
The sunfish trying to get by

When a time of peace came and the world was finally settled down from all the war and all problem had been dealt with Monster started appearing one day and destroying humanity but after a whole month of being millions are kill and city dedtory the last 100 million people all awaken and were able to fight back against the monster here a boy Zhen comes of age and awaken and start his train but he is very unlucky so he must use his intelligence to hopful get by not to uninjured. Author note I will probably publish a chapter at least every once and a while since I have very little free time same goes to my other story

Tigerhiddeningrass · Fantasy
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8 Chs

The departure

As Zhen wakes up he get changed and prepare a letter to all his friends once they get back from the orientation and packs his bags and leave the orphanage and head toward the docks number 7 as he wait he see a lot of unique people while waiting and new people show up every few minutes or so and even the boy and the girl on the day he failed but was nervous while waiting for the boat was come he was think of every possibility that could happen like a special test or this could be a way to get rid of special talent all these thoughts are playing through his head but then here's a boat horn and snap out of his daze and get on.

Ren say "As of right now we our on course to getting to the island shall be a 5 hour ride".

As everyone look and board the boat and wait with each other some talk while other battle they pass the day by having fun or anything that will cure their boredom

As they pass the tough time relatively quick and head on they meet their instructors and lead to their room to put down their thing and then told go into field for announcements