
The Summon

Doesn't It feel good when everything moves according to plan, with no variable, when everything is under control? Yes, it does feel good. Our protagonist also thinks the same, wake up study play games with friends read eat sleep repeat. Everything is planned beforehand. his next action in his life. He does everything he can to stay on the plan. But sometimes variables just insert themselves in our lives- some big, some small, some insignificant, some life-changing. This story is about one such variable. ⁜ ⁜ ⁜ ⁜ ⁜ ⁜ ⁜ Hello everyone, This is Glorious Chicken-hunter, and this is my first ever fanfic. So what should you expect: *World-building and magic stuff will be science adjacent *A lot of recreating mid to late medieval tech *Politics. *Less faction warfare more monster hunting. *The litrpg and system and r-rated scenes will happen later in the series. Like a few arcs into the series. *Few kinks here and there( NO NTR, netori/reverse NTR are in the series.) *This is my first attempt at writing, there will be lots of mistakes. So just pray to whatever God or eldritch monstrosity that I find more of them in proofreading and forgive me for the mistakes I'm about to make. *I write whenever I got time, so I don't have a fixed schedule, but you can expect 1/week. This is a fanfic about two novels: 1)Modern Weapons Cheat in Another World 2) The Marquis’ Eldest Son’s Lascivious Story So, why not combine the two, military stuff of first in the world of second? I'm posting this on: RoyalRoads: https://www**royalroad.com/profile/375753/fictions Scriblehub: https://www**scribblehub.com/series/810813/the-summon/ Wattpad: https://www**wattpad.com/story/347022646-the-summon Chapter Rewritten: [08-06-2024] Prologue 1:Once upon a time to Chapter 4: Welcome to the family. [23-06-2024] Chapter 6: Training week(pt.2)

GloriousHen · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 4: Day One 

Chapter 4: Day One [3591]

1st Candle of Day, Solskedag, Zweitweek, Nebelshthamond, 68th year of Adelsjahr,

Anmol's Bedchamber

In this luxurious room, a child peacefully slept, lost in his dream world. But that was soon to end as his maid knocked on his door.

"Good morning Young Lord," she said, but no reply came. 

She tried twice more, increasing her voice with each knock, yet no answer came. She finally opened the door and saw the young lord in deep slumber.

The maid in question was the blonde-haired 14-year-old girl— Diena.

Diena, tried to wake him, hoping he would this time but to no avail.

She finally decided to shake him a little, but still no response.

So she shook him a little harder, and finally his eyes opened.

"Good morning Young Lord, Sorry I have to wake you like this," she said politely.

Anmol rose from his bed, eyes not focused and mind still processing the misfortune of waking up from his dream.

Then his mind tempts him to return to the world he was forcefully taken away from, his body falls to the temptation and falls back on his bed, rolling himself in his blanket, as if saying "I don't want to wake up,"

"Young Lord, please wake up; we will fall behind schedule," she urged, gently shaking him. 

"Hmm, let me sleep," he murmured drowsily.

"Young Lord, Master will not be happy if we miss our schedule on your first day," she insisted. 

"Hmmmm," he responded, still half-asleep.

"Good morning, Young Lord. You are finally awake," she said as Anmol again rose from his bed, refusing the temptation and rubbing his eyes.

"Hey, good morning. What time is this?" he asked.

"Young Lord it's already quite a while since sunrise," she replied.

"Young Lord would you like to rinse your eyes first?" she asked.

"No, I wanna eat some parathe first," he said, with only remnants of his drowsiness.


The Corridor

"Hey, where are the maids who were here last night?" he asked since Freyana said she and a few others would be outside, but when they came out of the room there were none. 

There were few maids, and people in amours– most likely knights walking around, they did bow when they walked past them.

"Young Lord, are you perhaps talking about Freyana and your watch?" she asked.

He nodded.

"She is one of your maids, after this I will introduce them to you, Young Lord," she replied.

