
The Summoner Mage gets Rich Summoning Mythic Level Demons

After dying, Rue Beydo is reincarnated by a powerful god. Like his old world, Magic exists, though it has a different set of rules than he’s used to. So now that he’s able to succeed as a summoner, Rue uses his new lease on life for one thing: MAKING MONEY!

Geeky_oreo1408 · Fantasy
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7 Chs


The light consumed me entirely.  I wasn't groveling in front of the evil demon anymore. Instead, I was floating in an endless white void.

Suddenly, a giant so wide I could only see its red iris rose from the Abyss. The eye was wide like a star being sucked into a black hole.

"I am the great Demiurge. I am the god of magic and power. I have woven you, my greatest warrior, and yet you have fallen. Remind me, mortal, what is your name?"

I didn't speak. I could only stare into the eyeball that stared back at me. The giant, this so-called Demiurge, had a voice that could rattle mountains and stir tsunamis. I was surprised I didn't get blown away when he spoke!

"I," my voice cracked. "My name is Rue. Rue Beydo."

The giant's pupil dilated. "Ah, it was you. You were to be my strongest mage." Demiurge sighed like wind rushing through a valley. "It appears my foe has thwarted my plans."

Plans? I asked myself.  What plans?

Demiurge replied as if I had spoken aloud. "That is none of your concern. My plans are far outside the bounds of your imagination."

The giant's pupil dropped to the left as he contemplated.

What do gods think about? THere was no way he was contemplating the things that I had in my life.

"Am I dead, Great Demiurge?" I asked. The giant's pupil focused on me. "Please tell me i'm going to heaven"

Demiurge snorted, a deep rumbling that shook the Abyss. "No, I will have to resurrect you. Or perhaps I will reincarnate you in a different time period, outside of my adversary's grasp. No, I think there is a third option. One that will suit your purpose further." 

A beam shot out of Demiurge's eye. Shimmering every color, the beam of light showered me, transporting me somewhere… else.