
The Summoner & Contractor System

Rentaro Eccel, an eighteen-year old orphan, lived a rather ordinary life. Since young, he had decided to live his life by his own ideals, living a life of solitude with his few hobbies of enjoyment, while not harming those around him. As fate would have it, Rentaro finds himself in the wrong place at the wrong time. Caught in a bank robbery, he makes the choice to sacrifice himself to protect a child from suffering the same fate of losing his parents and living a life of sorrow. Opening his eyes, Rentaro finds rebirth after death. He is transported into a world of cultivation with a system that will ensure he never lives days of solitude again, living with the Summoner and Contractor System and his new companions. Special thanks to silentscarlettt who created the cover. Up-To-Date Information/Stats posted on the novel: Grimoire of Twilight Goals: * After we reach 100 power stones, I'll upload 11–14 chapters a week. * I'll do some other goals as well for extra chapters, once we're closer to that. * Doing this kind of milestone system as motivation, seeing how it goes. Seems like an interesting concept. * I'd also appreciate any reviews, good or bad, for the sake of getting an actual rating on the story. Every time the novel gets 3 reviews, I'll upload an extra chapter. (Heavy Emphasis: The whole three reviews = one chapter isn't a continuous addition, just one time per each three, if that makes sense. After 1 chapter is given for 3 reviews, an extra chapter will only be given again upon reaching 6, then 9.). One other thing: This story is linked twice on here, I originally started the story in 2018. However, I didn't have the time to really give it a shot for a long time. So, here it goes now! I hope I can give you all an enjoyable read!

Shotgun9494 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
56 Chs

Chronicles of a Trickster (4)

As of this moment, Icrin had already managed to awaken his bloodline to the third stage, now at the same bloodline stage as his father, Ced. Deeply enthralled with the idea of surpassing the next statue, Icrin had yet to even come to this realization.

And so, he approached the next statue, the wolf statue.

It was of a lone wolf howling into the sky, and behind him a moon. Engraved upon the moon were the figures of six wolves—making up the size of an average pack. It held the caption: 'Wolf's Solitude... Wolf's Pack.'

Icrin moved his palm forward and upon contact, his vision flashed, his sight now converging onto a cold, taiga biome.

There was a constant snowfall, making it difficult for Icrin to survey the surrounding area, and a bitter cold which roused him to draw upon the surrounding energy to keep himself warm.

With no goal in mind, and thanks to the absence of clues, Icrin ventured forward with all of his faith invested into the idea of triggering the 'voice' to present him with an insight, with each exhalation of breath visible amidst the cold.

Eventually, Icrin stumbled upon a naturally formed cavern. At the entrance of the cave was a faint trail of animal prints, recently imprinted into the snow, suggesting life inhabited the cave.

'So, I must be going the right way.' Icrin smiled before stepping into the narrow cave, the light behind him dwindling as he proceeded forward.

His eyes wandered the musty cave walls as he continued in silence, accompanied by the faint pattering sound of water droplets falling from the cave ceiling, and an unnerving paranoia gradually creeping into his mind.

Eventually, Icrin managed upon another chamber, leaning his head to take a peek of what was inside.

"Uhnn!" Icrin stumbled backwards, startled by the sight of two large, overbearing shadows.

While startled, he had not lost his perception, quickly coming to realize the two shadows were projected by the bodies of two large grey wolves. They were huge in comparison to his tiny body, and their grey fur gave them the natural gift of predation within this snowy habitat.

And it was then that he'd realized it was the wrong time to enter as a sense of urgency called for him to leave the cave at once. Despite being unsure of the origin of this urgency, Icrin followed it nonetheless, scurrying out of the cave much faster than he had entered it.

Mere seconds had passed before ear-piercing howls echoed out within the cave, Icrin running for his life while covering his ears.

Rumble! Crack!

The cavern floor and ceiling shook, various cracks splitting all across their surfaces.


Chunks of rock fell from the ceiling, and it felt as if the place would cave-in at any moment, pressuring Icrin to run even faster as light revealed itself at the entrance of the tunnel. And even if the cave remained standing strong, the two wolves inside surely wouldn't spare him!

"Hallelujah!" Icrin shouted in relief as he dove into the light and out of the cave, his body rolling across the ground, accompanied by his harsh, gluttonous gasps for air.


Hearing the rumbling of footsteps, he realized he had yet to be clear from danger. Quickly, he fumbled behind some nearby trees to hide and watch the cave entrance from afar, the howls from within echoing out.


Accompanying the shrill howls was the sound of a body hitting the ground. More specifically, it was the body of one of the two wolves.

A row of teeth marks distinctly traced along its ribs, with dark red blood streaming from each tooth puncture.

The wolf stood up with great difficulty as its looked towards the cave entrance with a pair of resigned golden eyes, while another wolf gradually revealed itself, its blue eyes expressing its victory.

