
The Summoner's Quest

The man found himself in an unfamiliar world, filled with powerful creatures and kingdoms driven by greed for wealth. Uncertain about his own life, he discovered that he possessed the ability to summon soldiers. With this power, he resolved to make a difference in this world.

Radiance101 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Urgent News

Alexander looked at the holographic projection of the AI and replied, "Nice to meet you, System Summon." The Inn room was dimly lit, with the only source of light coming from the blue glow of the AI's eyes. He noticed that the sleek metallic body of the AI was intricately designed and feminine, with every detail carefully crafted. As the AI continued to speak, Alexander couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder at the mysterious advanced technology that had been implanted within them. The AI explained that it was designed to assist the Master in their daily tasks, from organizing their schedule to providing information on any topic as well as Summoning Soldiers. Alexander felt a sense of relief knowing that they now had a powerful ally to rely on whenever he needed it.

Alexander approached the AI, marveling at its sleek metallic design and the soft glow emanating from its interface. "Can you tell me more about your capabilities?" he asked.

The AI responded in a calm, robotic voice, "I am equipped with a vast database of knowledge on various subjects, ranging from history to science. I can also assist in organizing your schedule and managing your daily tasks. Additionally, I am capable of summoning soldiers to aid you in battle."

Alexander nodded, impressed by the AI's versatility. "That will certainly come in handy," he said with a sense of relief. He couldn't help but feel grateful for the powerful ally he now had at his disposal.

As he resumed his journey to join an adventure guild, Alexander couldn't help but think about all the possibilities that lay ahead. With the AI by his side, he felt like he could take on anything that came his way.

The next morning...

He walked through the bustling streets within a Noble's city, taking in all the sights and sounds around him. The sun was shining brightly overhead, casting a warm glow over everything. People were going about their daily lives, some rushing to work, others leisurely strolling along the brick streets.

Alexander felt a sense of excitement building within him as he thought about the adventures that awaited him. With the AI's help assistance.

Alexander and his AI companion made their way through the bustling city streets towards the Adventurer's Guild. The sun's warm rays illuminated the colorful storefronts and medieval buildings that surrounded them. The sounds of horse clopping and chattering pedestrians filled the air.

As they walked, Alexander couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation for what was to come. His AI had prepared him well for this moment, and he was ready to embark on his first adventure as a registered adventurer.

The Adventurer's Guild loomed ahead, a grand big 3 floor building with a entrance and ornate decorations. Alexander approached the reception desk inside, where a friendly clerk greeted him.

"Welcome to the Adventurer's Guild," the clerk said with a smile. "Are you here to register as an adventurer?"

"Yes, we are," Alexander replied, his excitement palpable.

The clerk handed him a stack of forms to fill out, and Alexander eagerly began filling them out with his AI's guidance due to their language writing was quite different from his native language.

After a few minutes, he handed the completed forms back to the clerk, who processed them quickly.

"Congratulations, Alexander," the clerk said, handing him a shiny new adventurer's badge. "You're now an official member of the Adventurer's Guild, F Rank."

"Wow, thank you so much!" Alexander exclaimed, beaming with pride as he accepted the adventurer's badge from the clerk. The badge was shiny and new, with the emblem of the Adventurer's Guild etched onto it and on it was the single letter F in the center of it.

The clerk began to explain the ins and outs of the guild, detailing the different ranks and the rules that came with each one. Alexander listened intently, eager to learn as much as he could. The clerk was friendly and accommodating, answering all of Alexander's questions with a helpful tone.

As the clerk spoke, Alexander couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement. He had always dreamed of becoming an adventurer like the novel stories he read before but still couldn't remember a whole lot from the past for some reason, and now that dream was finally coming true.

With a newfound sense of purpose, Alexander thanked the clerk once again and set off to begin his adventure with gaining experience. He knew that there would be challenges ahead, but he was ready to face them head-on and make a name for himself in the world of adventuring, even so far as to shake kingdoms around him.

Alexander had just settled into his Inn bedroom, suddenly he jolted awake at the mysterious sound of something creaking open slowly. He sat up and saw a humanoid shadowy figure standing at the foot of his bed. "System Summons?" he asked, his voice confused. The figure stepped forward, revealing itself to be the same metallic sleek figure from the inn he was with. "Master, I have urgent news," she said, bowing respectfully. She projected a holographic interface from her hand, displaying a map of the surrounding area. "There have been reports of enemy invasion gathering nearby. We must summon our soldiers and prepare for battle." Alexander nodded, feeling a sense of urgency wash over him. "Do it," he said firmly. The figure bowed again and disappeared, leaving Alexander alone in the dark room with his thoughts. He knew that the coming battle would be difficult, but he was determined to protect the people of this city at all costs, and find out who sent them.