
The Summon

Doesn't It feel good when everything moves according to plan, with no variable, when everything is under control? Yes, it does feel good. Our protagonist also thinks the same, wake up study play games with friends read eat sleep repeat. Everything is planned beforehand. his next action in his life. He does everything he can to stay on the plan. But sometimes variables just insert themselves in our lives- some big, some small, some insignificant, some life-changing. This story is about one such variable. ⁜ ⁜ ⁜ ⁜ ⁜ ⁜ ⁜ Hello everyone, This is Glorious Chicken-hunter, and this is my first ever fanfic. So what should you expect: *World-building and magic stuff will be science adjacent *A lot of recreating mid to late medieval tech *Politics. *Less faction warfare more monster hunting. *The litrpg and system and r-rated scenes will happen later in the series. Like a few arcs into the series. *Few kinks here and there( NO NTR, netori/reverse NTR are in the series.) *This is my first attempt at writing, there will be lots of mistakes. So just pray to whatever God or eldritch monstrosity that I find more of them in proofreading and forgive me for the mistakes I'm about to make. *I write whenever I got time, so I don't have a fixed schedule, but you can expect 1/week. This is a fanfic about two novels: 1)Modern Weapons Cheat in Another World 2) The Marquis’ Eldest Son’s Lascivious Story So, why not combine the two, military stuff of first in the world of second? I'm posting this on: RoyalRoads: https://www**royalroad.com/profile/375753/fictions Scriblehub: https://www**scribblehub.com/series/810813/the-summon/ Wattpad: https://www**wattpad.com/story/347022646-the-summon Chapter Rewritten: [08-06-2024] Prologue 1:Once upon a time to Chapter 4: Welcome to the family. [23-06-2024] Chapter 6: Training week(pt.2)

GloriousHen · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 1: Awakening

Chapter 1: Awakening[5497 ]

'Ahhhhh I shouldn't have binge-watched Star Wars yesterday; I'm even dreaming of teleportation.' 

Anmol thought to himself, still being rolled up in the blanket. 

'Was my bed always.....this soft?'


'God, I'm hungry.'

As he finally rose from the bed, he could hear the voice of a beautiful girl maybe not older than 16.

"Young Lord," she said with a bow, in a language that oddly sounds like German.

"You're finally awake. Apologies for any discomfort we have caused, but we have to change your clothing." 

Anmol forgot about his starving stomach, he stared at this girl, with blonde hair, and a European-looking face with a complexion to match it, wearing a white coloured gown with a green underbust corset.

"What the actual fuck?" He was surprised...to say the least. 

With his eyes widening in shock, he looked around the room; it was huge, more significant than his home dining hall. There were windows, the glasses gave a pale blue light– maybe it was tinted. 

The rest of the room was decorated to the brim with flowers, regal-looking medieval wall carpets– tapestry, and furniture that looked more expensive than his father's Royal Enfield Bullet with all the gold and art on it. 

The bed he was sleeping on was what he saw those princesses use in Disney movies. 

The rooms have a medieval vibe to it.

He examined himself, he wore a long white...kurta-looking thing and the same colour pyjama. And he noticed his hair was not tied in a bun.


"Hello?" he said nervously in English, hoping this was just some joke. 

"I am Diena, one of the maids serving the Qourdentz family" she replied, politely and respectfully.

 'What? Where the fuck am I? Who is this.... Those are big.' He could somehow understand what she said as if he always knew the language.

'What kind of stupid prank this is?'

"Where am I, miss?" he asked her in English while trying to maintain some level of composure. 

"Sorry for my incompetence but can you repeat yourself?" she said in the same German-esque language, looking a little confused. 

'What in the hell is this?'

He was even more confused now; he was bilingual as most kids in his class were, and due to his family background he could converse in a third language; Punjabi. So usually he mixed words during a conversation. 

And the same thing happened; words, very different from what was in his vocabulary of three languages he knew, formed in his mind, inserting them into his train of thought as if they were his mother tongue.

"M….My name is Anmoldeep Singh. Where am I? Who are you, miss?" He said nervous in a mix of English and this new language.