The talk concluded as they walked in a decorated corridor. At the end of that corridor was a door decorated with an engraving of a river flowing through a forest.

Diena came in front of the door and opened it for Anmol.

'What the fuck is this???!!!'

"Hey, are you serious?" he asked with the shock visible on his face.

"I'm afraid I didn't understand what you mean, Young Lord," she replied.

Anmol pointed inside the room, 

"That," he said.

The room inside was painted in white, with various scenes of wilderness and animals. It had a window illuminating the room, and on the right side, it had a cabinet with a sink on top with a basket that had some squares of cloth and there were quite a lot of flowers and even some colored candles. But the left side was the centerpiece of the room, a wooden bench almost the length of the room, On the bench there were two seats with cushioning, and the main attraction of this bench, was a hole in the center, a hole smaller than what modern toilets had but big enough for.....*stuff* to drop.

Anmol took a step ahead and tried to look down the closest hole. It was deep, a tube descending to the ground, and it stunk like sewage, but most of it was covered by the scent of flowers.

"Do I seriously have to do this on that?" he pointed at the 'seat'.

Diena looked a bit confused, 

"Yes, Young Lord," she replied.

"Did you have some other method back in your world?" she asked.

"Never thought the first thing I would miss would be plumbing," he murmured massaging his head.

'And why two?! WTF is this? Co-op? Duels?!'

"Okay," he exhaled and moved inside.

But Diena also moved and closed the door behind her.

"Why are you here?" he asked.

"To assist you, Young Lord," she replied.

"For the love of Gods you worship, I don't need assistance in this matter. Please!" he declared.


"No, I won't listen in this matter. Please just let me relieve myself in peace," Diena wanted to say something but he didn't let her.

"As you wish," she said with a bow.

She raised herself and moved toward the candles and lit them with magic, she then took a pitcher and a ball of water emerged out of her hand and fell into it, filling the pitcher.

"Young Lord, I will be outside if you need anything," she said with a bow and left the room.

"Thanks," he said as she closed the door.

"Fuck, this is stressful," he murmured.

"But what other choice do I have," he continued.

He went over to the window and looking out, he saw a massive city with walls at multiple places dividing it, with what he assumed were wheatfields and orchards covering the horizons with yellow on one side and a mixture of white, purple, and reds on the other.

The buildings give European vibes, with their white plastered walls with exposed wooden beams, slanted roofs with shingles, and chimneys with smoke coming out of them.

"Well the city is at least beautiful, the air is fresh, and definitely no car horns of Mangal Bazaar," he said, mesmerized by the scene.

"And I can see snow again," he added.

'And I thought I had forgotten about those days.'


The Guestroom

"So, what's the schedule for today?" Anmol inquired, setting down the empty teacup Diena had served him. 

They were in a lavishly decorated room near his bedchamber, furnished with a large table that could easily accommodate four people on each side. Anmol occupied the head of the table, enjoying his tea and biscuits.

"Young Lord, first let us introduce you to your servants," she said, again from god knows where she pulled out a small bell and rang it.

The door opened and many servants came in, Anmol could recognize a few, and the maid who was on night duty including the radiant orange-haired catgirl, Freyana was among them.

Anmol smiled a little when he saw she was there.

"Young Lord, these will be your servants and tutors till the day of your official announcement," she said.

 The group bowed as she introduced them and explained their roles.

"And as for me, I will be in charge of your servants and will be your executive maid," she said with a bow.

"Is that so? Great," he said.

"I will be in your care," he added.

"Young Lord, now the introduction is over, let me explain the schedule for today," she said and opened her wax tablet.

"Breakfast is on 2nd candle every day, from the 3rd candle your butler, Foinbharr Eoin will teach you the fundamentals." she read from her tablet.

