
The sun decays and I am forced to initiate the interstellar

Technology + Disaster + Interstellar In 2060, the Sun is about to explode with helium due to an unknown influence. The earth is about to be destroyed, and what will mankind do? It doesn't matter. I'll take care of everything.

Daoist1RuVT3 · Sci-fi
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7 Chs

Chapter 5 Checking computations

Hearing this, HaoChu was slightly relieved. It's finally begun.

Dozens of professors took their seats, took out pen and paper and began to check the blackboard written by Hao Chu.

Hao Chu, on the other hand, sat quietly in a chair, waiting for the professors to ask questions.

"Hao Chu, the third line on the left, can you show me how it was deduced?"

A younger professor was the first to speak.

Hao Chu nodded, got up, went to the left half of the blackboard, and found the third line formula.

"It's easy, we just need to make a few simple changes to it..."

With that, Hao Chu picked up a pen and paper to the side, swish two times, and the specific evolution process of the formula will be shown on it.

The doubt in the young professor's eyes vanished. He stood up and bowed gently to Hao Chu. "Thank you."

As time went on, the professors who asked the questions became more senior, and the questions began to hit home.

Hao Chu answers every question perfectly!

"Any more questions?"

Hao Chu picked up the mineral water bottle he had brought before class, drank a sip, moistened his dry throat, and asked.

There was silence in the classroom. Hao Chu looks to the two deans who have the right to speak.

But obviously, the two are still immersed in the process of deduction on the blackboard.

"Hao Chu, go back to your dormitory first. We need to have a good discussion."

Planck realized the seriousness of the problem from the looks of the crowd, and immediately said to Hao Chu, "These days... Don't run around, try to stay in school!"

Hao Chu nodded gently, turned around, opened the door of the classroom and walked out.

After Hao Chu left, the classroom was quiet again.

The professors stared at the blackboard in front of them.

After a long time, Planck slowly exhaled.

"This boy... is unusual!"

An old professor nearby nodded his head in agreement.

"Yes, at least, I can't see any logical holes."

James's pupils shrank slightly and he looked at Planck next to him in surprise.

"Dean, you mean... This plan, is it feasible? "

"Perhaps... It's because I'm too low. After all, I don't specialize in controlled fusion."

All the professors exclaimed.

All the professors exclaimed. James said, "Planck, you're the best nuclear physicist."

The bitterness in Planck's eyes became more apparent, and with a deep sigh, he stood up and walked toward the blackboard.

Standing in front of the projector screen, he reached out and slowly brushed the slightly rough screen and muttered, "This is beyond what we have learned."

"And the molecular formula of this new material... I'm pretty sure it didn't show up anywhere!

"While it's not clear to what extent this material can perform,... It has absolutely amazing resistance to high temperatures and high pressures!"

"I have a hunch that this board writing, this process of deducing new materials, is the best part!"

Hearing this, everyone was moved! Everyone in this place is engaged in scientific research, and naturally knows the concept of scientific research intuition.

In scientific research work, scientific intuition often plays a great role. It's a bit of a mystery, but... That's the truth!

The more top scientists are, the more accurate their scientific intuition is!

Kekule discovered the structure of the benzene ring, Mendeleev discovered the regularity of the periodic table...

These amazing scientific achievements, more or less, are aided by scientific intuition!

In many cases, the scientific intuition of top scientists can often take a shortcut in many complicated roads!

Planck looked solemnly around the circle of professors and said in a deep voice: "I suggest that we call a meeting of the whole faculty immediately!"

"All Materials and nuclear physics professors must come to this meeting!"

After a moment's pause, Planck again added, "Besides, get the professors from the nuclear physics lab to come out and discuss this plan!"

"If it's really possible... Perhaps the day of our nation's rise is now!"