of God Extermination Magic sounds like it is very powerful, and the practical aspect is also really good.

However, compared with the meaning in the name, the gap is obviously still quite big.

The name of the god-destroying magic is just a good sustenance. In fact, it is nonsense to expect to use this level of ability to destroy the gods.

From the prompts given by the system, it can be seen that compared with other magic, even if it is not able to absorb magic power and analyze the nature of magic power, it is not so easy to analyze the power of gods.

Such a huge analysis consumption is really the first time for Loya to encounter it.

But so what?