"Lunch will be held on the 4th candle daily, and from 5th to 6th Head Maid, Wechsel Rowena will teach you etiquettes. On 1st Candle of Night, we invited our tailors for your measurement, The dinner is held on the 2nd candle of the Night," she concluded and closed her tablet.

"That will conclude today's day," she added.

"Quite the tight schedule, isn't it?" he said.

"Yes, the this month will have a tight schedule," she replied.

"Now, Young Lord. Do you wish to spend time with Young Mistress Elara and explore the castle after breakfast?" Diena asked.

"Is she free?" he asked.

"Yes, both of your classes are at the same time and have similar free time," she replied.

"That would be nice. Please tell her that it would be my pleasure," he replied with a smile.

"We will send her the message," she replied.

Diena sends a maid to relay the message and disperse the rest of the servants.

"Young Lord, shall we prepare you for the breakfast?" she asked.

"Yeah, sure," he replied.

"Our bathmaid had warmed up the water. Please let me escort you to our bathing hall," she asked with a bow.

He replied with a nod.

"Young Lod, would you like to select of of your servants as your bath assistant?" she asked.

"What?" he said.

"A servant who would bathe you, Young Lord," she explained.

"I know how to bathe," he said in a shaky voice.

"But as the only son of the Qourdentz household, you shouldn't unless it's necessary," she said.

"Young Lord, we can arrange a few to choose from if none suit your preference," she added.

"Sure, but no men. Only women, old ones would be better," he blurted.

"We will immediately arrange some," she said.


In the Bathing Hall

Anmol together with Diena and half a dozen women were in the castle's bathroom, and true to its name, it was a hall, not a mere room.

The room was made of the finest, most pristine white marble. The room was decorated with oddly, only geometric shapes and designs. Even though the room was a rectangular area for changing and a hexagonal bath area with a dome roof, both places were illuminated with giant windows adorned with glasswork depicting waves, the different shades of sky blue glass, or Hemmilstien.

Anmol was currently in this bathroom, and Diena asked him to choose one who would bathe him, daily. But there was a slight problem– all of them were extremely beautiful, and in their bath dress as Diena called it– a milk-white gown, they were looking extremely sexy milf, all of them. 

'Fuck, when I said mature I didn't mean milf! I meant old women! OLD WOMEN! SO I WOULD NOT GET A BONER!'

Trying to suppress his embarrassment he noticed a woman, at the back furthest from where he was standing. 

She liked her colleagues who wore the bath dress, but she was relatively older than the rest. While all the women here looked in their mid-20s, she looked in her thirties with some noticeable white strands among her brown hair.

"She, the one on the rightmost side in the back," he said pointing at her.

"As you command," Diena said with a bow.

"As you heard Young Lord, Laura will be his bath-maid, the rest may disperse," she commanded.

"It will be my honor and pleasure to serve the Young lord," Laura said with a bow.

"Hmm," Anmol nodded, again not able to control his bush, his cheeks redden a bit.

The women chuckle upon the sight of his bush.


And so this battle with his inner self continued.

"Young Lord, call me if you need anything," she said and left him alone with his lady as he desperately tried to maintain a poker face.

"Young Lord?" Laura said.

"Y-Yes," he said.

"I would like to thank you for choosing me," she bowed.

"Yeah, sure," he said, his cheeks not showing any sign of stop blushing.

"Then, shall we proceed?" she asked.

"Hmm," he nodded.


[note in comments, read it before reading further]


This is an excerpt from Anmol's dairy

Solskedag, Zweitweek, 

Nebelshthamond, 68th year of Adelsjahr.

2nd Candle of the Night.

[Atr]: I'm writing this diary because I told you to do so. 

To preserve me, immortalise myself in these words.

I guess, at least that's what I'm told.

Anyway, enough of this heavy mood. If this dairy gets that same treatment as the others, as the next generations will most likely read this then I shall start with the generic, standardized, copy-paste introduction.