"Greetings Young Lord Singh, you are in a guest room of the Qourdentz family, and my name is Diena, one of the maids of this household," she answers politely.

"Hello Miss Diena, please just call me Anmol. And thank you for saving me but can you please tell me where exactly I am? And where my parents are? I need to contact them." he was worried, as there were no signs of his parents and this was definitely not any clinic or hospital.


"Young Lord Anmol," Diena added with a sympathetic tone,

"Unfortunately we don't know where your family is. The circumstances of your arrival are quite mysterious to us as well." she bowed deeply.

'What!! What the fuck!!' He screamed mentally.

He felt a mix of disappointment and frustration,

"What do you mean you don't know? Where are my parents? Their phone number is on my school ID card." he said clenching his fist in the blanket. 

"Give me a phone I'll call them myself."

"Is 'phone' in your luggage? Please feel free to check them, but Young lord, lunchtime is near. My Lord and Mistress, Qourdentz Cassius and Qourdentz Meyrl have invited you to lunch with them. Their daughter, Young Mistress Qourdentz Elara will be present there also."

'Okaaaaayyy, calm down. This is getting more and more insane, I need to stay composed.'

*breath in* *breath out*.


'Okay since I woke up this feels like a dream or a prank. The fragrance of these flowers is way too intense and this girl's behaviour seems like that of a maid except for the iconic dress, so it can't be a dream.'

'Is this so elaborate prank?'

'Who in their right mind, picks up an unconscious child in a park IN THE MIDDLE OF A MOTHERFUCKING DAY, just to air their prank on youtube.'

'What if this is...… not a prank?'

'FOCUS. What are you? A nine-year-old? And what is this Digimon?'

'This girl Diena seems nice, or she is just a very good actor. Anyway, till my parents come to pick me up, let's just stress eat and forgot about this shit. They will throw a big kidnapping case at these fuckers.'

"Okay, I'll be there," he said.

"I'll inform my Master," she replied with a bow.

Before reaching for the bell, she glared at him as if scanning him.

'I swear on my cute face that I saw her eyes shine for a second.'

'Fuck, is this a side effect of 'sleeping for two days'? I'm starting to hallucinate.' He had a headache so definitely he slept for a long time.

She rang the bell twice. And this time two maids came in. Both of them were in their mid-20s with brunette and red, long luscious hair, thin waists with chest and hips on a larger side of the spectrum. 

They wore chocolate brown gowns with dark green corsets.

"Young Lord, these maids will help you prepare for lunch," said Diena as she bowed and left.

'Okay, so I'm stuck with these sexy thick ladies. Why everyone here is so….. Good-looking?' he mused.

Both of them bowed, and the brunette said, 

"Young Lord we will help you with the preparation for the lunch, do you have some preferred colour or style?"

"I like reds. Nothing as for the style," he said. 

As he said that the brunette took out a measuring tape, again from god knows where, and started measuring Anmol. And the red-haired one takes out a wooden tablet and starts writing the measurements with a….. What looked like a wooden stylus. 

'Isn't that the wax writing pad used during the classical era? There are at least historically accurate with this joke.'

Brunette took the measurements and sent the red-haired on to get the attire.

'Well, till Papa and Mama came to pick me let's just play with these maids. They are truly beautiful and hot, especially Diena.'

"Excuse me," he said in a childish tone, 

"Yes, Young Lord?" she replied with as much dignity as that blonde maid.

"Can you tell me about Your Master?" he asked in an inquisitive tone. 

"It will be my pleasure, Young Lord to tell you about my Master," she said but her eyes said something else– 'You really don't know who he is?'.

She began with a gentle and respectful tone; 

"My Master, Qourdentz Cassius, is the esteemed head of the Qourdentz family and holds the title of Lord of Neunelly. Young Lord, I must say, my Master is truly remarkable and exudes wisdom beyond his years. He possesses a brilliant acumen for trade and administration, skillfully managing the affairs of his estate with an astute business sense." she took a break, observing Anmol's body language.

