
The Super Brain System In Fairy Tail (Fairy Tail)

Fairy Tail The Super Brain System In Fairy Tail

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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312 Chs

Chapter 128

Chapter 128: Gas Tree Sea, Wendy little angel!

Gas Tree Sea,

The largest jungle area in southern Ishgar mainland.

The dense woods and the vast land look like a sea of trees, hence the name, but there are few people living here in the interior.

"Wow, it's so big here."

When the curious baby Lisanna entered this area, she was instantly shocked by everything in front of her.

Such a magnificent sight was something she had never seen before, who had been living in a small mountain village.

"Why are we here? Could it be that there are demons hidden here too?"

Looking at the vast sea of trees around, Mirajane also had a curious expression on her face.

From the Northern Territory to the Southern Territory, and across the entire Ishgar continent in a few days, Mirajane couldn't think of any other answer except for the existence of demons.

Loya, who was lying on the bench, shook his head: "This time, it is not to find the devil, but to find the treasure.

"Treasure? What treasure is Brother Loya?"

Hearing the word "treasure", Lisanna climbed up on the reclining chair and jumped on Loya's body to ask.

"It is an ancient city left over from ancient times. After four hundred years, this ancient city has disappeared, but it is certain that this treasure still exists in this sea of trees."

"Since it exists in the sea of trees, is there no one to search it?"913

Mirajane was curious.

Since it can be determined that there are treasures in the sea of trees, it is impossible to find them normally.

The existence of magic can make people have power beyond common sense, not to mention an ancient city, such a huge thing can't be found.

"It wouldn't be a treasure if it was that easy to find."

Loya rubbed Lisanna's soft little cheeks and looked up at Mirajane.

"This ancient city has been sealed by one person. Unless you have special abilities, it is impossible to turn the entire sea of gas trees over."

Hearing this, Mirajane showed a shocked expression and lost her voice:

"One seals a city? How is this possible? What kind of person has such power to seal a city?"

How vast a city is,

If it was a group of people, it would be fine, but the city was sealed with one's own power, and the seal continued for four hundred years, how terrifying the strength must be.

In fact, Loya is still small.

Mirajane would be even more shocked if Loya broke the news that this person still exists.

We're "coming soon (cddd)."

Passing through the sea of trees, Loya's perspective suddenly stopped in one place.

Controlling the hull of the mind force, the magic airship changed direction and moved towards the corner of the sea of trees.

As early as the moment he entered the sea of trees, Loya had diffused his magic perception, covering the entire sea of gas trees.

The direction he was looking at was heading towards the Nerubite tribe,

"what is that?"

Walk to the edge of the magic airship, right in front of the magic airship,

A village suddenly appeared in the dense jungle, a tribe that looked extremely ancient.

"It's an ancient tribe.

The corners of Loya's mouth rose slightly and said:

"And this village went to the Magic Council to register as a Sorcerer's Guild not long ago."

"The Sorcerer's Guild?"

Hearing this, Mirajane, who instantly understood the meaning of Loya's words, said, "You mean that there is a problem with this guild?"

Loya nodded.

"According to my investigation, this village has always existed in the Sea of Gas Trees, and it has existed for longer than the current records. It may be possible to obtain useful information here."

"What's more, a village that has been in a village for a long time suddenly established a guild, isn't it worth it?

"I see." Mirajane realized.

Let's go", let's go down and have a look.

The three of them drove the magic airship quickly towards the bottom.

As the distance got closer, the whole picture of the village was finally brought into view.

As Loya said, this is an unusually ancient village, backed by a steep mountain, surrounded by tent-like houses built with wooden frames.

In front of the village hangs a guild flag.

There was a blue cat-shaped coat of arms on the flag, and the people in the village, men and women dressed in strange clothes, walked inside and showed a trace of panic when the magic airship descended.

The magic airship descended, and Loya jumped down with Lisanna, followed by Mirajane.

As soon as he landed, a shirtless old man with a feathered crown walked out slowly with an old wooden walking stick in his hand.

"The next one is Robin Lu, the president of the Demon Cat's House, and guests from afar, what is your business here?"

"Nothing, just passing by and stopping here to rest, you are kind, we are fairy tail wizards in the regular guild, and there will be no bad people."

Food "We also have preparations, just need a place to stay."

Loya revealed the guild badge on the back of his hand.

Seeing this, Robin Lu's face was obviously relieved, and he turned to his side to invite the three of them to enter, and the three of them were then taken into a separate tent.

Loya "That old man seems a little different."

As soon as he entered the tent, Mirajane said impatiently.

"Did you notice it?"

Loya said with a slight smile.

Mirajane nodded slightly.

"Obviously standing in front of me, I can't feel his existence, and other villagers are the same."

With the improvement of strength, Mirajane's strength has been greatly increased, especially the demon power that is extremely sensitive to life force, and the perception ability has reached an extremely amazing level.

"Yes, there is progress. It seems that the meditation method has not been practiced in vain."

Hearing Mirajane's words, Loya showed a slight smile, and instead of answering, she praised Mirajane first.

However, Loya's praise did not win Mirajane's favor, but instead got a beautiful white eye.

"I'm working hard too, and I've grown up, so I don't need you to coax me."

"Huh? Really grown up? Come and let me check.

Loya's eyes lit up, and she reached out her hand gently,

When it was just halfway stretched, it was directly photographed.

Seriously, "One point, we may not be on the magic airship."

Mirajane said blushing.

It's okay to change it to normal flirting, but now it's on another ground, don't you worry about being discovered?

Unable to succeed, Loya said indifferently:

"Don't worry, this village is a bit weird, but you can rest assured that I'm here, and after so many days, are you still so worried?"

"I'm not worried about safety?" Mirajane said, turning her face to Tsundere.

However, at the moment of turning his head, a small head probing his head at the tent curtain came into view.

"That is..,