
The Sunshine Trilogy

Marc is a retired automotive professional who started writing later in life. The Sunshine Machine is his first novel and part of a trilogy with a prequel and sequel in the works. When Marc is not writing he enjoys playing acoustic guitar, hiking trails in the Adirondacks, reading and spending time with his family. Marc is a graduate of the school of Architecture and Environmental Design from the State University of New York at Buffalo. and resides in Buffalo with his wife, Kathi. Growing up in the household of ABUELA GUADALUPE, a native American woman and a single parent mother, molds FRANCESCA into a young woman of conflicted thoughts about sexuality and self. Her mother, SORPRESA DA RIMINI, a flower child of the sixties, offers little support to her maturation and Abuela Guadalupe provides only mythical native tales of the “The First People” to school her in feminine sexuality and identity. From an early age she discerns that she is different, supported by the fact that she has a mysterious birthmark on her hand. Abuela Guadalupe insists that it is a sign of her wolf spirit, which affirms strength and vision. Others see the birthmark as a curse and bad luck. Francesca’s halcyon teen years are interrupted by the untimely death of her mother, Sorpresa. At her mother’s funeral she meets the patriarch of the Da Rimini family; GUIDO DA RIMINI. She is surprised to learn he is her grandfather and requests that she return to the family; The Da Rimini family her mother was banished from years earlier, because of her illegitimate pregnancy. She accepts the patriarch’s proposal but later pays a heavy price, when she is raped by her cousin; ROBERTO “Robbie” DELGADO. Francesca's troubles are far from over . . .

Marc M. Minnick · Realistic
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60 Chs

Chapter 38: Gabor and Greenbaum

Platform Holly sparkled like Christmas ornaments affixed to a ghost-ship in the Santa Barbara channel. Reflecting images bounced on the placid waters giving the illusion that the oil rig was assail...

She held tight to my arm as we drove along the coastal highway. I glanced at Rachel and rheumy eyes stared back, but all I can think about was Frances. Rehearsing silently what I'm going to tell her when we arrived at my apartment, I settled on the truth.

I have a girlfriend.

When we arrived at the apartment the blond girl and Ali scuttled off to his bedroom. Sounds of laughter were quickly replaced with sounds of intimacy, as Ali seduced his California girl. Mission accomplished!

I placed an album on the turntable and sat on the couch across from where Rachel lounged in a green bean bag. She nervously rummaged through her small bag as I rose and moved to the kitchen. Hoping to make small talk, I attempted to break the uncomfortable silence.