
The Sun God's Awakening

In a modern, bustling city hiding those with powers, our protagonist, Scion Bright, leads an ordinary life as a college student. However, this mundanity shatters when he suddenly develops an inexplicable connection with the Sun God, Ra. With this newfound bond, Scion gains the power to manipulate solar energy, but another side shows itself as Scion must survive in the hidden world of Mysticism as obstacles arise and mysteries reveal themselves. - Chapter length: 1100-1400 words - Release schedule: 7 chapters per week (Not necessarily daily)

Vacaar · Fantasy
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71 Chs

The Scorch Trials Begin

Instead of a powerful weapon or mystical artefact, he had been granted an electric scooter. It hovered a few inches above the ground, a sleek, futuristic design that contrasted with the ancient, sun-baked landscape.

Scion had the most unsurprising look as if he was done with Ra's jokes, this was starting to get on his nerves. But Scion tried to look at the positive aspect of things.

*An electric scooter? Well, I guess that's something. Maybe it'll help me navigate this scorching desert. But still, couldn't I have something a bit better than a Scooter? Maybe at least a weapon so I can hunt for food.* Scion thought as he reached out and grasped the Scooter's handlebars. It felt solid and real, despite the surreal circumstances. Was he really going to be able to survive in such a harsh environment? 

*Considering there was a system that gave me an electric scooter, I would assume I need to travel quite a long distance.*

"Well, here goes nothing."

Without hesitation, he climbed aboard and revved the scooter to life. The electric engine hummed, and he zoomed forward, leaving a trail of disturbed sand in his wake. The wind that had been his constant companion now whistled past him as he gained speed.

The sound that the Scooter made was quite concerning, it sounded like a combination of someone's nails on a chalkboard and metal constantly clanging against one another. It was quite unpleasant, to say the least.

*I'm about to go through unimaginable pain and you give me a sorry excuse for a Scooter? I thought systems were supposed to help.*

As he rode deeper into the desert, the golden dunes seemed to come alive, undulating like waves frozen in time. The ever-present sun bore down on him with unrelenting intensity, casting long shadows from the dunes that stretched out like fingers reaching for him.

*This is insane, Scion thought as he squinted against the blinding light. I'm riding a crappy electric scooter through an otherworldly desert after being chosen by a god. What's next? A mirage?*

But just as the thought crossed his mind, a mirage shimmered in the distance. Scion approached it cautiously, wondering if it held any clues to his trial. As he drew closer, the mirage solidified into the form of a desert oasis, a tranquil pool of crystal-clear water surrounded by lush palm trees.

*Is this real or another illusion?*

Scion wondered as he parked his scooter and cautiously approached the oasis. He cupped his hands, dipped them into the cool water, and brought it to his lips. The refreshing taste confirmed the oasis's reality.

*This place is surreal.* 

He relaxed by the water, taking in the breathtaking scenery. 

*I'm starting to feel quite fearful, the desert alone is killing me, it's just a void filled with sand, how will I survive the actual trial?* 

Scion was quite pessimistic. To him, these things are unimaginably impossible and it is happening right in front of his eyes. But Scion couldn't just give up.

*This is more than just a physical trial, Scion realized. It's a test of my courage and resolve, a journey into the unknown and one that has an uncertain outcome.* 

After a brief rest, Scion resumed his journey, leaving the oasis behind. The landscape continued to shift around him, from towering dunes to vast, flat expanses of sand, and occasionally, jagged rock formations rising like ancient sentinels. The only constant was the relentless sun, beating down like an unyielding guardian.

*The Sun really is beautiful, too bad that it's trying to burn me alive. Screw you, Sun God.*

Hours passed, and Scion's journey felt endless. His internal dialogue had transformed from questioning his circumstances to finding solace in the stark beauty of the desert. The sheer vastness and unrelenting nature of this world had a way of humbling him, reminding him of his place in the grand scheme of things.

As the sun began its descent toward the horizon, casting long shadows and painting the sky with vibrant hues of orange and purple, Scion knew that he was drawing closer to his destination. The landscape seemed to change once more, as the desert gave way to a massive chasm that cut through the barren land.

The chasm was a gaping maw in the earth, its depths unfathomable and its edges jagged and treacherous. At the centre of the chasm lay a narrow stone bridge, a precarious path leading to the other side.

*This must be it, Scion thought. Ra's trial awaits on the other side. But what awaits me there?*

With a mixture of apprehension and determination, Scion carefully navigated his electric scooter onto the stone bridge. The chasm seemed to stretch into eternity below, and the wind howled through the depths, carrying with it an eerie, haunting sound.

As he crossed the bridge, the world seemed to shift and distort around him. The stone beneath him felt unsteady, as though it might crumble at any moment. The sky above darkened, and the stars emerged, casting an ethereal glow on the chasm's walls. The beauty of this castle was unimaginable, the walls had markings that Scion couldn't understand, luxurious Marble that illuminated the Sun God's divinity and doors so large that they pierced the heavens. It truly is a place worthy of a god.

After what felt like an eternity, Scion reached the other side of the chasm. The landscape changed once again, and he found himself standing before a massive, ornate door. It was adorned with intricate carvings of celestial beings, and its surface shimmered with an otherworldly light.

*This is it.*

His heart was pounding. The entrance to Ra's trial. 

*Life or Death is in my hands once I enter, I'm quite nervous, but I'm Ra's Champion, I shouldn't die to a measly trial, right?*

He dismounted his scooter, took a deep breath, and tried to push the heavy door open. Surprisingly, the door was moving. 

*I'm surprised, I knew I was amazing, but this is a jaw-dropping feat, even for me.* 

Even just a slight creak of the door was producing a mind-blowingly bright light that blinded Scion. But Scion's eyes quickly adapted to the everlasting light. 

He continued to push the door open and although it took every last bit of his strength, he was able to open the divine doors. 

*It's here, right in front of me. It's quite empty for a trial. Maybe I have to walk further.*

Scion took one step inside the castle and the instant he did, a chime echoed across every part of the infinite white room. A sound that Scion had just gotten familiar with.

[Scion Bright, Ra's Champion has stepped into the terrain]


"Is this some VR game or something, maybe it's a friendly challenge suited to be a bit safer. I might not need to be worried after all."

Instantaneously, the doors behind Scion automatically disappear, leaving Scion trapped in the room. Without a second to even think, another chime is heard.

[The Scorch Trial has started, the Sun God wishes for your survival.]

"Or maybe not..."