
The Sun God's Awakening

In a modern, bustling city hiding those with powers, our protagonist, Scion Bright, leads an ordinary life as a college student. However, this mundanity shatters when he suddenly develops an inexplicable connection with the Sun God, Ra. With this newfound bond, Scion gains the power to manipulate solar energy, but another side shows itself as Scion must survive in the hidden world of Mysticism as obstacles arise and mysteries reveal themselves. - Chapter length: 1100-1400 words - Release schedule: 7 chapters per week (Not necessarily daily)

Vacaar · Fantasy
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71 Chs

The Utility Test [2]

Scion, along with a small group of fellow students, waited patiently in line, utility items in hand. The atmosphere was thick with anticipation as they neared the front of the line, where the instructors awaited to evaluate their creations.

The sun was beginning its descent, casting a warm, golden hue over the courtyard. The air buzzed with excitement and anxiety, each student eager to prove their worth in this first test. Scion clutched his electric scooter, its metallic frame gleaming in the fading light. He couldn't help but feel a mix of pride and uncertainty.

Finally, it was their turn to step forward. Scion approached the instructor's station alongside his companions, the tension in the air palpable.

The lead instructor, a stern but fair-looking figure, surveyed the group of students. "Well, let's see what you've come up with," he said, a hint of curiosity in his voice.

Each student, one by one, demonstrated the abilities of their utility items. Eve showcased her frictionless boots, gliding gracefully above the ground with precision. The instructor nodded in approval.

Luke, however, decided to keep his creation hidden. He briefly explained that his item was too heavy to bring out, piquing the instructors' interest.

As the evaluations continued, the instructor's questions probed deeper, asking how each utility item could be effectively utilized in combat. Some students provided thoughtful responses, outlining strategic advantages and potential scenarios.

Scion, on the other hand, found himself drifting in thought as the evaluations continued. His attention was captured by one student in particular, the young man who had harnessed the power of ice. Scion recalled seeing him earlier, crafting intricate structures with a wave of his hand.

The mysterious, yet cold student couldn't resist a pun, and when asked about his creation's combat utility, he replied with a touch of arrogance, "Well, you could say it's ice to meet you," offering a sly smile that hinted at his confidence.

Scion absolutely cringed at this guy, he might've not been the guy he hyped him up to be.

The instructors, despite themselves, were annoyed by the student's terrible humour. "Stop with the crap humour and get on with it".

With an air of theatricality, the student unleashed a frigid tempest. Using the mysterious gloves in his hands, he then dug his claws into the ground and after a few seconds, a slight sound was heard and all of a sudden, spikes of Ice threatened to pierce the instructors. They all dodged the attack with relative ease, presenting their status to the students.

Surprisingly enough, the instructors' initial annoyance towards to boy turned into genuine astonishment, even if he tried to hurt them. They exchanged impressed glances as the ice user showcased his ability, freezing a target in a matter of seconds.

"Remarkable," one of the instructors mused. "I would say this deserves an A rank, wouldn't you?"

The other instructor nodded in agreement. "Indeed, this student has harnessed his mystic talents to create a potent combat tool."

The mysterious student offered a small, satisfied smile, clearly pleased with the outcome. His invention was marked with an A rank, a testament to his skill and creativity.

As the evaluations continued, it was finally Scion's turn to step forward. The instructors exchanged puzzled glances as they looked at his electric scooter, wondering what it was meant to do.

The lead instructor's eyebrows furrowed slightly. "And what exactly is this?" he asked, gesturing to the scooter.

Scion beamed with pride as if his invention was the pinnacle of creativity. "It's an electric scooter," he replied with enthusiasm. "But the special part is that it's powered by my abilities. It can help me move faster in battle and create new combo patterns against enemies."

The instructors exchanged glances, their scepticism evident. The electric scooter seemed unconventional for combat.

"Very well," the lead instructor said, his tone somewhat dubious. "Please proceed with the demonstration."

Scion revved up the scooter, its wheels spinning with a soft hum. With a burst of speed, he glided a few meters and then demonstrated how he could enhance his agility by riding it. It was a mesmerizing display, showcasing Scion's control over his divine energy.

However, just as the instructors seemed impressed, an overload of energy surged through the scooter, causing it to sputter and stop abruptly. Scion was left standing there, a bit flustered as his invention fizzled out.

The instructors exchanged glances, their expressions mixed with surprise and uncertainty. "An interesting concept," the lead instructor said cautiously. "But it seems it needs some refinement."

With slightly lowered expectations, they assigned a C rank to Scion's utility item, acknowledging his divine energy's potential while recognizing that it needed work.

Once the evaluations concluded, the principal stepped forward. The sun had dipped below the horizon, and the courtyard was bathed in the soft glow of lanterns. He announced, "The first test has now concluded. Tomorrow, you will face the second challenge. Please be prepared."

Scion's deflated mood lingered as he glanced around the courtyard, searching for any sign of their absent friend. His curiosity got the better of him, and he finally turned to Eve, an almost hesitant tone in his voice. "Where's Luke? I don't see him around."

Eve hesitated for a moment, her eyes flickering with a hint of tension before she answered, "Well, Luke's utility ended up causing some... unintended damage."

Scion's curiosity piqued even more. "Damage? What did he make?"

Eve offered a faint, knowing smile as she replied, "An electric cannon."

Scion's eyes widened in genuine surprise, the implications of Luke's creation clearly taking him aback. "An electric cannon? Seriously, that guy never ceases to amaze me."

Eve couldn't help but chuckle, her amusement a blend of fondness and exasperation. She knew Luke's tendencies well, his remarkable inventiveness was sometimes marred by a lack of control. With a slight shake of her head, she was about to shift the conversation to her own achievement when Scion had another question, his tone laced with genuine interest. "By the way, what did you get for your utility item?"

Eve's amusement shifted to a sense of quiet pride, her eyes gleaming with satisfaction. "I got an A rank," she replied, her voice carrying a hint of self-assuredness. "It seems my frictionless boots impressed the instructors."

Scion beamed with genuine happiness for his friend, a glint of admiration in his eyes. "That's amazing, Eve. You truly deserved it."

Their conversation transitioned naturally from a lighter exchange to a more profound one. As Eve opened up about her aspirations and the unwavering sense of justice that fueled her determination, Scion's gaze grew more intent. He listened carefully, realizing that beneath Eve's strategic and practical exterior, there was a shared determination to make the world a better place. There was a deeper connection between them than they had initially recognized, and Scion felt a newfound sense of camaraderie.

Luke eventually joined the conversation, and Scion couldn't contain his curiosity any longer. "So, what did you get, Luke?"

With an almost mischievous glint in his eyes, Luke proudly declared, "I got an S rank."

Scion couldn't help but be impressed, although he wasn't entirely surprised. Luke had always possessed an exceptional talent for creating powerful, albeit sometimes uncontrollable, mystic tools.

The friends laughed and shared stories of their experiences during the test. As they headed back to their respective accommodations, they were filled with anticipation for the challenges that the following day would bring, as they continued their journey at the American Mystic Academy.