
The suns is so bright

Nachoos12 · Urban
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2 Chs


Dio is goes to school, in class he meets his friends. A new transfer student asked about who was the best at singing? All classes pointed to Dio. Dio was surprised, why would someone ask about that? until they finally chatted.

"Are you Dio?"

"Yes, I'm Dio, you're the new student?"

"Yes, my name is Hanson"

"I already know"

"I'll get straight to the point, you're good at singing right? How about we make a band?" "Sorry, I thought about it first."

"You have a singing competition right now, don't you? What if I and my friends support you in a singing competition, as long as you want to be part of our band"


"Well, that's how it is? Where will you compete after school? Lots of supporters for you.

"the mayor's building at 16.00. I'm waiting for your promise"

"Of course". Actually Dio has been accepted as a trainee in a big company, but now he is participating in an inter-city singing competition.