
The Sunken Sun

When the sun sinks into the sea and everything is shrouded in mist, how can humanity survive in this world of bizarre phenomena? Mysterious mechanical creations and an ancient scroll point to a secret forgotten many years ago.

si_shen · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs


Ethan glanced at his to-do list on his phone. It was still early, with two hours to go before his scheduled visit to inspect a cold storage facility.

First, he thought about checking what other supplies were around. Regarding the hand-cranked generators, he impulsively ordered two on Amazon, along with an assortment of tools and parts. This spending spree had quickly depleted the hard-earned £3000.

Money was still tight, fundamentally, because he felt his own capabilities were lacking. Ethan sighed.

So far, the scroll had shown no further reactions, indicating that perhaps the key lay within its content itself.

Thus, despite his abilities surpassing those of ordinary people, there hadn't been much change; he was merely becoming more accustomed to his enhanced physical strength.

A visit to the old mansion was essential the next day. Those men in black who acquired the pocket watch might possess some terrifying abilities.

Just thinking about the miraculous time-reversing capability of the watch gave him a headache.

"Why didn't you let me take the watch?" Ethan murmured to himself.

No answer came, and the eerie voice in his mind seemed to have disappeared.

"You need to make your own decisions, Ethan." Ethan made a resolution, but recalling the odd voice that hadn't led him astray so far, he hesitated again.

Ethan strolled around the market, casually buying a few inexpensive, well-fitting clothes from several stalls. After checking the time, he left the market to head to the first cold storage facility.

This cold storage wasn't far from here, located at the edge of a residential area next to the market. It was surplus space from a meat shop.

The shop owner, a plump middle-aged man, greeted Ethan with a hearty handshake, enthusiastically describing the facility: "This is a small cold storage we used for temporarily storing fresh meat. But business has been slow lately, and we don't need this space anymore, so we're looking to rent it out."

He then lifted the rolling door and unlocked the interior door with a key.

As the owner described, the cold storage was small, about 9 square meters, clearly cleaned out before Ethan's visit, empty except for two refrigeration units.

Ethan sniffed slightly, detecting a faint odor of meat.

"How much about it?" Ethan asked directly after confirming the cooling system worked, as there wasn't much else to inspect.

"£80 a week, with a three-month minimum rental period," the owner replied.

"I'll think about it and contact you on WhatsApp," Ethan said, feeling the price was steep but unwilling to outright reject the offer.

After all, a three-month commitment was not insignificant, and he needed his funds for other necessities.

After exchanging a few more words, Ethan left.

By this time, the streets were getting busier, but Ethan didn't notice someone had been following him, now whispering something in a corner.

Soon, several more figures subtly blended into the crowd, keeping an eye on Ethan.


Ethan briskly walked to the second cold storage location, which was slightly closer to his home.

The owner, a middle-aged woman, seemed surprised upon seeing him, "Young man, have we met before?"

"Um?" Ethan looked at her, feeling a vague sense of familiarity but unable to place her.

"Just a moment," the woman said, turning back into the shop to search for something.

Ethan took the opportunity to survey the area. This cold storage seemed larger and more professional, but he wondered about the cost.

Its location was closer to his home but more secluded, which was why it was his second option.

The woman soon returned, carrying a handbag.

"Oh? Were you the one robbed during the darkness yesterday?" Ethan recognized the bag.

"Yes, that was you who helped me, wasn't it, young man?" The woman was delighted, "You did a good deed without leaving your name. How long do you need to rent the cold storage for? I can give you a discount."

Ethan was surprised. His random act of kindness had quickly paid off.

"I need it for at least a week to prepare for similar dark incidents as yesterday." Encouraged by the woman's prompt kindness, Ethan shared a bit more.

"Young man, the government says yesterday's darkness was a solar storm. You don't think so?" The woman sensed Ethan's implication and inquired further.

"If I'm not mistaken, there will be another occurrence this afternoon, and it will worsen over time." Ethan, learning from his failed conversation with Mark, chose to hint at the phenomenon without mentioning any doomsday or sinking ceremony.

"Yes, it's good to be prepared if these dark events increase. Why don't you take a look?" The woman opened the heavy door to a large room about 20 square meters, still running the cooling system, making the space chilly.