From the surrounding woods, five pairs of burning red eyes flashed, as five more wolves made their appearance. The five circled the injured wolf with burning eyes, a viciousness that Icrin never fathomed to exist.

Of the five, Icrin noted one with ruby eyes who seemed to hold the position of an alpha female. The other four wolves were apparently made up of subordinates and omegas.

In regards to these five wolves, the golden-eyed wolf no longer held the same gaze of resignation as it looked ready to take them up in a life or death battle, especially the ruby eyed wolf, though the blue-eyed wolf quickly intervened with its sharp growl.

Speculating over the situation, realization dawned upon Icrin—there was a fight to become the alpha who would lead the pack. And the outcome was clear as day.

The golden-eyed wolf was the previous alpha male of the pack, and it seemed that the blue-eyed wolf had issued its challenge.

To Icrin's astonishment, the blue-eyed wolf appeared to be a female. Perhaps she was a stray wolf, but her strength was far too much for her to merely be a member of a pack, she desired to lead her own. And ultimately, she triumphed.

As for its earlier resignation, the golden-eyed wolf had accepted its loss—accepting that the blue-eyed wolf would take over the pack. What it couldn't accept however, was the rampant betrayal of the five wolves that he had led.

It was one thing to switch loyalty, but it was another to bear their fangs towards their former pack-leader so decisively. Even the blue-eyed wolf couldn't help but look towards the five inquisitively, as if questioning them for acting out of line.

With one last meeting of glances, the two howled towards one another one last time in a display of recognition before departing on their separate ways, not a single trace of satisfaction on either of their faces. Perhaps the blue-eyed wolf was questioning its own decision on leading this pack, now that they showed their true colors.

It was then that Icrin's mind echoed with an insight, "The wolf statue represents the insight of a loner through the perception of a lone wolf, while also representing the insight of a leader through the perception of a wolf leading a pack."

After a brief pause, it continued, "Two different paths, which path is right for the wolf? The path chosen takes the position of reality for the wolf, while the path left untraveled takes place as an illusion of what its reality could've been."

Icrin mused, 'Two different paths, which is right? Can any path really be considered right or wrong though? After all, no one knows what any path has to offer until they travel through it, no?'

'As for "the path taken becomes reality and the path left untraveled is an illusion of what reality could've been," do I need to make a choice?'

Icrin looked at the wolves' paw prints, noting how the constant snowfall had already started to consume their traces, and realized that he needed to make a decision. A decision to follow either the golden-eyed wolf or the blue-eyed wolf.

The golden-eyed wolf was formerly a leader of a pack, now a lone wolf. He possessed the insight of a lone wolf, but that doesn't mean he lost his insight from when he led a pack. As for the blue-eyed wolf, she had been a loner and just taken over a pack, her insight much different than his.

Icrin felt that following "Golden-Eyes" was naturally the most fitting choice, but even then, such a decision... It left such a bitter taste!

The blue-eyed wolf naturally held an insight of its own, so why should he give up on learning something from her as well. Not to mention, the blue-eyed wolf seemed just as lonely as the golden-eyed wolf, despite becoming the leader of a pack.

Icrin thought back to the serpent statue, of how he became one to control the illusion world. And he wondered, could he do it here too?

There, it was the snake that bit into his wrist, injecting the 'key' which recognized him as the king.

Icrin hurriedly ventured back into the ruined cave, but there was nothing to be found, except for the traces of battle and splattered spots of blood. To his surprise, even the remnants of the collapsed stone chamber held no sort of interest.

Exiting the cave, he opened his mouth and childishly stuck his tongue out to catch the falling snow. Aside from the ticklish feeling of snow connecting with his tongue, nothing out of the ordinary happened. "Maybe instead of snow, it's the wolf's blood? No-No-No! I'm only pushing myself further down the wrong line here!' Icrin shook his head in disappointment.

And by now, the wolves' footprints had vanished. Icrin couldn't help but question if he had made the wrong choice, before quickly shaking his head.

'No! I can't be questioning my decisions like that! My decisions become my reality, it's exactly like the wolf's insight. While the paths to the wolves have been erased by the snow, I just need to forge my own path, something unique! I will find both of the wolves by myself!'

Alongside his revelation, Icrin started off in a certain direction as if controlled by instinct.

'Why? Why do I feel like I need to go this way?' Icrin's facial expression perplexed, reminded of the earlier sense of urgency that told him to exit the cave. This urge felt different, it wasn't like "fate pulling him by a string," but more of a suggestion based on goodwill?

'It's like a sense of instinct that originates from the depths of my soul, but it doesn't feel like it's of my own will... But why all of a sudden? Perhaps it has something to do with Vultisori?' Icrin mused, only to continue in silence, excluding the sound of the piercing wind as it blew across his face.

After traveling for ten or so minutes, Icrin's face glowed. He had arrived at the 'pinpointed' location and saw the figure of the golden-eyed wolf in the distance, 'Maybe there's a spirit or ghost giving me divine guidance? Vultisori's gift would be more probable at that point though.'

