

After the nostalgia of past months and going through the check- list of curiosities, Krish went to Ruhi's apartment to give her, her daily dose of medication.

"How long are you going to take?", said Dhruv fuming with rage just before he slammed his cellphone down. Krish rushed over to him and yelled, out of concern," Now, do you, too need to be treated the same way as her?"

This was the for the first time, in a while that Krish had seen him in a state that even the cellphone's screen seemed less shattered.

"What is it that bothers you? Who are you trying to find? Why do I not know anything? Who is 'Ruhi'?" Krish bombarded him with questions filled with exasperated inquisitiveness and her eyes overflowing with expectations to receive the long awaited response.

"You'll know it all, when you are meant to.", came a heavy hearted response in a voice deep enough to give chills. Consequently, he abandoned the room leaving her mind to run wild into imagining all the possible answers.

Ruhi overheard the conversation between the two, yet constrained herself from engaging into an emotionally tiring situation. All she did was to stand there numb, with a pale face gazing at her confused acquaintance, Krish.

Upon being acknowledged by her, she left the room.

"Wait Ruhi..." Krish rushed towards her.

She still stood lifeless enough to mimic a walking corpse.

Looking upon the misery of her state, all that Krish could ask her was, "would you like a cup of coffee?"

Ruhi nodded and headed towards the balcony.

The setting Sun lit the deck beautifully, light breeze complimented the calm atmosphere with a tint of serenity. The rays of the sun reflecting through the window pane redefined the disturbance of her face into a weird calmness. The honey-brown highlighted strands of hair lightly brushed off her pastel pink cheeks . Soon, the aroma of the well grinded coffee brought with itself a viciously mesmerizing aura, as Krish entered.

Krish stood awestruck gazing at the tender serene beauty she was witnessing.

"Here you go.." she finally slid the coffee mug towards Ruhi.

She nodded and took a sip from the fuming coffee mug without any reflexes, a situation completely abnormal for a normal human being and continued staring at nothing.

"Dhruv once told me you both have been pals, from something, like forever. How did you actually meet?" Krish finally broke the ice.

"I'm not sure."

Judging from the Krish's confused and curious expression, she continued.

"There are two kinds. Most spectators look away after a while and tend to forget what they witnessed. But, some tend to stay, comprehend and intervene. The common trait for both is, that they just happen to be there, at the right moment, by destiny. It was an accident and He was the latter one."

Krish heard each and every word with utter care and conscious trying to fix the puzzle pieces.

After a long pause, Krish spoke," So you both are complete strangers!"

"I'm not sure.", she replied again, in her feeble voice.

"Could you stop the questionnaire? Isn't it enough talk for today?" came in a bold, familiar voice. The pace of the footsteps and the slamming of the floor were enough to interpret the entry.

Krish calmly acknowledged Dhruv's entry and soon after abandoned the balcony leaving the two "pals" to stare at nothing.