"Not only is he an insightful trader, but he also dedicates himself to the advancement of security. Under his guidance, our estate boasts a formidable defence system and a well-trained army, ensuring the safety and protection of all who reside within these walls."

"His ability to balance commerce, governance, and security reflects his exceptional leadership and dedication to the well-being of his people."


"It is an honour to serve under such a Master," she added with a warm smile.

"In your culture, you place your surname before your given name?" he said while scratching his chin.

Her eyes widened a little with surprise, but she quickly composed herself before Anmol could notice.

"Yes," she replied, her tone gentle yet informative. "In our culture, we give precedence to our family name, as they are the ones who give us everything," she explained as if imparting knowledge to a curious young child. 

And in a way, she was enlightening Anmol about the customs of her heritage.

"Young Lord's culture doesn't have such tradition?" she said, eager to know his answer.

"No. Not mine, but I heard people in the Eastern side of the world do that," he said.

"May I know where Young Lord hails from?" she asked, even more, curious to know him.

"Oh, If you don't recognize it from my complexion or name, I'm from India, its capital Delhi to be exact," he said, looking a bit, just a tini-tiny bit annoyed.

She bowed, and in an apologetic tone, she said,

"Apologize if I offend Young Lord. I am very sorry for my ignorance."

"It's okay. I'm not that offended," he said. 

"Just surprised, like we are the second most populous country on Earth. Like we were the crown jewel of the British Empire. We made them rich with spices that they don't even use in their food." he continued, adding a few drops of his annoyance to his tone.

The door opened, and the red-haired maid came in with a few other maids, they wore similar types of clothing – a dark-coloured gown with some sort of matching corset, some wore accessories others didn't. 

But there was a trend, a hierarchy was evident among them, reflected in the expense of clothing they wore – Diena being in a higher position wore the most expensive attire, followed by the brunette and red-haired who wore a less extravagant dress, then at the bottom these maids. 

But there were no other similarities between the clothing they all wore.

'Maids don't have a uniform here?'

These maids came with clothes hangers in tow. Anmol saw as maids were presenting many dresses, all of them were regal looking, the fit of a noble. 

'But these clothes looked, Victorian-era rather than the Medieval theme this joke had. They were pretty spot on with realism on this joke, even though I almost thought I got teleported into a medieval world. But this!! Stick with the historic accuracy people!!! Forgot kidnapping me, I'll sue you for this annoying inaccuracy.' Anmol screamed internally as the personality that he thought died with his body, resurrected back to haunt him again. 

'Damn, really it's the first time in this life that annoying nerd reared his head'

Anmol tried various of these expensive looks in front of the mirror. At last, he chose what looked like a shirt-like tunic with strings, and a black waistcoat on which he wore a deep red tailcoat, both adorned with gold threads and other jewels, with plain black pants matching his black hair.

The maid did a loose half braid on his hair and a hairpin, which looked weird– it was a two-piece, a curved piece to keep hair in place, and the pin, which goes to the holes in the curved part.

'Daaaamn boy, I look good. Disney should hire me if they ever do a live-action princess movie(why would they ever do a live-action adaptation, but still.)'

"Is young Lord satisfied with the dress?" the red-haired maid asked.

"Yes, very much," he said with a smile. 

"But where is my watch?" Anmol asked her.

"I am sorry, but what, Young lord?" she asked with a confused gaze.

"The metal wristband I had." he said with a 'what the fuck' look on his face but decided to play along.

"I'll bring that to you, Young Lord." said the brunette maid with a bow and she exited the room.

"Is there anything else you want Young Lord?" asked the red-haired maid.

"Except my watch, nothing else," he said.

"Till she brings your watch, please rest in the waiting room until lunchtime," she said.

"Sure. Why not?" he said and they both headed toward the waiting room, during which Anmol asked a lot of questions regarding Cassius and his family, mainly about the one who saved him, his wife Meyrl.

Afternoon, Varblotdag, Zweitweek, Nebelshthamond, 68th year of Adelsjahr.

Diena stood before an extravagant door, adorned with intricate designs and luxurious details, leading to one of the most opulent rooms within the entire building. 

