
The Summoner Witch

Myro Aras is just a gamer. In an online game, he was the best player there but while fighting a boss in the game and winning, Myro suddenly felt sleepy and fell asleep. He awakens as a baby in this world filled with unique powers and magic. A place where one's strength decides everything. Myro decided to walk the path of a mage and walked towards the top. Accompanied by the help of a system that gives him cheating by being able to bring Myro's power from the previous game. Look at Myro walking towards the top with the people who believe in him.

Rein_Majerov · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs


After arriving in the hot air balloon. the three witches went to the gathering place of the other witches. Meanwhile Myro walked towards the room where the students were gathered. At this time Myro came to a table which was where this hot air balloon staff was.

Seeing Myro's arrival, the staff said indifferently while handing him a key "This is your room key number 105. You will rest there during this trip".

After taking the key, Myro immediately came to a fairly long street and on the right and left there were doors and each door also had its own number. Myro went to the door that said "105", then unlocked the door with his key and walked in. There is only one bed in the room. Myro put the bag containing the things he was carrying such as clothes on the bed.

Suddenly a voice rang out from the box in the upper corner of this room which seemed to be similar to the speakers on earth before "To all students, it's time for lunch. Come to the dining room and there will be informed of important matters. So you must attend."

Hearing the voice, Myro immediately walked out of his room. When Myro just came out, he also saw many other students who also came out and walked towards the dining room. Previously Myro didn't know where the dining room was, but now he just needed to follow the other students.

Just by looking at their clothes, Myro could guess their identity. Some people were wearing ordinary clothes like the ones Myro was wearing now and there were some people who were also wearing extravagant clothes that were thought to be from noble houses.

After walking for a while, he followed the other students. Myro arrived at the dining room. In the dining room, all the walls are transparent glass. Myro could see the sky above and right now the hot air balloon was flying over the vast trees.

After looking for a while, Myro immediately looked for an empty spot and sat there. There are many dining tables and chairs in the room. While the number of students there are very few. So that currently there are still many empty tables in this dining room.

A few moments later, several waiters came out of the kitchen and handed everyone a sizable bag. When Myro got the bag, he opened its contents and saw that inside the bag was dried meat which was probably enough for a person to eat 5 meals.

Myro looked at the pouch in confusion. Then he looked at the other students to see their response. The other disciples at this time were also filled with confusion. What are they given this dry meat for? Do lunch they only eat dry meat.

The dining room was filled with students' confusion. After all the students got the pouch, a black-robed mage suddenly appeared in the dining room. The dining room which was previously quite noisy because it was filled with students' questions now became silent. All the disciples immediately looked at the black robed man to know why they were only given dry meat.

The black robed man smiled viciously and said "You are all talented magicians from all over the Iron Bear Kingdom this year. As in previous years, we will give you another test before entering the magic academy. What is done is a match element test after that you will face another test, which is a test to find out how well you are in developing your talents".

"Each of you have got a bag of dried meat and also a magic crystal in it. You will be given a badge. Someone has a badge and make sure it is not taken by another student. You will be in the forest within a month. Your task is to must have at least 5 badges to pass and be allowed to enter the magic academy. Then how do you get the badge hahaha.... you can beat monsters or take them from other students. You can attack each other to get other student badges", said the man the black robed man laughed strangely.

"The food you have can only last for a few days. If you want to last for a month, it's better to look for food and drink or you will starve. The monsters in question are monsters in the forest. We magicians have put some badges on the the bodies of these monsters. But you have to be careful, in the first test no one needs to die but for this second test you can be killed either by monsters or hahaha ...", said the black robe wizard with a strange laugh again which frightens the students.

"Well... It's not that it's useless and our goal isn't to get you killed", Suddenly a man with a thin body but sharp eyes appeared beside the black robed man. The thin man wore a white robe and immediately said again "The purpose of this test is not only to find out how well you can develop your talents. This test can also be useful for you to get to know each other and work together as a team. As you can see, you are all from from various cities and villages in the Iron Bear Kingdom. So, you may not know anyone here. Therefore, this test can allow you to work together to overcome difficult problems. Therefore, you can help each other to survive the test. this".

"Bright Light Academy, you still pretend to be good. However, all wizards know how rotten you are," said the black robe wizard.

The thin white robed man just smiled and said "At least we're still better than you wizards from the Dark Academy".

"Enough you two, stop fighting unnecessarily and don't waste any more time", suddenly a voice from a box located in the corner of the room told the witch.

"Alright then, the test begins", said the white robe man.

Then the white-robed man took out a wand that had a light element crystal on it. The black robed man also took out a magic wand that had a darkness element crystal on it. They immediately read some words that Myro didn't understand at all.

Then the white robe mage and the black robe mage immediately raised their wands simultaneously and said loudly "Teleport".

Suddenly, a large magic circle appeared in the dining room. The magic circle was so large that it covered all the students in the dining room. Then all the students disappeared from the dining room.

Myro, again felt the light so bright that he had to close his eyes. After the light slowly disappeared, Myro started to open his eyes and take a look around.

Myro could see various kinds of trees and plants around him. Apparently, Myro was indeed teleported directly to the forest. Myro looked up, but he couldn't see the hot air balloon in the sky. Apparently, Myro wasn't too close to the hot air balloon right now that he couldn't see it or maybe the hot air balloon was made invisible to the magicians.

Myro immediately said "Then it's time to start surviving in the forest".