
The Succubus in my Bed

[Mature Content R18] "At first I thought something was trying to possess my body, but it seems this body was never mine to begin with". _____________________ After a fatal car accident, Diane wakes up in a body that doesn't seem to be hers regardless of how identical it seems to others. The body often disobeys her orders and she finds her heart cold towards those she once loved. Overtime, a familiar stranger keeps visiting her dreams to sleep with her but the visits soon begin to get too constant which leads her to dig deeper into his identity. After discovering he’s not human, Diane finds herself stuck in the middle of a power struggle between him and his demonic siblings which leads to a war in the long run nearly destroying the human realm. And whenever it looks like peace is a step away — new enemies continue to appear as friends turn foes. Yet, ignoring all the danger signs— Diane is ready to risk it all, just to be with him. But how do you say yes when the whole world is screaming no? _________________ (Trying not to put too many spoilers out here but you won’t be disappointed)^^ (Cover Disclaimer)

Veedolly · Fantasy
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185 Chs

Heartache - You Have Too Many Secrets

Diane rolled sideways onto her back and stretched out on the bed. She closed her eyes, breathing in the cool evening air although the curtains were shut.

A few days ago, she remembered falling off the staircase but had woken up being pinned to the ground for some reason.

Drake didn't say much about what happened, and she'd avoided speaking to him as well. Why did he keep so many secrets? Even when they were related to her...

It was quite distressing to wake up in the middle of the night only to discover yourself being unable to move and on the cold floor.

Her first instinct was to scream or cry, but she'd never really been the type to do any of those things.

Instead, she remained in silence - shivering and shaking while her mind pictured different creatures watching her through the darkness.