
The Sun God's Awakening

In a modern, bustling city hiding those with powers, our protagonist, Scion Bright, leads an ordinary life as a college student. However, this mundanity shatters when he suddenly develops an inexplicable connection with the Sun God, Ra. With this newfound bond, Scion gains the power to manipulate solar energy, but another side shows itself as Scion must survive in the hidden world of Mysticism as obstacles arise and mysteries reveal themselves. - Chapter length: 1100-1400 words - Release schedule: 7 chapters per week (Not necessarily daily)

Vacaar · Fantasy
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71 Chs

Hard Times Are What Make Us Strong

The school day had come to an end, and as the virtual arena faded into the recesses of memory, the students of the American Mystic Academy were dismissed. The principal's voice rang out over the loudspeakers, announcing the completion of their tests and the distribution of results scheduled for the following day. These results would determine their ranks, crucial for securing opportunities in various organizations. With the promise of a better future at stake, the students departed, a mix of excitement and apprehension in their hearts.

Scion, however, left his friends, Eve and Luke, without saying a word. He was clearly disturbed by his last fight with Selene, a confrontation that had shaken his very core. His determination surged to new heights, and his thoughts raced with the realization that there was no room for complacency. He had no time for frivolities, no time to question his resolve. If he couldn't save the world, who would?

As he returned home, the voices of his friends calling out to him faded into the distance. Scion's mind was consumed by a maelstrom of thoughts and emotions, his footsteps heavy with the weight of his destiny.

Inside his home, his mother, Emma, awaited him. They had recently mended their relationship after a previous disagreement. Lillia, his toddler sister, greeted him with boundless enthusiasm, her infectious smile brightening the room. The family exchanged words about their respective days, a sense of normalcy prevailing in the face of the extraordinary challenges Scion faced.

Unsure of what to do, Scion turned to his mother, a beacon of wisdom and support. "What would you do," he asked hesitantly, "if there wasn't anything that could be done about the situation?"

His mother, a gentle smile on her face, replied with an air of wisdom, "Hard times are what make us strong, Scion. It's in facing the insurmountable challenges that we discover our true potential. Sometimes, we must fight not because we are guaranteed victory, but because it's the right thing to do."

Her words resonated with Scion, reaffirming his will to become stronger, to confront the challenges that lay ahead. The bond between mother and son grew stronger, and he embraced both Emma and Lillia in a heartfelt hug. "I'm always here for you," he whispered, his voice filled with sincerity.

As the night descended, Scion's exhaustion from the day's test weighed upon him. He thanked his family, seeking solace in their comforting presence. Alone in his room, he sank into his bed, surrendering to a dreamless slumber.

The following day, Scion reunited with his friends, Eve and Luke, who were perplexed by his earlier reticence. They inquired about his absence and why he hadn't talked to them as he had done before.

Scion, with his typical nonchalance, waved away their concerns, claiming he simply felt off that day. Inwardly, his thoughts were consumed by the weight of the world, leaving little room for casual conversation. His determination had become his unwavering companion, guiding his every step.

Gathering in the academy hall, the students assembled to hear the principal's announcement. They were lauded for their hard work, with a promise to reveal their overall ranks. Excitement surged through the crowd, a fervour of anticipation and uncertainty.

As the students rushed to inspect their rankings, audible expressions of joy and disappointment echoed through the hall. While some revelled in their achievements, others faced the harsh reality of lower ranks.

Scion navigated the crowd to find his name listed by the letter of his last name. As he scanned the results, his eyes fell upon his own rank, a B. It wasn't the top-tier rank he hadired to, but it wasn't a defeat either. Resigned to his standing, Scion moved on to share the news with his friends.

Approaching Luke, Scion inquired about his friend's rank. With a sense of pride, Luke declared that he had achieved an S rank, placing him in the top ten students of the entire academy. Scion congratulated him, and Luke, though flattered, brushed it off with humility.

Eve arrived, and Luke, his curiosity piqued, turned to her. She reported that she had secured an A rank but expressed her frustration, believing she could have attained an S rank if it weren't for an encounter with the enigmatic Ice student, Ace.

The mention of Ace piqued Scion's interest, and he asked about the identity of this person. Eve confirmed that it was indeed Ace's friend who had intervened, sparking an amused chuckle from Scion. His sarcastic remark about Eve's indifference to rankings earned him an exasperated look, but he knew there was more to focus on.

With a turn of conversation, Scion asked his friends about the highest-ranked individuals in the academy. Luke revealed that Ace Hawthorne occupied the third rank, Arjun Sharma stood second, and the formidable Selene Adams claimed the coveted first position.

Scion's reaction was far from surprising, having firsthand experience of Selene's power and unorthodox methods. He kept his thoughts to himself, his silent resolve growing stronger with each revelation.

Scion recognized that he needed to seek answers, to understand the origin of his powers, and the connection to the Sun God Ra. He conveyed his intent to Eve and Luke, explaining that he needed to find someone. They agreed to meet him outside the academy entrance, and Scion set out on his mission.

His search led him to the stunning figure of Selene, who stood near a window, her gaze distant. As he approached, he couldn't help but overhear the murmurs of students who were both captivated and attracted to her ethereal beauty. Scion couldn't help but wonder how quickly their admiration would fade if they truly knew her.

Clearing his throat, Scion called out to Selene, gaining her attention. "Selene," he began, his voice firm, "I need to know how you know about my origins, about Sun God Ra."

Selene's lips curled into a beguiling smile as she looked at Scion, her eyes glittering with a strange allure. "Scion," she purred, "you are quite handsome, you know. It's no surprise that I find you fascinating."

Scion's frustration began to surface, making his tone colder. "Enough games. Answer my question," he demanded, his hazel eyes reflecting the burning intensity of his inquiry. 

Selene playfully responded "What if I don't? You're so weak you can't do anything."

"Shut up, didn't I say to ask my question?", the divine aura within Scion surged unchecked, casting an otherworldly radiance around him. It was as though a tempestuous force sought to break free, sending ripples of awe and trepidation through the crowd of students.

From a distance, Eve and Luke observed the spectacle, recognizing the familiar signs of Scion's aura. They knew it was him, and the unfolding scene captivated the attention of everyone present.

Selene's allure seemed to heighten as she responded to Scion's unwavering demand. "You're showing some promise, Scion," she admitted with a seductive tone. Instead of answering his question directly, she produced a script and an amulet, both adorned with cryptic hieroglyphics. With a cryptic message in her eyes, she departed, leaving Scion both puzzled and intrigued, the enigmatic aura surrounding her lingering in his thoughts.

Rejoining his friends, Scion explained that the enigmatic woman was Selene, and they couldn't hide their surprise at his affiliation with such a powerful individual. But Scion, with a deep sense of purpose, knew that this was just the beginning of a journey that would reveal more about Sun God Ra, his powers, and the shadowy forces at play in the American Mystic Academy.

The confrontation only left questions unanswered and the path forward shrouded in mystery.

"The only way to control a freaky masochist girl is to become a monster."

- My Original Quote (Hopefully)

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