
The Summoned Hero

Andrew was just a normal boy with a boring life until he was a summoned hero summoned to stop an unknown threat. What is this threat? Who shall he face in the battle field?

The_Unforgetable · Others
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17 Chs

Demon King

Minerva slowly warms up to me and gradually starts talking more to me. I'll say one thing she definitely loves to boast. It's just a normal day I'm talking to Elaine and I notice Elaine seems a little off or should I say uncomfortable?

"Are you ok Elaine?" I ask worried.

Elaine's face is completely red.

"I-I'm completely fine I swear Andrew!" Elaine says flustered.

"Your heat is rising you should see a doctor I think you have a fever." I say touching her forehead.

Before I can say anything else Minerva jumps in.

"Would you guys like to come to my castle? My dad loves humans and likes to make peace with them." She says smirking.

I loom at her and smile.

"Yeah sure! He's definitely going to help out journey!" I say smiling.

it's not too far of a walk we arrived quickly and Minerva led us to the castle bragging about her royalty.

We're soon in the throne room and I look at the demon king as he stares me dead in the eyes with an intimidating face. He looks like hes in his mid 40s and he has short black hair and a beard. I gulp saying to myself that it'll be alright.

"Well hello young man you're the summoned hero now aren't you?" The Demon king asks politely shocking me.

"U-Uh yeah." I answer unsure.

"You can call me Lord Beru." He says holding out his hand.

"Ah I'm Andrdew!" I say shaking his hand.

"So you've been summoned to defeat a threat is that so?" Lord Beru asks.

"Yes sir!" I answer formally.

"I see how about you have dinner with us in an hour or so?"Lord Beru asks with a smile.

"I'd be honored too Lord Beru." I say bowing.

"Great! You can go explore our kingdom while you wait!" He says excitedly.

My nervousness is gone and I'm soon exploring every inch of the kingdom. I run around excitedly while Elaine and Katerina struggle to keep up.

"Hm this sure is an interesting place." I say.

I look around noticing a weird black figure disappear as soon as I see it. All of a sudden a chill runs down my spine. It's aura was incredible as I find my self shaking. As the time goes by I cant stop thinking about the figure until dinner. I look down at the delicious looking food and start eating away. I haven't eating something this good in my world I want to enjoy every bit of it! I find myself eating away everything that the Demon King had offered. Everyone looks at me like I just spawned a big monster however the Demon King smiles at me looking impressed.

"Who would've known that a human could have such the appetite."Lord Beru says looming at me with big eyes.

"My daughter has never praised someone so much in her life you know? You're definitely special my boy!" The Demon King says laughing.

"F-Father! Please dont embarrass me with the man who saved my life!" Minerva says flustered.

I smile and stand up to leave. I didn't plan on sleeping until I found that weird figure.

"Where are you going so late at night young boy?" A sudden voice calls out.

I turn around fast and see a formal looking man infront of me with short black hair and a purple symbol on his forehead.

"It's late you should go to sleep like your friends. I'm Lord Beru's assistant Sanadu." He says bowing.

"Sorry sir but I would like to investigate a case and fast." I say quickly.

"Alas it's so late outside you should sleep to recharge and investigate tomorrow." Sanadu says smiling.

"Ah alright then." I say defeated.

Sanadu smiles and leads me to my room which is way bigger then any room I've ever had. I smile and immediately jump onto the bed. It's so soft! I smile enjoying all the goodness. I quickly change into some more comfortable clothes and fall asleep abnormally fast.

When I wake up the next morning I do my waste any time and set out looking everywhere for atleast a scratch of evidence. I turn around only to see a glimpse of the shadow again. I'm extremely tired but still get the energy to yell.

"Stop!" I yell but nothing happens.

I stare there for a moment. What? Why'd nothing happen? Is it because of how tired I am? I run after the guy without thinking. I'm fairly certain it didn't work because I was tired alas theres still a criminal to catch. I turn the corner swiftly and see the shadow running down an alley. I chase after him at top speed and I'm nearly close to him as I jump towards him and grab him making us both stumble over. They guy reacts fast and kicks me in the stomach.

"Ack!" I wince in pain but ignore it.

As I chase after the guy he suddenly pulls out a knife and charges straight at me. I notice a strange mark on his forehead as he strikes. I block with my sword quickly and slash at him with full force missing him by inches. He soon throws his knife at me with incredible force and pulls out a sword. I jump up in the air evading the knife and strike dont with my sword. He gets hit a little and is bleeding however someone else jumps infront of me as I'm about to unmask the man. He punches me with intense strength as the other man runs away.

"Get out of the damn way!" I yell trying to get past.

The man stops me and throws me into a pile of barrels. He clearly outmatches me I stare at him as he comes closer and I close my eyes waiting for my demise when.


The man is thrown off his feet by a powerful blast. I turn around and see Minerva and her father. Minerva looks at the man smirking.

"How dare you attack Andrew like that!" She yells furious.

I get up and realise that I'm in immense pain. I put my hands to my stomach and feel like I'm about to puke when.


I fall to the floor trembling eyes shut and all I could hear were distance yells. I wake up and hear footsteps coming to my room. I try to get up but I can't move. I pretend to sleep as the person opens the door walks in and sits in the seat near the bed I'm in. She feels my forehead and puts and puts a wet clothe on it. I immediately feel cooler and relived.

"You know Andrew you really work yourself so hard when you don't have too." The girl says as realise her voice is Katrina's!

"To think that you tried defeating the villian alone is sad. Just know that I'll always be here to help you." Katrina says sadly.

I try open my eyes but can't. I soon force my eyes open and look at Katrina.

"What happened to me?" I ask.

"Andrew! You're awake!" Katrina squeals and wraps her arms around me in a tight hug.

"Oof!" I tumble over on the bed as she snuggles me.

"Ah! Sorry!" Katrina quickly realised what she did and turns beat red.

"You passed out from being tired and slept for 2 days!" Katrina says swiftly.

"Two days!" I yell shocked.

Soon Minerva and Elaine walk in and treat me to some tea and biscuits.

"Thank you guys heh!" I say scratching my head.

"So Andrew we have a question." The girls ask suspiciously.

"What did that man look like." They all ask.