Hi! I'm Anmoldeep Singh or Anmol for short. And I will be soon adopted into the House of Qourdentz. I'm 8 as of writing this diary and I'm very happy that You are reading this. Maybe you should do something more productive with your time than reading someone's diary to entertain yourself. Are you sure you have this much free time? You should read about dairies of more interesting people, like my soon-to-be late grandmother Qourdentz Cassia– The Great Serpent of Amellia, and The Serpent Princess.

[Punj]: Hi, if you can read and understand this, then most likely I taught this language or someone else did. In the latter case, thank you for your efforts to persevere in this alien tongue. 

If it's the first case, then you know who I am and WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU READING MY DAIRY!? HUH! YOU HAVE NO SENSE OF PRIVACY!!? 

Anyways, I should introduce myself,

Name: Anmoldeep Singh, 

Age: 9

Birthplace: Earth. 

Yes, I'm out of this world(literally), I was born on a world named Earth(I know every creative, naming your world 'Soil' in a different language), the third planet from the G2V class star. 

For some unknown reason when I was returning from my school, I got teleported here on this planet. 

As for why you should believe me and think why I'm not a retarded child, 

I don't know, maybe I am, and this is nothing but my imagination and I'm in a coma.







I should not think like that, not good for my mental health. 

So yeah, space stuff, describing my world. 

Yup, my solar system was a single-star system with a yellow star, not the binary one we got here, also my world only had one single moon, Luna, as some people call it, and it was white. 

My world was advanced, like way more advanced than this world. 

This world from what I can conclude is at the technological level of around the early medieval era, except for the clothing, which is, design-wise more Victorian looking, but that is an educated guess from a guy who doesn't know much about history, so that with a bag of salt. 

Anyway, from now on I will write the stuff I want a few to know in languages other than Atresa. 

[Atr]: Did you decide to proceed? 

Anyway, I'll just write about my day.

So nothing major happened till after breakfast, and that was what you would expect from a normal one, unlike what I had thought, especially relatively simple table manners in casual events, formal ones are still quite complex, but I saw even my sister- Elara struggle with that, so that gives me some confidence.

I can understand your pain sis.

My step-sister, Elara. She is very cute. Both, her nature and looks are very cute. Last night I had promised her that she would show me around the castle, and the bliss on her face was heartwarming, she kind of reminded me of my little sis and cousin. 

Miss them, quite a lot.

Yeah, breakfast. Nothing major happened there, my father- Qourdentz Cassius, and mother- Qourdentz Meryl asked me quite a lot of questions, and talking about various stuff was nice.

The breakfast ended quickly, and after that, it was our promised date around the castle. 

The castle is Huge. The castle is based on a plateau around which has a canal serving as its moat.

The boundary is marked by two stories tall wall, which was made of some kind of black stone similar to black marble, but this wall has some sort of gloomy atmosphere around it when I asked the maids escorting us, they said it was made of a stone that repel mana, whatever that means. 

Albeit my pestering they didn't tell me more. 

Keep your secrets then.

Inside the wall were three main structures, The castle, The guesthouse, and The Tower.

The Tower was the most awesome thing I have ever seen. 

It was seven stories tall, archetypal "wizard's towers" shaped, a cylindrical body with a square box as its top floor, with a cone roof.

Its top compartment had a platform and services as its main function.

The main function of the tower is to relay messages– a medieval-style radio tower. But, back then they used homing pigeons these people used a special animal for that feature.

A quadruped reptile, bigger than any birds I have seen. Hell, most likely it's bigger than me. But the best thing is, that its forelimbs have evolved to achieve powered flight. 


Okay, these people have dragons here, wyverns to be exact– "Windreiter" as they call it, as they were quadruped unlike the traditional Euro dragons being hexapod.

And you know the best part? They too exist!! Giant dragons!! They are rare though, I hope I'll witness one in the wild.

Then as promised, showed me her favorite spots.