This lavishly decorated space belonged to none other than the Master of this realm, Qourdentz Cassius, the head of the Qourdentz Family.

She knocked on the door three times, indicating this was important news.

"Come in." a voice said, she complied and entered the room. 

In the room were two people, one man on the decorated desk, and a butler standing near the desk holding some of the papers with him.

The maid came in and bowed to her Master, Qourdentz Cassius. 

The man was in his late 30s but looked in his mid-20s, thanks to his Lord-class mana capacity. 

His hair was of colour that of a deep red with match shortbread, eyes that of silver, and a fair complexion. He wore a white tunic with a dark blue waistcoat with black pants. He was going through the tablets when the maid came.

"He's awake?" he asked her.

"Yes, Master. The Young Lord has awakened from his slumber," she said.

"How is he? Any unexpected discharges?" he questioned her.

"I scanned him with [Mana Sight], he is safe now," she replied.

She added, "He said he wants to meet his parents, he was angry when I told him we don't know where they are. But there were no discharges. His Arcana manipulation seems better, even better than children of his age under normal circumstances." 

"It's good to know a High Lord of unknown origin will not unknowingly destroy this castle." he sighed.

"You manage to extract any interesting information?" he asked her.

"Yes, indeed. When he regained consciousness, he appeared naturally taken aback by his surroundings. Upon introducing myself, he responded in an unfamiliar dialect... I must say, 'language' might be a more fitting term," she replied.

"Why do you suspect that?" he inquired further.

"The word and few sounds he used were unlike any dialect in Atresa, much less in nearby areas."

"He also said he needed his "phone" to contact his parents. He also accepted the invitation," she said.

He nodded his head and looked at the butler,

"Give me the report on his item," he ordered the butler.

"Yes, Master." the butler said before reciting the report.

"Our scholars believe the thick book they found is akin to wax tablets, used for scribbling and or practising writing. The book at least two different languages at minimum, three, but we need conformation. But the majority of pages were used for what they believed was arithmetic and practising drawing. The book was not written with ink on plane paper but on paper with ruled lines for writing in straight lines and a sharpened wood instrument with a thin stick of what they believe is some kind of coal."

"He is well educated. And capable of speaking three languages." Cassius was lost in his thoughts.

"So a High Lord child, no older than Elara, who is well educated in at least two languages and arithmetic, with exceptional Arcana control, with an unknown background just appeared out of that circle?" he recalled all the information related to his unexpected guest.

"This is getting complicated." he sighed again.

"What else is written?" he asked the butler.

"The other book, the colourfull one, they believe it's a book related to arithmetics, as it has what they believe is his culture's number system." the butler paused and presented the two books, 

"Here, Master." 

Cassius opened the thick one and started examining the contents.

"What about the other?" Cassius asked the butler.

"Our experts thought those books serve the same purpose as the Arithmetic one, a guidebook or study material for children, they concluded these books are of various subject like the natural world, geography and maybe politics." the butler replied.

The Lord took the books and started examining them.

The books were simply amazing, they were covered in a thin transparent, and flexible material, and they were colourful without any smudges or signs of fading. The content was written in some weird method, there were written in uniform minimalistic 'handwriting'. This 'scribe' of these books baffled everyone. 

How could a person no matter how experienced they were, can not write every word in the exact same way? Over the course of a few hundred pages long book? There were 5 such books all of them had the same 'handwriting'. It's not humanly possible.

That was the question on everyone's mind.

"Not only the paper is of higher quality than us, but by the looks of it, it seems they also have a significant paper industry." said the butler.

"Yes, why else would someone give paper this premium quality to a child, for practising and scribbling?"

The butler then presented a pouch, but this one was made up of a transparent, flexible material with a locking mechanism on top of it.

"Master, we also find this, our guest used it for storing his writing instruments," he said.

"What is this material? And the mechanism? It looks like metal. And the contents." he was again lost in this thought examining the contents– a sharpened wooden stick with that coal-type material forming its tip, a white rectangle that was flexible, a cylinder made from a transparent material but this one was hard, it has a tiny cylinder in the middle of it with a blue substance in it. 

