
The Sugar Sweetened System

Roman Vitali, a young Italian immigrant, struggles to make ends meet in the bustling country of Nova Haven. After his parents' untimely death, he and his sister,Bianca, are left to fend for themselves. Roman works tirelessly in construction, but his world is turned upside down when he's suddenly fired. In a chance encounter, Roman meets Sophia, a captivating and mysterious older woman who's drawn to his rugged good looks and muscular build. She offers him a proposition: spend the night with her, and she'll reward him handsomely. Desperate and vulnerable, Roman accepts. As the night unfolds, Roman finds himself entangled in a web of luxury and desire. With the system watch how he rises in status and power by using Milfs updates:Mon-Sun(12/week) - Magic: Yes, magic will be present in the story.(even more later in the story) - Romantic Preferences: The MC will typically pursue older women, with one exception." Support Author with PowerStones and Golden tickets 50 Powerstones = 1 Extra chapter 100 Powerstones = 2 Extra chapters 200 Powerstones = 3 Extra chapters Bonus chapter(s) will drop at the end of the week.

Shadowwarrior_007 · Urban
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94 Chs

Chapter 23: A Glimmer of Hope

Sophia stood up, forcing a smile onto her face, and headed to the bathroom. "I'm going to shower, you can wait for me in the dining room," she said, her voice lacking its usual warmth. Roman nodded, sensing the tension between them. They ate breakfast together, the silence palpable, but they managed to get through it.

As they parted ways, Roman leaned in for a kiss, and Sophia reciprocated, her lips softening slightly. It was a small gesture, but Roman held onto it, hoping it was a glimmer of hope for their relationship.

As he sat in the back seat of the car, Albert, his driver, spoke up, "I saw that young miss was feeling down. Trouble in paradise?" Roman gazed out the window, his thoughts consumed by Sophia. "I guess you could say that," he replied, not elaborating.

Albert, sensing Roman's reluctance to discuss it further, offered some sage advice instead. "Arguments are natural in a relationship, Roman. Remember, we have different views on things. It's essential to understand what your partner feels or thinks, especially as a man. It'll go a long way in understanding your woman and finding ways to make her happy."

Roman chuckled, impressed by Albert's wisdom. "I didn't know you were a relationship guru, Albert. Thank you." Albert laughed, his eyes twinkling. "Just an experienced old man."

The drive continued, peaceful and calm, with Roman and Albert engaging in small talk until they arrived at Roman's house. As he stepped out of the car, Roman felt a sense of gratitude toward Albert, not just for the ride, but for the words of wisdom that lingered in his mind.

As Roman stepped into his large front yard, the crunch of gravel beneath his feet echoed through the silence. He hastened his pace, anxious to get inside and check on his sister, Bianca. He burst through the front door, his eyes scanning the living room until they landed on Bianca's sleeping form on the sofa.

Roman rushed to her side, gently shaking her shoulder. "Bibi, wake up! You're late for school!" he exclaimed, his voice laced with urgency. Bianca stirred, her sleepy eyes fluttering open as she gazed up at Roman.

"Roman, I finished writing my final exams last week," she mumbled, her voice husky with sleep. "I've finally graduated from high school! No more school for me, so let me sleep." With that, she snuggled deeper into the cushions, her eyes drifting shut once more.

Roman felt a pang of guilt for disturbing her. He hadn't realized she had completed her final exams, marking the end of her high school journey. He remembered the countless late-night study sessions, the exam prep, and the anxiety that came with it. Now, she was finally free to enjoy her summer break and look forward to the next chapter of her life.

He decided to make it up to her by gently scooping her into his arms, cradling her like a princess with her head resting on his chest. As he ascended the stairs, Bianca's soft breathing and relaxed body language put a smile on his face. Roman's heart swelled with love and pride, thinking about how far she'd come and the bright future ahead.

He entered her room, carefully placing her on her bed, and gazed down at her peaceful expression. Roman's eyes moistened as he thought about how fast time had flown by. It seemed like just yesterday, he was helping her with her homework, and now she was a high school graduate.

He leaned forward, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead, and whispered, "Sleep tight, Bibi. You've earned it. I'm so proud of you." With that, he quietly exited her room, closing the door behind him, and made his way to his office, feeling a sense of nostalgia and joy.

Roman settled into his office chair, the soft leather enveloping him as he gazed at the screen in front of him. He opened his status page, the familiar layout and numbers comforting him like an old friend.


Name: Roman Vitali

Currency: $ (linked to your bank card)

Wealth: $60,000


Strength: E rank

Speed: E rank

Stamina: ∞

Charm: B rank


His wealth, $60,000, stared back at him, a reminder of his successful software creation venture. He had saved $30,000 for that project, but his determination and skills had allowed him to complete it on his own, saving him a significant amount of money. Next, Roman's eyes wandered to the lottery wheel, its intricate design and six sections beckoning him to spin. He had tried it a few times before, but never with any significant wins. Still, the allure of the unknown was too great to resist. He took a deep breath and clicked the spin button.

The wheel whirred to life, its sections blurring together in a colorful dance. Roman's heart raced as the wheel slowed, finally coming to a stop on... the brain section. A message popped up, congratulating him on winning knowledge and intellect. Roman's eyes widened as he realized he had gained expertise in any medical, clinical, or related topics. The Lord of Medicine title appeared beside his name, and he felt a surge of pride and excitement.

Emboldened by his win, Roman decided to spin again. The wheel whirred once more, and this time, it landed on the physical body section. Roman's heart sank, thinking he had won something related to physical strength or agility, not exactly his strong suits. But to his surprise, a message appeared, granting him a boost in charm and charisma. His B-rank charm stat increased, and he felt a newfound confidence in his interactions with others.

Roman's excitement grew, and he spun the wheel again. This time, it landed on the question mark section, indicating randomness and unpredictability. Roman's heart raced as he waited for the outcome. The message that appeared was simple: "You have won a black suit."

Undeterred, Roman spun the wheel once more. The wheel slowed, and the pill section came into view. Roman's eyes lit up as he realized he had won something related to healing and medicine again. The message confirmed his suspicions, granting him the ability to create potent healing potions and medicines.

Feeling like he was on a roll, Roman decided to spin the wheel one last time. The wheel whirred, and Roman's heart sank as it landed on the final section, the symbol representing tools or resources. A message appeared, congratulating him on winning... a curse. Roman's eyes widened in disbelief as he read the message, stating that he had been afflicted with a mysterious curse that would reveal itself soon.

Roman's excitement and pride deflated, replaced by a sense of unease and trepidation. He wondered what the curse could be and when it would strike. For now, he could only wait and hope that his newfound knowledge and abilities would help him overcome the challenges ahead.


Name: Roman Vitali

Currency: $ (linked to your bank card)

Wealth: $60,000


- Strength: E rank

- Speed: E rank

- Stamina: ∞

- Charm: B+ rank (upgraded from B rank)

- Knowledge: Lord of Medicine (grants expertise in medical, clinical, and related topics)

-Alchemist: Able to comprehend recipes and use a unique technique to brew or make potions

- Curse: Mysterious Curse (effects yet to be revealed) ]

[Early access shop has been unlocked]

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