

I don't care what you say to me or how many times you hit me, I will always protect my friends dattebayo!

Ahhhh its finally happening, I am so excited to be writing this book, after months of preparations I have finally gotten to a place of actually writing this story. The origins of this story started when I was watching One Piece and I kept think how well Naruto would fit into Luffy's crew so well and the different types of relationships would have with the crew. This is a massive project for me and a little bit overwhelming the amount of world building I have to do is insane, trying to combine both the Naruto world and the One piece together will be a job and a half, but I think I can do it. Please all I ask you is to be patient with me, I hope I can bring my vision to life any feedback and ideas from all of you would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for hearing me rant lol, I am super nervous if you can't tell. Enjoy!

frandley_mesidorcreators' thoughts