
The Successor's Game

"How should I decide who is perfect person for my successor?" "I got it. I will drop them all in a multiverse game and then the winner can become my successor." "But there are too many people, how should I look after them?" "Oh yes, I can make fragments of a part of myself and let each fragment take care of a single contestants of the game." "Hmm... That person should be strong, smart and kind. Let's give our contestants a task to gather companions." "Oh yes, I will lottery to decide to decide which fragment which look after whom." And thus Kouki and his sister Koyori got caught in middle of god's whim.

PratikG · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
4 Chs

Races And Life Skill

The moment I made my decision in my heart, G-FRAG who was sleeping woke up and sat straight in the air.

"Well then, since both of you are ready, let's start with character creation."

"Character creation!?"

"Yes, character creation is most important first step of every game and this is a game as well.

Ok, then move towards the screen and place your hands on it."

We both went and touched the screen. Two rainbow coloured beads came out out the screen and entered our bodies. We both felt confused as nothing seems to have happened.

We both looked at G-Frag with questioning eyes.

"Those beads are terminal beads, think of your status in your mind and it will appear in your mind. Pretty high-tech isn't it."

I decide to ignore him for a while and opened my status in my mind with a thought. It was totally blank.







Magic Power:



Racial ability:

Additional racial characteristics:

Life Skill:


Well let's leave name for now and go into the race section. It has a lot of options such as all the normal and mythical animals, insects, birds and also the fantasy races.

It has a list such as

Dragon race (20)

Pheonix race (20)

Qilin race (19)

Spirit race (19)

Fallen Angel race (18)




Slime race (2)

It seems like nearly every race is present but what is the number after each race. I asked G-Frag and he then answered.

"Oh, I forgot to mention that you have 60 points to select your primary race, secondary race, additional racial characteristics and life skill. So distribute your points properly because once you confirm your whole status it's unchangeable."

"If it is such a important information then tell us earlier!!"

"No worries, nothing went wrong, right ?"

I can't even come up with a reply to this statement of his. So I concentrate on my status again. So I have 60 points and things to select are 4.

For now I should check what the info about each race is. Let's check the dragon race first.

Dragon Race

Points required : 20

One of the races of the multiverse that have lasted throughout the whole history. They have great physical strength and great affinity to fire, water, wind and earth elements. They are often termed as the strongest race.

Looks pretty good. Let's check some other first before deciding which one to select as primary race.

Pheonix Race

Points required : 20

One of the races of the multiverse that have lasted throughout the history. They have high magic power and highest affinity with fire element among all the races. Their blood is said to possess power of resurrection.

Qilin Race

Points required: 19

One of the most beautiful and illusionary race among all the races of the multiverse. They have high mana storage capacity and high magic power. They are the most righteous race of all. They are also said to have blessed with luck.

Spirit Race

Points required : 19

The most mysterious race which is said to be the race which is closest to the origin of the world. They have high mana sensitivity and high magic power. They are also said to have affinity with all the elements.

Fallen Angel Race

Points required : 18

One of the most powerful mutated race of the multiverse. Originally Angel in heaven which fallen to the dark side. The only race which have high affinity with both light and darkness element.




Werewolf Race

Points required : 15

One of the fastest race of the multiverse. They are also said to possess very high endurance. They have high vitality and high agility. They also have great regenerative ability.

Vampire Race

Points required : 15

One of race which gets stronger in the night. They are often called ruler of the night. They can consume the blood of the opponents to gain various benefits. They have great physical strength and high agility.

Butterfly Race

Points required : 15

One of the most beautiful race of the multiverse. They have hallucinatory abilities which they use to trick both their prey and foes. They have high magic power and high agility.




Arachne Race

Points required : 10

One of the trickster race of the multiverse. They use their different types of threads to trap their friend and foe alike. They high high mana capacity.




Goblin Race

Points required : 3

One of the race which is on the weaker side in the multiverse. They have all their abilities average. They can learn to use nearly every weapon.

Slime Race

Points required : 2

This race is also known as the cleaner of the multiverse as they decompose the bodies of the dead creatures. They can be found in any corner of the multiverse.

I decided to select Dragon race as my primary race as it gives my great physical strength and affinity with 4 elements. I left the secondary race and additional racial characteristics column empty for now and took a look at Life skills.

It also has a list

Devour (20)

Transfer (20)

Vitality Storage (18)

One Hit Armor (16)




Mixer (11)

Sharing (10)

Herculean Strength (9)

There are far less Life Skills compared to the number of races but it makes sense not to have lot of Life Skills. Let's check there info as well.


Points required : 20

User can gain the skills that the creature has by consuming it. If user already has that skill that it will add into skill proficiency.


Points required : 20

User can reduce any one the stat to 1 and transfer the remaining points to all other five stats equally.

Vitality Storage

Points required : 18

User can store extra vitality inside his body equal to the max amount of his vitality stat. The extra vitality can be used in the middle of the battle to restore HP.

One Hit Armor

Points required : 16

Prevents user from losing more than 30% of max HP from damage of one hit.





Points required : 11

User can mix two opposite elements or two different stats for an attack.


Points required : 10

User can share/transfer anything as long as both parties in question gave their consent.

Herculean Strength

Points required : 9

User's strength can increase by a multiple of 1.5 but user's agility will reduce to 3/4 of original amount.


If I select Devour then I can gain skills non-stop but I will have to consume the creatures for it. Seems a bit difficult to eat that much.

Next will be Transfer, it is really useful to increase 5 stats by sacrificing one stat but it can also become a double edged sword if opponent focused his attention on that reduced stat.

The other Life skills are good but they are not fit for me. Vitality Storage and One Hit Armor are defensive skill and suitable for my style. Other support skills are also not good.

Hmm... I have to decide one among Devour and Transfer Life Skill. One is to eat a lot and another is double edged sword.

Wait a minute, if I select Devour and Slime race in addition racial characteristics then I can use slime's absorb to eat all the creatures and then can use Devour to gain skills.

Yes, it's definitely possible and slime also has regeneration will can act as a defensive layer for me. Ok, it's decided now. I select Devour in Life Skill and Slime race in Addition racial characteristics.

Now only secondary race section is left empty. Upon taking a glance at the race list again, I select Fallen Angel race as my secondary race.

It has high affinity with both light and dark elements and it will complement perfectly with Dragon race's affinity with the other four elements.

So I select Dragon race, Fallen Angel race, Slime race and Devour in the four column. All the 60 points are used now.

Before confirming, I took a look at my sister to find she was also looking at me. I first thought to ask her what she selected but then resisted and decided to not ask her.

I have confidence in her that she will not select something stupid. And thus we both smiled at each other for a while and then I said.

"Only name column is left now, you should give me one and I will give you one as well."

"Ok brother."

We both told each other the names we thought as then filled them.

"G-Frag, we have selected our races and Life Skill. We are ready now."

" Hehe!! Well since you are ready then I shall also respond by showing you a beautiful scene as you confirm your status."

Beautiful scene? Seems something that I should look forward to.

After making my mind I gave a command to the status in my mind.