The butler presented a paper and urged Cassius to try these.

And he was shocked, the wooded stick was gliding over paper leaving a straight grainy black line behind it, and the rectangle was used to rub it away. But the thing that fascinated him the most was that transparent cylinder, he found out that the blue substance was ink, it was a pen that contained ink within itself. 

If they could even re-engineer some primitive version of these items, they could revolutionize the basics of their administrative arm.

"Is that all?" he asked.

"No Master, we found many more things," he said.

The butler opened a different box, it was full of items belonging to their guest. "Have a look at this, Master," he said, presenting a few of the paper rectangles to him.

Cassius was taken aback by not only the quality and colour palette but also by the art on these.

"These are some high-quality art pieces. Why would a child have these expenses?"

"Master, look at these numbers, this emblem and face of this man." the butler pointed at the art piece. Then he presented the metal coins.

"And look here at these coins," he said.

"This is currency?" Cassius was dumbfounded once again.

"Master if you look at this part, at the left side of these Yaag." the butler pointed at the corner of the backside of the paper near what looked like a depiction of three different animals, sixteen different lines were written there, some's syllables were similar, indicating they are either dialects or derivative of some, but four of these lines were written with completely different scripts.

"They use many different languages. But these two seem to be major ones." the butler pointed at the top of the paper.

"They seem to have a very vibrant culture." he wondered.

After a few moments, someone knocked on the door, three times.

"Come in," Cassius said.

The brunette maid, who was in charge of their guest's attire, came through the door.

She greeted me with a bow. 

"Master, our guest is almost done preparing for lunch, but he requested his metal wristband," she reported.

Cassius looked at his butler, the butler nodded and handed over the wristband from the box. 

"Were you able to know anything of value?" he said.

"Yes, Master. He told me where he is from," she said.

"He says, he is from Delhi, the capital city of a country named India. Also, it's the second most populous country on "Earth" and was the crown jewel of "The British Empire". She said.

"He also said, and I quote; "We made them rich with spices that they don't even use in their food."

"And he mentioned that in his culture, they put their given name first, then family name," she added.

"So Anmoldeep is his first name?" he said. 

"Such a fascination culture," he added.

"You may go," he ordered the brunette of the maids. 

"Diena, tell everything we know about him to Meryl, also inform Elara about our guest," he said.

The brunette maid returned with the guest's belongings, a shiny metal wristband.


It looked gorgeous, it was plain, without any artwork or designs. It was just a bracelet, with segmented metal pieces so it could bend around the wrist. 

But still, it was beautiful. In the middle of this wristband was a circle with a Himmelstien-like material covering, but without its characteristic blue colour. 

Inside the cover were "numbers" as the report says, and three sticks of different sizes with one side attached to the centre. And the most fascinating thing about this wristband is that the sticks move on their own. All three move at different speeds, with the small thinnest one being the fastest, followed by the longest one and the slowest being the short thick one. 

According to the reports, it "records the passage of time". It was fascinating, how could a thing made of metal move on its own? Was it alive? Was it a vessel containing a soul? 

Only their guest know such answers.

She left the castle and headed toward the manor. It was a picturesque day as the brunette made her way through the courtyard of the Qourdentz family's castle. The sun shone brightly, casting a warm glow over the ancient stone walls and colourful flowers that adorned the pathway. Birds chirped merrily, adding to the serene atmosphere.

Passing through the courtyard, she soon reached the manor, which served as the guest house for visitors to the Qourdentz family. Despite being a guest house, the manor was no less impressive than the castle itself. It had its unique charm, with a welcoming facade and a lush garden that beckoned visitors inside.

As she stepped inside the beautiful building, she was immediately greeted by the captivating sight of the blue-tinted windows. The soft, gentle glow of the barely visible bluish light filtered through the Himmelstien casting a serene ambience across the interior.

As she entered the room, a sense of opulence and grandeur washed over her. The waiting room was a sight to behold, adorned with intricate designs and lavish decorations. 

