
The sun sets and I’m gone

A young woman find herself in a new world, alone and half starved to death she struggles to survive and find her purpose. She finds herself in the body a young man who had been abandoned. As he adapts to his new life he saves a mysterious handsome man. But will this man be his salvation or the reason he loses himself? (Btw- cover doesn’t belong to me~)

ilove_friedckake · History
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

(14)New doctor in town?

Before he knew it the day had ended and the woman had fallen asleep. The old woman looked at him and simply thought he was still troubled by the girl's rejection of him. Leaving him be she left the dining room and disappeared to her room.

Alone after Madam Liu left he walked to his room and collapsed on the bed. He thought that all the 'excitement' from before would make him fall asleep quickly but sleep wouldn't come. This wasn't just a one time issue either, for the next month of his doctor training his nights were spent mostly sleepless.

His eyes had bags underneath them and his body which had finally filled out a bit slimed right back down, his appearance was almost like how he looked when he first arrived in this world.Except before his body was just skin and bone, now it was skin and lean muscle. His figure was thin and wirey but he could handle a lot more grunt work.

Madame Liu couldn't doing the things like moving around furniture for patients, she couldn't take care of the falling roof tiles, or move the buckets of clean water from the well. This was all now Qiu Fengs job.

He didn't complain but his deteriorating appearance worried Madam Liu.

"If it's too much work.. we can do it how i used to. I'm a bit worried about you. I mean i can't boss you around when u look like this!"

Looking at the kind elderly's eyes Qiu Feng wanted to try to assure her except the words couldn't leave his mouth. In truth he knew that until he could over come his dark emotions he wouldn't be able to gain any weight. But the depression that hung over him didn't stop him from working. He threw all his time, emotions, and thoughts into medicine. Like a last ditch struggle he studied and practiced with all his might.

And this hard work was finally noticed by the town residents. And with patients leavening and bring news with them about a new doctor more patients stared appearing. Work was hard.

Bandage here! Water over theirs! Grab the clean cloth! The whole place was hectic. With more patients and the slowly growing popularity of the clinic, Madam Liu hired several servants and accepted 3 other apprentices. But the busy work kept Qiu Fengs messy thoughts at bay. Gradually he gained his lost weight back and even some real muscle appeared!

Qiu Feng had always been someone who looked on the positive side and found happiness in small things. Like dappled sunlight, web novels, being outside, a smile from a patient, a clean bed, the list went on and on. He smiled but often it was lackluster and didn't reach his eyes.

His deep change in perspective also changed the way he viewer his new life. He faced the issue head on and no longer tried to ignore it as before. He confronted his emotions and struggled to understand the root of it. He tried his best to pace his new life and face everyday with the same seriousness he did in his previous life.

He worked hard and soon those efforts were rewarded. Madame Liu looked at the apprentice who had changed so much, smiling she handed him his new robes, they were a navy blue color and didn't have a white collar. His pants were white and now his belt and shoes were black. Before his uniform was a pale blue with a white collar. He had a white belt, shoes and pants. but because he was no longer just an apprentice his attire needed to change.

Madame Liu sighed, "When you first entered i couldn't tell how far you'd go with this profession. After all you didn't seem very focused on it. But who knew that after meeting that woman you could change so much."

Qiu Feng smiled a bit awkwardly. Madame Liu heaved another sigh but the emotions in her eyes were happiness and contentment. "Who knew that in a short 5 months you'd be ready to become a true doctor."

Qiu Feng laughed a little hearing that. Although Madame Liu was indeed a doctor she wasn't one who had much experience and wasn't trained as well as the doctors from the city's. So her teachings could only be so much. But Qiu Feng still learned many things from her, and deep into winter the meeting he had been delaying had arrived.

Dressed in a new outfit and cloak he stood at the doors of the clinic and made a formal bow to madam Liu. The other apprentices smiled as they waved goodbye. Thinking of the terrors that this county had gone through as well as what they would go through in the future he felt worry as well as respect.

These people could still smile, work, and find meaning in their lives even when times are bad. Their tenacity made him respect the common people of this world. Lifting a hand to wave good bye he shouted a smile on his face,


A small choir of cheers came for the servants and apprentices by the gate and when he turned and left they watched until his back completely disappeared.

Madame Liu looked at the disappearing figure and thought about the change he had brought her clinic and well as his future. "He will do big things one day, i have a feeling."

She was right, but that's for later. As of now Qiu Feng was going through a tough mental battle. He had arrived at the mountains base. The mountain that he had lived on when he first arrived. He didn't know if the person he had left the note for would even be their. Or if he had even saw the note. If he had left when Qiu Feng never returned, or if he just didn't care at all?

The worries overwhelmed his mind but eventually his bit his lips and stepped forward.

'Qiu Feng all you need to do is leave a note that your safe or something…then you can just leave!'

Giving himself a way out of having to face the man who caused him to feel embarrassed and nervous he slowly made his way up the mountain. He took one of the back trails he had used to walk in the summer. Looking at the difference in the barren surroundings he hoped he wouldn't get lost.

With anticipation and hesitation he gradually approached the large mansion. Staring at the clean yard and lively animals he knew that it was being inhabited. Silently he approached, staring at the smoke coming from the kitchen he eventually ignored it and instead crept into the bedroom where he had first woken up in.

After sliding open the door quietly and ignoring the relief in his heart after thinking about how he could leave and note and make a run for it, he turned to inspect his room. But he was even more startled, the room was well kept and seemed like someone was living their. A pair of shoes, a semi full closet, a wood burning stove, and bed sheets made purposefully for winter.

Everything supported the fact that someone was living in his room. Thinking of the man whom he couldn't quiet face he felt out of place. Was he living in his room now? Is this a form of rejection or..something else?

'Bah! Qiu Feng what are you thinking!'

Slapping both cheeks he shook his head, he couldn't let his thoughts run wild. Turning around he slid open the door and made to step outside.

Only to crash straight into a firm chest.