
The Sun and Moon, love between polar opposites.

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ForTune_CoOkie · Urban
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12 Chs

don't want to let go?

I wake up to the annoying noise of my alarm clock. Hitting the top to stop the noise. I reluctantly got out of bed and went down stairs to see my mother eating cereal and drinking a glass of wine.

"Good morning mom." I said patting her shoulder while walking to the cupboards. I grab a bowl, the cereal and the milk. After eating. like every other phone obsessed teenager I look at my phone.

(They did it again yesterday's game Aiko Academy won 123 on 57 with our capitan Cameron Clemont with the winning goal!)

"Mom Aiko won he basket ball game yesterday."

"Oh good for them." She said kissing my forehead and walking away

"Enjoy you're Saturday."

"Thanks mom happy Valentine's day."

"Happy Valentine's day, sweetheart."

A few hours later, She was in the bedroom getting ready for the party. Doing her hair into a fish tail dutch braid. She does her make up and put's on her red dress that shows her back and a little cleavage. Ready to party she grabs a beer to get used to the taste. Around an hour later there was knocking on her door. Lana opens the door to see a little box with a note

(meet me at the cherry blossom park. Cameron)

I walk to the cherry blossom park and saw Cameron under a cherry blossom tree. Cameron had a blindfold on.

"Cameron. Why do you have a blind gold on?" I asked.

"Because I wanted to see you up close first." He awnsered. I removed the blindfold Cameron grabbed my hand and spinned me around.

"Do you like it?" I asked.

"I lobe the dress it make your green eyes pop." He complimented. He spun me around again bitting my lip not wanting this moment to end I said "We should get to the party don't you think."

"Yeah it is my party." He said chuckling.

"Lets go, gorgeous." He flirted. He walked me to his car and we both sat in the back seat. The black window rolled down and an old man said.

"Young master, am I driving you back home?"

"Yes, then leave immediately." He said strictly.

it took about 45 minutes to get there. then the car finally came to a stop. I got out of the car and my jaw dropped.

"This is your house!" I said surprised.

"No it's my great aunt's house my house is bigger."

We walked in and there was people dancing everywhere. The decorations was shaped as hearts and almost everywhere there was someone making out. There was red cups everywhere and people were drinking and dancing.

"Don't mind all this it's just normal party things people do."

"Making out in public?" I said sarcastically.

"Yep. maybe we could try it out." He said winking.

"In your dreams you pervert." I replied.

Cameron brought Lana up the stairs to a party room with all our friends. I went to Isabella and have her a hug.

"Hey girl!" Gabriella yelled drunk.

"Wow what a light weight." I said.

"I know." Isabella added.

"Hey Isabella would you like to get out of here?" Xander asked.

"Yeah sure, Gabriella and Ace come with." they all left. Bobby and James left to, me and Cameron were left alone again.

"Wow how rude." He said jokingly. We both laughed.

"Do you want to dance?" I asked.

"With you. definitely." He answered.

We slow danced to the classical music that was playing in that room.

"You know I'd never expected classical music at a party." I said honestly. Cameron laughed.

"Usually I don't but it's Valentine's day you got to have slow dances." He added.

We were slow dancing looking at each other not breaking off eye contact. He slowly moved his face towards mine and I lifted my head on instinct.

Cameron placed his forehead on mine and we continued dancing. I was confuses for a second I thought he was going to kiss me and I was going to let him. We only met yesterday but it feels like I've known him forever and I don't want to let go of him.