The Hemmilstein panels that adorned the walls allowed a soft, ethereal light to fill the room, casting a warm and inviting glow.

The furnishings were tastefully chosen, with plush velvet sofas and ornate wooden tables displaying delicate trinkets and art pieces from various corners of the world. 

A large, mesmerizing chandelier hung from the ceiling, its crystals catching the light and scattering colourful reflections across the room.

Plants and flowers in beautiful pots and vases were strategically placed around the room, adding a touch of natural beauty to the elegant setting. The air carried a faint scent of blooming flowers and a hint of magic, making the atmosphere even more enchanting.

In one corner of the room, a small table was set with refreshments for their guest. Exquisite delicacies and drinks were laid out on silver platters, waiting to be enjoyed. It was a display of the noble's hospitality and generosity.

As she moved further into the room, she spotted their guest, a child with long luscious hair as black as the night sky, and eyes, as deep as Drachenfels's tall, matching colour as his hair. 

He sat comfortably in one of the luxurious sofas, giving off an air of composure and confidence. 

But beneath the facade, she saw fear, anger, suspicion, annoyance, every feeling a child in his situation should have, but beneath the mask he wore.

She presented the wristband placed on a luxurious velvet cushion and kneeled before the child.

"Here, Young Lord. Your 'Watch'," she said.


'Okkkkaaayyy. This place is too damn...regal should be the right word. They spend a lot of money on this prank.'

'Seriously, just who would waste so much money on this type of shit? Not to mention actually kidnapping a 9-year-old.' 

'But seriously the decoration department did a really good job, especially with these tinted glass work, the interior looks magical, And the way the blueish tinted light falls on those red flowers over there is just, great.'

'If only my stomach didn't hurt this much. God, was I knocked out for two days?'

The door opens and the brunette maid emerges ending the child's inner monologue. 

The maid carried an expensive-looking red cushion on which his watch rested, like a crown.

'It wasn't even that expensive, yet it looks like Rolex with this royal treatment.'

The maid kneeled before him and resent the watch, like..... A servant presenting a royal scepter to their king.

"Thank you," he said trying to maintain composure. And he picked up his belongings.

"It's one thirty also, how much time do we have till lunch?" he asked while looking at his watch.

"Young Lord, in some moments the Fourth candle of the day should be burned completely," the red-haired maid replied.

"Okay," he said. 

'Fourth candle? Wow, they did their research. Using candles for timekeeping isn't as popular as the hourglass, water clocks, and the old sundial in media. They might just make me believe in their little expensive-as-hell prank.'

Anmol, meanwhile drinking some red color juice, it was as sweet as it was tangy.

The bell rang, and the towers dotted around the city rang together, creating a symphony.

"Young Lord, the Lunch will take place in the Castle. Please follow me," the brunette maid requested.

"Lead the way," he said with a nod, excited and in relief that this prank would come to an end.

'Damn finally, I'm so hungry I'll eat thier whole fucking pantry.'

Anmol walked through decorated elegantly corridors, he couldn't help but be captivated by the sheer beauty and artwork surrounding him. Wall adorned with flowers, and artwork made with a combination of gold, silver, and blue glass.

As Anmol glanced through the windows adorned with bluish-tinted glass, he discovered that each window was a masterpiece in itself. 

As he reached the door, the manor was successful in casting its magic, captivating the guest with the glamour and majesty of the host.

The door was as decorated as the rest of the mansion, with intricate design.

'Okay, they spent a looooooooots of money on this one. Hope the food is equally good.'

The maids were standing near the door opening it, but there was a slight, tiny issue with the maids, they had a cat-like ear sticking out of their head, and a tail. Their hair was also weird and unnaturally colored.

 One had lavender hair other had blue hair, their tails also had matching colors. And they were beautiful as if Venus herself descended on his world.

'Oh boy, yup this is a prank. Thanks for reminding me of that, sexy cat maids.'

"You have cat girls?" he asked the brunette.

"Yes, we do employ Felkataes in our household." the maid replied with a raised eyebrow.

"Young Lord, your family only employ humans?" she asked.

