
In a magical world

He clearly remembers the words written back then on the screen.

[Searching for suitable host]

By no means was this body suitable, no, it was more of suicide.

"System! What is the meaning of this? Why didn't you tell me that this is a magical world?" All his plans had just been blown away, there was no way that money was the most important thing here.

'You were the one who assumed that it wasn't silly.'

He heard a voice which caused him to look around the room alarmed. He could recognize the voice. It was the same soothing voice that had spoken to him after the system first appeared, without a doubt, belonging to a female.

"Who is there? Who are you?" He couldn't see anyone at all. If he told anyone about this in his former world, they would just shake their head and direct him to a psychiatric hospital.

'Unfortunately for you—you can't see me because I'm speaking directly into your mind. In a way, I'm within it.

"Huh! Within my mind? How?" He wasn't comfortable with this and it would be worse if she could read what he was thinking.

'Don't worry, I can't.'

"H…How did you know?"


"This little...….."

'Well, that's not important. You really need to know the basics of this world. Hence...…'

[Does host choose to learn about himself using system info along with the memories of this body?]

[Yes] [No]

"Hey AI, it would be better if I do it right?" he said with a raised eyebrow staring at the words displayed on the screen.

'What did you just call me?'

Art felt a chill run down his spine as cold sweat formed on his face sensing the killing intent from her calm voice.

During his previous life, he almost died many times and even died but he had never experienced anything like this.

"I….I'm sorry. I'm new so please go easy on me," he stammered nervously wondering if he was going to die again.

'Fine,' her voice went back to normal which was somewhat lazy and bored.

"So may I know your name?" he asked but got a hearth breaking response.

'You haven't earned the right to.'

"Then I'll just call you my guide." He shrugged and she didn't seem to oppose it, so he focused back on the thing in front of him.

He decided to choose yes.

[WARNING: All information would be downloaded directly into host's mind. Do you choose to proceed]

[Yes] [No]

He chose yes, wondering why the system warned him and he found out soon enough.

"Arghhhhhhhh!!!" he screamed in pain while grabbing his head and falling to the ground.

This was the greatest pain he has ever felt. It was as though his brain was being stabbed by a hundred needles as new memories and information came flooding in. This went on for a full minute before coming to a stop.

He still felt a lingering headache, but now, he was much more enlightened.

Just like he believed, this world was truly a world of magic, mystical creatures, and paranormal phenomena.

This world was called Ghia and he was in the kingdom Hurin which was among the four kingdoms that made up the continent Silah.

Hurin was the kingdom of humans and had 2 bodies that were the powerhouses both politically and in terms of magic power, which consisted of the Royal family and the ten great families.

The term, 'family' is used for people who has an ability that could only be possessed by those with their blood which meant that they were other families except for the great ten.

It turns out that he belonged to one of these families who were called the Silvers. Making his name Art Silver. The Silvers of course we're among the great ten.

As for him, he felt pity towards the former owner of this body and hoped that he won't live the same way.

The Silvers excelled by a large margin from other families in terms of physical capabilities and weapon handling.

They didn't need to be thought about how to use weapons as this was something already registered in their nature.

The moment they come in contact with a weapon that is suitable for their body, they would already know how to use it to a professional level without any training or teaching and their physical performance like speed, strength, endurance, and durability was also several times higher than others.

But with this great feat came its downsides.

The magic capabilities of the Silvers were low. Some of them were below the average mage and they couldn't use magic attributes like fire, wind and so on.

So magic-wise, they were without a doubt, the lowest among the ten great families. But even with this, no one dared to underestimate them.

This wasn't just because of the excellent use of weapons but because they kept finding out how to use mana in ways that shocked everyone.

One of them was what the boy who fought the man had used earlier, which was a blue light covering his body.

This was called mana skin and was first created and used by the Silvers but others had now began to master this art.

The former owner of this body was born with magic capabilities which surpassed every Silver ever recorded, rivaling even those of other families.

His parents decided to keep this a secret only informing few people because of his safety and had big expectations for him.

But like a typical Silver, a big disappointment followed this as his body wasn't strong enough to contain such an amount of magic.

Multiple methods were used to boost his vitality but it only helped prolong his life as his enormous mana began eating up his body.

The former body owner knew all this and was completely depressed, falling into solitude while watching others train and this seemed to worsen his condition.

Whenever he tried to train he would end up fainting, or even worse, a serious injury.

There was even a time he dislocated his elbow from swinging a sword.

His father had to ban him from any type of training.

It was so pathetic.

A Silver who couldn't even wield a weapon. You can imagine the kind of scorn he received. He even got used to it and lost all hope for himself.

Just yesterday, he left the mansion without anyone's knowledge and ended up confronting three beasts to save a girl who he met and had no other option than to use magic which left a giant crater in the ground.

A team was sent to retrieve him after he fell unconscious and that was where his memories ended.

He guessed that he had died due to fatigue after using such a spell.

"This is so sad, I feel like crying for him," Art said emotionally, moved by his memories.

'I agree with you on this one. Well, you're now him, so you have to work hard if you don't want to end up similarly. Now that I think of it your death was just as pathetic.

Hahaha! You even began making wedding cards.'

Art's eyebrows twitched as he gritted his teeth in annoyance wondering how much of him she really knew. Even his stupid ex-fiancé didn't know about it.

He felt it was unfair that she uses it in such a way against him but it didn't change the fact that she was right.

He wanted to release all the anger he felt on someone but to do that he needs to possess a good body first.

"But won't this sickness also get to me?" he frowned.

'Yes, but the system can easily stop this.'

"Really," he said with stars in his eyes.

'You haven't checked your status?'

"Oh!" he exclaimed, realizing this. He was about to open his status when he heard her voice.

'Looks like we have company.'


The door of his room suddenly flung open.