"Our cold storage is fully equipped, see? We invested in high-quality temperature controls that you can manage via your phone. The entire area is covered by surveillance cameras, recording anyone nearby or entering. We also have an emergency backup power supply. And we've thoroughly disinfected the place before you arrived," the woman explained while showing Ethan around.

"It's nice, but surely expensive, right? This cold storage is a bit too large for my needs." Ethan was indeed impressed but felt the first cold storage's size was more suitable for him.

"How about this? Given your concerns, and frankly, I'm worried too, let's prepare for the worst case." The woman paused, "If we experience that abnormal darkness again this afternoon, we'll offer you a month for free, but we'd also like to store some food here, sharing the space with you. How does that sound?"

"That would be wonderful, thank you for your generosity." Ethan appreciated the woman's gesture, sensing she believed he knew something significant, but free help was too good to refuse.

He was in dire need of funds.

After finalizing some details, Ethan left satisfied.

"And then there's the food and vegetables I ordered yesterday, which should arrive this afternoon." Ethan thought it best to drop off his purchases at home first, then perhaps make a trip to the old mansion later in the evening.

He had to personally check the quality of the delivered goods; a robbery during today's expected solar flicker would be disastrous.

As several police cars rushed by with their sirens blaring, Ethan frowned, "Even during the day, it feels like security is deteriorating. I need to hurry."

He quickly made his way home.

Arriving at his apartment building, something felt off.

It was too quiet; usually, there would be some noise from each household.

Then, as Ethan entered the building, someone whispered into their phone, "He's gone up. All teams, be alert."

Choosing the stairs over the elevator for caution, Ethan reached his floor.

At his apartment door, he discovered it was ajar!

What happened? Did Mark forget to close the door?

Ethan approached quietly, peering through the gap.

"Mr. Ethan, right? please come in," a stranger's voice called from inside.

"What? How does he know I'm here?" Ethan was startled but, after a moment's consideration, pushed the door open and entered.

Ethan pushed open the door, entering cautiously. Inside, he found the atmosphere tense, an unexpected scenario unfolding before him.

Two police officers were seated in the living room, their presence a stark contrast to the usual tranquility of his home. Mark was there too, looking troubled and perplexed, sitting opposite them.

"Ethan, what's going on? These officers…" Mark started, standing up abruptly as Ethan entered.

"Sorry to intrude on your daily life, Mr. Ethan. Here are our search and arrest warrants," one of the officers stood up, maintaining a polite demeanor despite the serious nature of their visit.

"May I know what this is about?" Ethan tried to remain calm, though the situation was clearly serious.

"We suspect your involvement in the theft at the British Library and the illegal sale of prohibited items. You're also accused of spreading rumors and disrupting public order," the officer explained with a disarming smile that didn't reach his eyes.

The sound of sirens echoed from downstairs, indicating that these two were not the only police presence.

"It's Hack's doing, isn't it?" Ethan quickly pieced together the reality of his situation. The second instance of darkness, which had validated his warnings, must have prompted action. The theft of the pocket watch from the library was likely being pinned on him.

"You might want to focus on your own situation for now," the officer responded, avoiding direct answers and proceeding to handcuff Ethan.

Ethan considered his options briefly but chose not to resist. The building was probably surrounded by police by now, and any direct confrontation would ruin his chances of using his home as a base.

"Ethan," Mark stepped forward, seemingly wanting to say more.

"Sorry, Mark. This afternoon, the Royal Mail should deliver a large batch of food and vegetables. Please sign for it and take it to the cold storage at 25 Marsala Road," Ethan hinted, hoping Mark would understand the urgency.

At Downing Street, within a luxurious meeting room, the Home Secretary glared at Chancellor Hack, who remained silent.

"Do you think the Prime Minister won't hold you accountable for yesterday's actions by forcefully intervening and arresting that young man?" the Home Secretary challenged.

"The theft from the British Library is not my responsibility. I wasn't informed beforehand. I'm actually helping you. If that artifact goes missing, do you think it won't be traced back to you?" Hack replied slowly, unbothered.

"You!" The Home Secretary was momentarily at a loss for words. "We never knew the pocket watch had such capabilities…"

"If you wish to retain your position, I suggest you shift the blame onto that young man, just like I have," Hack suggested.

"The Prime Minister is here," announced a secretary, knocking softly on the door, adding a layer of tension to the already charged atmosphere.