The wolf was perched on a small rising hill, looking up to the moon. Its upper and lower jaw parted as it unleashed a howl, one of sorrow and desolation, tugging at Icrin's heartstrings and resounding within his mind and soul.

'A howl so full of emotion, it even affects a person's mental state?' Icrin questioned, before widening his eyes as the wolf once again moved.

No, it didn't move. It was more like... Duplication?

Soon, there were an additional five wolves, as the golden-eyed wolf created his own pack.

'So, this is the path the golden-eyed wolf chose? Having felt abandoned and betrayed by his previous pack, he has decided to venture off alone and create his own pack through an illusion?'

Icrin sighed, 'Leaving him dwell in such sorrow is cruel... Ai, I'll be stupid this one time.' He thought to himself before a fearless grin formed on his face, and he approached the wolf, "Hey, you! You can understand me, right?"

The six wolves turned their heads in unison, almost pushing Icrin to jump in shock.

The real Golden-Eyes couldn't help but smile in interest as he inspected the boy. A different, but welcome, situation than Icrin had expected.

Icrin decided to press on, "Yes or no?"

Golden-Eyes nodded his head lightly in wonder, 'What could this pesky child want?'

He continued, "Are you really going to go down this path?"

The wolf gazed at Icrin in amazement, as if to say, 'A puny kid dares to question me?'

Icrin was only ten, and paired with his innocence, he was the perfect representation of the ignorant knowing no fear, "What's the difference between a pack created from illusions and a pack made up of traitors?"

Golden-Eyes' gaze fluctuated, while Icrin continued, "A pack created from illusions... Isn't that just you being a traitor to yourself?"

Golden-Eyes started, his body trembling as if his entire world was shaken. Of course he knew, in fact, he even knew the five wolves in his pack were vicious to the bone. They'd betray him in a second, even his dear Ruby-Eyes.

But, so what? Should he just abandon them? He had considered such a thought on numerous occasions, but decided to look past it as the Alpha male. He would use his strength to keep them in check, that was the life of a pack leader.

As for trust? His entire life experience had shown him such an idealistic value had no means of existing in the strict hierarchy that was the wild.

Despite considering all this, why did their traitorous actions of baring their fangs at him hurt him so dearly? Perhaps, he was always trying to abide by the illusion of the wild, suppressing the reality of his heart.

"Let's go, I'll help you form your own pack! A real pack! No, why don't you form your own clan instead?" Icrin laughed, the wolf following in confusion.

'Why am I following this weak child,' Golden-Eyes questioned, 'I'm not that bored... Right? And how will he help me form a pack, let alone a clan? Whatever, let's see just what this kid has planned.'

The two ventured off together, Golden-Eyes ignorant of Icrin's plans. What he didn't know was that even Icrin was unaware of what he was doing and where he was going. Just like a puppet on strings, he followed the tugging of the strange marionette called Instinct. At the same time, Icrin couldn't help but ponder, 'What is Instinct? What is Fate? At what point do these two subjects split?'

Before long, the duo found themselves in front of Golden-Eyes' previous pack, with the lonely "Blue-Eyes" in the lead. Aside from Blue-Eyes inquisitive glare, the others held a viciousness in their gazes.

Golden-Eyes glanced towards Icrin, 'Is this boy trying to get me killed? Why would I dare to shop up in front of my old pack, if not for a death wish?! It's not like I'm afraid of death, but, I don't want to die so pointlessly!'

"Don't worry, Golden-Eyes, I'll set this right." Icrin smiled, seemingly in understanding of Golden-Eye's thoughts.

"Blue-Eyes, rather than stick around and lead that pack of fakes, why not create your own clan?"

Blue-Eyes tilted her head, 'Create my own clan? How so—' Her eyes suddenly widened.

Behind Icrin, Golden-Eyes couldn't help but curse, 'What is this boy trying to do! She almost killed me! You're trying to set me up with this crazed woman... On second thought, it's not the worst idea....'

The two wolves seemed to be lost in thought, perhaps daydreaming. And this was the path Icrin decided, one which led to a warm ending.

Suddenly, time seemed to advance, as Icrin found himself in a small village—of wolves. Golden-Eyes and Blue-Eyes made their appearance before him, accompanied by many pups.

All of them gathered, howling in unison as they bid their farewells.

Icrin smiled, as he slowly awakened. The tone of his eyes was even lighter than before, nearly a match for Haz and Tsyun's. Lost in thought, Icrin considered his new insights as he reached the next statue.

"From a Desolate Howl, to a Harmonic Howl. The howls of wolves vary alongside their emotions, and can even turn the hearts of those who listen. And that illusionary technique, Phantom Clones! From Phantom to Tangible, the entire essence of the technique changes."

Absentmindedly, his palm reached towards the fifth statue, the bear statue.