
The sun decays and I am forced to initiate the interstellar

Technology + Disaster + Interstellar In 2060, the Sun is about to explode with helium due to an unknown influence. The earth is about to be destroyed, and what will mankind do? It doesn't matter. I'll take care of everything.

Daoist1RuVT3 · Sci-fi
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7 Chs

Chapter 7 Backbone of the country

At the sight of the visitor, the professors in the conference room gasped.

"Isn't he working on controlled fusion in his lab? Can it be said that This undergraduate's proposal really..."

While the professors were whispering in the audience, Planck stood up from his seat with a smile and went to meet the middle-aged man.

'Ha ha ha, Jax, long time no see!

Jax gave Planck a sullen sideways look. "I say, Dean Planck, don't do this with me!

"We're doing experiments in the lab!"

"To hear you say that, we interrupted the experiment and ran out, if you can't give me a satisfactory result, I will not forgive you!"

Planck, who had been with Jax for more than ten years, he knew that his words were joking, and immediately clapped Jax on the shoulder with A smile: "Come on, what experiment are you doing? I tell you, if this plan is true, A country, I am afraid we will go ahead of everyone!"

There was some surprise in Jax's eyes when he heard this.

In his memory, as the dean of the School of Nuclear physics, Planck had never spoken so highly of someone!

Jax said. 'So you say you have a lot of confidence in the undergrad?'

Jiang Yongxing nodded gently, his face slightly solemn: "Not only I, the dean of the school of materials can not grasp this plan."

Jax's face turned pale when he heard these words!

 After all, Planck, doesn't specialize in controlled fusion, so it's still possible to miss it.

Jax's spirits lifted! He nodded gently and said, "In that case, let's start the meeting!"

Planck turned to sweep the room to make sure everyone was there, then reached over and turned on the projector in the conference room.

The next moment, several high-definition photos appeared on a projection screen in the conference room.

"Guys, this is what the undergrad wrote down!"

The only sound left in the large room is the sound of a clock on the wall and the friction of pen tips.

Every professor frowned, carefully checking the various calculations on the projector.

As the head of the nuclear physics laboratory, Jax's eyes were shocked!

'How's it going, Jax? Seeing Jax's look, Planck asked in a low voice, "Is this plan feasible?"

Jax withdrew his gaze with a complicated look and gave Planck an odd look.

"Are you sure... This is the work of an undergrad? "

Planck smiled and nodded. "Of course, the boy is a student in Professor James' class. He was caught in a daze in class."

"Then this kid ran straight to the podium, picked up the whiteboard marker and wrote down this set of plans!"

Seeing Jax's increasingly strange look on his face, Planck was alarmed. 'Don't you believe it? I have the footage!"

Jax opened his mouth, but did not utter a word.

This thing really shook him up!

As the head of the nuclear physics laboratory, the level of understanding of controlled nuclear fusion, if he is called second, I am afraid that no one present dares to call first!

"Planck, do you know... The blackboard writing is more perfect than the plan in our lab!"

"I've identified three holes in our plan against his!"

"It's just a simple look! Do you know what this means? "

When Jax said this, even Planck stood still with a blank look!

Does that mean that this sophomore is even better than Jax? !

Planck swallowed, put his hand gently on his forehead, and muttered, "Wait... I'm a little dizzy."

"You mean... Not only did you find nothing wrong with his plan, but you even pointed out several flaws in ours in comparison?"

Seeing Jax nod, Planck felt an explosion in the back of his head!

He turned red and slapped on the conference table in front of him!

The loud sound attracted the attention of all the professors and researchers present!

'Good! "That's great! "This is our country's luck!"

Planck's lips quivered with excitement!

Controlled nuclear fusion! This is a controlled fusion solution!

If it really succeeds, not only the academic status of mona University, but also the national strength of A country will rise to a higher level in an instant!

Perhaps infected by Planck's high spirits, Jax's face was also full of excitement.

"Dean, I request that this matter be reported to Parliament at once!"

"As for the new material, I request an immediate preparation experiment!"

"If we can really succeed, the rise of our country A is just around the corner!"

Just as the two were excited, an inappropriate sound came!

"'No! I object!"