"Well, since catgirls don't exist in India, So…." he said, 

"Can't employ what doesn't exist," he added. 

And everyone had "What?" written on their faces. Even the higher maids like brunette and red-haired ones didn't even try to contain it.

"Let's head to the castle, Young Lord." after an awkward silence they continued to move.

As the door opened, Anmol was again taken aback. The garden is decorated with arches, pathways, and gazebos of marble, blue-tinted glass, and wood creating a serene atmosphere.

Outside was bright, brighter than usual it is in late January, but he didn't care.

His eyes were erratic, looking around, as a lost child– which he was. His eye saw a majestic castle with the same blueish-tinted glass, creepers growing on its way, showing off its history and majesty. 

Then in a corner of his eyes, he saw a tall tower, taller than the castle itself. On the top part of the tower, there was a large platform with strange colorful flags and symbols on it. It looked less majestic and extravagant compared to the things he had seen before.

He saw something he couldn't believe, it was a giant, bigger than any bird he saw, moving at a speed his brain only registered after it landed on the platform jutting out of the tower. 

It quickly moved inside the tower, so he couldn't accurately say what that thing was, but it did pick up his curiosity. 

As he was wondering what that blob was he saw the sun, but he saw something he was not ready for. 

Anger, and annoyance which he carefully controlled so as not to let them capture any embarrassing footage of him. Anmol's facade broke.

"Hey, did you guys drugged me or something?" he said, fuming with anger.

"No, Young Lord we wouldn't….." 

"Do not lie!! If you didn't then why I'm seeing two suns!?" he screamed at her. 

But there was more, he felt something inside him, fluctuation. It was as if a hidden power within him had awakened, allowing him to access something ethereal and beyond the physical realm. 

His limbs felt as if they were no longer bound by the limitations of the physical body, and he could sense an intangible force at his disposal.

It was a similar sensation when he died and became a spirit.

Anmol's anger surged like a raging storm, and the ethereal force he had just discovered responded to his emotions, amplifying his power further. The atmosphere around him dyed red with energy as he struggled to contain his frustration and confusion. 

"Get lost, all of you!" he shouted, his voice echoing through the majestic garden of the castle. The maids trembled, their faces reflecting fear.

They weren't the only ones who heard. And he could hear, the moment his anger went out of control, he heard horns, and strange waves of different frequencies and magnitude could be felt.

A moment later footsteps and clanking of metal resonated through the castle.

He saw men and women wearing chainmail standing on the walls and top of the castle's tower.

The castle door flung open, and from within came a group of knights, but within the circle were two people who were not wearing any armor.

Knights on the ground encircled him, while one was on top of walls and towers extending their limbs and he could not believe it. He swore there was nothing in their arms, but a moment later a ball of fire was there.

"Anmoldeep Singh calm down!" the man in an adorned dark green tailcoat, accompanied by a lady who looked the same age as the man.

"How do you expect me to calm down? You kidnapped me remember? Your people knocked me out in a park in the middle of the day. I'll calm down when you call my parents!" he screamed at the man. He was even more furious at this man's remark.

'How the fuck do you expect me to calm down?'

"But child, can you at least control your Aura," the lady said.

"I'm sick and tired of your silly prank. What do you expect me to do? To believe that I was teleported to a fantasy medieval world where magic is real? I saw your joke. Your plan to prank me has failed" he screamed at this lady.

His hunger continued to grow, his stomach began to growl.

"Anmoldeep Singh, I don't know if it's true but you are not from here, are you?" the man said while raising his hands upward.

"I said I saw through your joke, just return me to my parents," he said, while tears began to form in his eyes.

But as he finished, a big ball of fire emerged from the man's hand and it started traveling upward, like an arrow being released from a bow. It travels in the air and when it reaches its limits it explodes.

Anmol fell to the ground, crying and repeating the same line, "Please just return me to my parents" The cry was barely audible.

The lady ran toward the falling child, and she embraced him, consoling him.

"We will, but for now sleep, child," she whispered.

And it worked like magic, he was lost in dreamland again.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

GloriousHencreators' thoughts