
The sunfish trying to get by

When a time of peace came and the world was finally settled down from all the war and all problem had been dealt with Monster started appearing one day and destroying humanity but after a whole month of being millions are kill and city dedtory the last 100 million people all awaken and were able to fight back against the monster here a boy Zhen comes of age and awaken and start his train but he is very unlucky so he must use his intelligence to hopful get by not to uninjured. Author note I will probably publish a chapter at least every once and a while since I have very little free time same goes to my other story

Tigerhiddeningrass · Fantasy
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8 Chs

I didn't get in

Ren is falt tone says "contest Zhen you have failed but as a reward for all your effort you going to get 3 random skill orbs and 1 rare skill".

Zhen confused and daze ask him self "how the hell did I fail I did so much and worked so hard how can I fail".

Ren say "don't worry kid you have these skills orbs now and also I don't you really failed I think you just need to go see Teacher Hao".

Zhen look up in confusion and follow the man instructions "huh okay I shall go where is Teacher Hao".

Ren replies "down the hall to the 2 door to the left".

As Zhen make his way down to the hall and enter Teacher Hao room and wait he hear another voice a young boy and a young girl.

Teacher Hao "oh Zhen your here already sit and wait I be there in a few moments".

As Zhen is sitting and waiting he wonder why is he here why did one of the teachers asking him to come to his office if he failed the test and he can never help the orphanage.

Zhen in sad disappointed voice say "come on what is it the end of my dream will I be so dead end loser adventurer".

Samantha replies "if your just going to be like that I don't think you have what it take to make the special enrollment".

Ken snap back at Samantha and says "hey Samantha don't be so mean it natural to think if you failed the test so come on go easy on him".

As Zhen here this he immediately get up from his seat and goes straight toward Teacher Hao

Teacher Hao replies "hello there Zhen you failed the test but I have a special offer for you if you go to this special program for Larcan academy this program can help raise our other student strength but this train program must be test by people who are willing to do anything to get stronger so are you willing to take this opportunity".

Zhen say in exticted tone"yes when do I start".

Teacher Hao "in about 3 days time please come to the dock at 3am and makes sure no one follows you and go to dock 7 and wait there for a bit for the boat to the island and you shall have no social contract with anyone on the outside are you still willing to take it".

Zhen replies "yes I will".

Teacher Hao "alright good see you in one year time I hope you survive".

As Zhen leave he was wonder why Teacher Hao said survive instead of passing but he didn't care anymore he just need to get stronger so he leaves.