One of them was a tower outgrowing the fourth floor, that thing was just a few meters smaller than the "dragon radio tower". 

The "Turret" as these people call it, is a watch tower with the second most beautiful view of the city, and I can understand why it is her favourite place. From here, one can behold the entirety of Neunelly. 

The view spans from the lively harbour in the east to the serene orchards in the northwest and the expansive wheat fields in the west. 

The city was beautiful, a mix of grids in the noble's area and chaos in the commoners, nonetheless, both had their charm.

From the maps that Mr Foinbharr Eoin had shown me, the city is based around two natural harbours, the northern cove– Schlangenglitz Bucht, is smaller and more well-protected compared to its southern counterpart– Neunelly Hafen.

The river– Amelia, whose shore the city is based on, is the biggest river I have seen, I don't the exact size, but it was definitely bigger than the Ganga at Varanasi, back home. 

The harbours were busy. Sailships, which were like rowboats with one to two sails on them, swam the southern harbour like bees, with the northern one being populated with the more decorated version of these sailships.

And there were islands, river islands. A LOT OF THEM. 

Like god, the riverside on the map looks like a coastline. Why the hell is there are many of them?

The castle is on a small plateau, around which is an artificial moat. The interesting thing about it is that the moat is older than the castle and the family that owned it, Mr. Eoin says, was built by nobles who lived here before the Qourdentze.

Then we moved onward to the Library in the Castle, and it was also huge, at least quadruple the size of the tiny excuse of the library back at the school. 

The library was on the third floor so the lounge/study area had quite a good view of the Northern Habor. 

Elara likes spending her time here, reading diaries and travel journals, looks like she is quite interested in the world outside the city wall. 

Can't blame her really, what else this twin moon, binary star planet could be hiding? 

Especially what else is on the other side of the ocean, according to Mr. Eoin and the other servants, their island– Eru-ra is the entirety of the world, and the other side of the ocean is called Atto-ra, the land of spirits according to the major and only surviving religion here, Atrekha. 

But when I asked them more about the world outside Eru-ra they stopped me, nobles and priests don't have a peaceful relationship here, so let's not unnecessarily put my hands in a raging fire.

The date ended with a bell. It was fun, her being excited to show me the places where she liked spending time and talking to her. She is a very nice and cute girl, I'm happy to have a sister like her here.

[Eng]: Fuck, spending time with her was nice. But also painful. It was hard to keep composure and a straight face but composure broke when I entered my room after the date and cried in pillow for a good ten minutes or so. I miss my family.

[Atr]: Nothing major happened after that, I took my classes. First, with Foinbharr Eoin, it was nostalgic to remember, the names of days, weeks, months, and seasons. From what I remember, these people have a different way of writing dates; 

Name of day-Name of Week-Name of Month-Year.

They don't use numbers to determine what day it is, e.g. 14 of May (my birthday) would be Tordur, Zweitweek, Blüthamond. It's not as efficient as back home, but at least it's not American mm-dd-yyy. They are the real psychopaths. 

Also, there are 10 days/week, 4 weeks/month, 11 months/year, 440 days/year in total. 

[Punj]: I like to thank every god– both from alive and dead religions, to make a world with does not have random days like 365.25. Thank you, I will make you all a shrine, so please make more worlds with round, whole numbers.

[Atr]: And the Time, from what data I gathered, Freyana wrote it, so thank you. A 'Candle' is roughly 2 hours. 

Okay, not everything can be perfect. 

Then it was time for etiquette class, no special thing happened, but the etiquette was TOUGH. After that Talors took my measurements and the day came to conclusions.

[Eng] For Fucks sake, I'll do C++ over manners any time.

[Atr]: And yep, day 1 over.

Next chapter will have a bit of infodump, i'll try to make it not boring, but no promise. Please forgive my imexperense.

Next chapter will be posted on 9.06 00:00 GMT+5:30

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

GloriousHencreators' thoughts