
The Summoner's Harem: Surviving the Eternal Apocalypse

In the world of the Eternal Apocalypse, where the dead walk and the living are few, survival is the only thing that matters. Souta, a young man with a mysterious power to summon androids and a system that allows him to buy anything he needs, has managed to carve out a small community of survivors in an underground shelter. But his community is unlike any other - it's filled with talented women who have all fallen in love with him. Souta never set out to create a harem - it just happened. As he traveled across the wasteland, rescuing survivors and gathering supplies, he met women who were struggling to survive on their own. He offered them shelter and protection, and they fell for his intelligence, kindness, and charisma. But Souta wasn't interested in just collecting wives - he cared deeply for each of the women in his community and was determined to protect them no matter what. The women of Souta's harem were all different, with unique talents and personalities that made them stand out. There was Yuki, a skilled mechanic who kept their androids running smoothly. Kaori was a talented fighter who had saved Souta's life more than once. Maki was a brilliant inventor who had helped create many of the advanced technologies in their shelter. And then there was Ayumi, Souta's first love, who had joined his harem after he rescued her from a group of raiders. As Souta's community grew, so did his harem. More and more women joined them, attracted by the safety and stability that Souta provided. But with each new addition, Souta felt the weight of responsibility on his shoulders. He had to make sure that everyone in his community was safe and happy, and he had to balance the needs and desires of his many wives. But despite the challenges, Souta's harem thrived. They worked together to build a society that was more advanced than anything that had existed before the apocalypse. They created new technologies, grew their own food, and found ways to generate power. And through it all, they remained fiercely loyal to Souta, willing to do anything to protect him and their community. Souta's harem was often misunderstood by outsiders, who saw them as nothing more than a group of women fawning over a man. But those who knew them understood that they were so much more - they were a family, bound together by their love for each other and their determination to survive in a world that had been destroyed. And as they faced new challenges and dangers, Souta and his harem knew that they would stand together, no matter what the future held

KLUX · Sci-fi
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44 Chs


We returned to the hotel room, and I let Maki lie down on the bed. She was unconscious, and I needed to check the loot we had gathered. It would be enough to survive in this world, and I had the system to buy whatever I needed.

As I sorted through the items, Maki suddenly woke up. She was cautious of me, but grateful that I had saved her. "What's your name?" I asked her. "Maki," she replied. "What a nice name," I responded.

"Please don't treat me like a child," she said. "I might look like an elementary schooler, but I'm already in college, you know." I was surprised by her response. "Wow, really? I had no idea!" She pouted, and I couldn't help but laugh. "Haha, sorry, my bad for treating you like a child," I said.

"Apology accepted," she responded.

I summoned a month's worth of supplies, guns, and ammo for her. "This should keep you alive for a while. You should go to the evacuation center that the government established. It should be safe there. Thank you for standing up for me. You were brave. Goodbye," I said as I walked out the door.

But then, Maki shouted, "Wait! Please wait!" I turned around to see her with desperate eyes. "Take me with you," she said.

"I can't do that," I responded. "You know that robot I have? Many people will try to get it, and I will have a dangerous journey. Plus, you need to go to the evacuation center for your own safety."

"I'm Maki!" she exclaimed. "An inventor and engineer! I know advanced mathematics and a lot about advanced technologies. That thing you pulled out earlier isn't just a robot. I know for sure that it was an android. But how can an android listen to a human's commands?"

I looked at her curiously. "But that still doesn't prove your worth to me," I said.

"I can make your android better, and I can create an advanced weapon for you!" she responded. "I am one of the scientists that the government has given a top-secret mission to study androids. I may be young, but I'm already working with the government. My family is famous for its technology. We are the family that made the first rocket that went to space!"

It seemed like she was telling the truth, but I still had my doubts. "I was at the mall after a break when the apocalypse broke out. I didn't even know about the virus," she said, sensing my skepticism.

"I can also cook and clean. So please, please take me with you," she begged.

I could use her intelligence and maturity, and she knew about my android. She would be useful to me. But as I was about to agree, she started to cry. "Waaaaa! Please, I don't want to die!" she sobbed.

I was taken aback by her sudden outburst. "Okay, okay, I will take you. Just stop crying," I said.

"Really?" she asked.

"I promise," I responded, walking over to her and putting the supplies inside my dimensional item box. As I approached her, I patted her head. "I won't leave you, okay?"

"Umn," she mumbled before falling asleep.

"She may be smart, but she's still a child inside," I thought.