
The Successor's Game

"How should I decide who is perfect person for my successor?" "I got it. I will drop them all in a multiverse game and then the winner can become my successor." "But there are too many people, how should I look after them?" "Oh yes, I can make fragments of a part of myself and let each fragment take care of a single contestants of the game." "Hmm... That person should be strong, smart and kind. Let's give our contestants a task to gather companions." "Oh yes, I will lottery to decide to decide which fragment which look after whom." And thus Kouki and his sister Koyori got caught in middle of god's whim.

PratikG · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Night Devil

Koyori said confirm at the same time as I did.

And as soon as our voices died the whole interior of the dome shone brightly.

All the creatures were roaring loudly and running in circles on the walls of the dome. All the runes were shining bright and looked as free they want to escape from the walls.

A sudden load roar of dragon is heard and a dragon made of the golden lines freed itself from the wall. Following it a Fallen Angel, a Butterfly, a Pheonix, a Arachne and a Slime also freed themselves from the walls.

They started revolving in circles above our head while roaring from time to time. At this moment G-Frag said something.

"Well then, isn't it beautiful?"

"Yes it is." Both me and Koyori said at the same time.

The creatures in the air kept moving for some time after they seperated in two groups. Dragon, Fallen Angel and Slime were in one group while Butterfly, Pheonix and Arachne were in another. Without a doubt the second group was Koyori's.

Both the groups dived down at the same time towards us. First the dragon dived into my body. It feels as if each and every cell of my body is changing into something else but it wasn't unpleasant instead it feels pleasurable.

As soon as the dragon was fully assimilated into my body, Two pair of large dark brown dragon wings came out of my back. Afterwards the Fallen Angel did the same as dragon and after it assimilated, two pair of white feather wings and two pair of black feather wings came out of my back as well.

A total of 6 pair of wings, which are of three different colours. They looked really cool.

And finally the golden Slime also entered in my body but it didn't feel anything like before.

After my transformation was done, I turned to look at Koyori but lost my senses the moment I saw her.

Two large butterfly wings which were as large as her body came out of her back. Moreover they were completely covered in dark red fire.

Her hair which were originally black are now red in colour. The length of her hairs have also grown upto her waist.

Her eyes turned blue and match perfectly with the blue hairpin which she always wears above the left side of her forehead.She looked like a fairy from the fairy tales.

"Brother, your eyes!!"

She turned around and exclaimed as soon as she saw my face. Since I haven't seen my own face yet I don't know what has changed. I turn towards the screen to look at my face. And what I saw also surprised me.

My right eye has turned golden and my left has turned dark red. Wow I obtained heterochromia. I can sense dragon power from the golden eye and fallen angel's power from the red eye.

"Since both of you are done, press your hands on the screen."

We did as G-Frag said and pressed our hands on the screen. After that our status were shown on the screen.

Name: Night

Race: Butterfly (primary), Pheonix (secondary)

Lvl: 1 (0/10)




Magic Power:8



Racial Ability: Hallucination, Rebirth

Additional Racial characteristics: Arachne (steel thread,sticky thread)

Life Skill: Sharing

Skills: Siblings (special)

Name: Devil

Race: Dragon (primary), Fallen Angel (secondary)





Magic Power:5



Racial ability: Dragon Aura , Dark Domain

Additional racial characteristics: Slime (absorb,decompose, regeneration)

Life Skill: Devour

Skills: Siblings (special)

Although I knew which races Koyori selected, it is still a surprise that she used an unorthodox method by putting Butterfly race as primary and pheonix as secondary. Well maybe she has her plans.

Well we obtained racial abilities, huh. One racial ability for each race. I guess I should check their info.


By activating this skill, user can create a force field which has the power of hallucination. All the creatures or opponents that enter the force field will be subjected to hallucination for at least one second. It may not work on the opponents whose level is higher than the user.

(33% chance that a opponent of higher level will be affected)


User can use one drop of the blood of his/her own body on a companion or subordinate to resurrect him/her with a chance of 33%. Can only be used once per day.

Dragon Aura

User radiates a strand of dragon aura which affects the opponents whose level is equal or less than the user and decrease their agility by 10%. On opponents whose level is higher than the user, agility is decreased by 5%.

Dark Domain

A special dimensional domain in which the user's subordinates can reside freely. The user can keep his/her subordinates inside the domain regardless of their size. The user can call his/her subordinates at anytime from the domain.

So a crowd control skill, a resurrection skill, a agility reducing skill and a special domain to keep our subordinates.

All four racial ability are really good. None of the ability is a waste. Koyori choose the Sharing Life Skill, it will be a good match with my Devour Life Skill. But what's this Siblings skill. It is even a special skill.


This skill is born from the feeling of Kouki and Koyori towards each other. It is a passive skill and only activate when certain conditions are met. The love of siblings shall create miracles.

I don't know what to say about this skill. It's info doesn't give any useful information. And the last line is so cheeky.

"Oh, you guys obtained a special skill. Aren't you lucky."

"Is a special skill that amazing ?" I can't help but ask him.

"Of course it's amazing. Only 1 out of 1 million can obtain it."

1 out of 1 million! It seems like we really lucked out.

"But your names are really good.

'Night Devil' it can be your team name you know."

"No it's fine."

"What a waste, it's would have made such a good team name. Oh well since you don't want to do it then that's fine as well. Now you are done so remove your your hand from the screen."

I did as he said and removed my hand from the screen. Suddenly, all the 6 pair of wings retracted into my body. I tried to bring them out again but not even one wing came out. A similar situation also happened with Koyori.

In the end, even though I don't want to talk to him a lot, we have no choice but to ask G-Frag about it.

"Of course, it is going to be like this. Don't tell me you expect to be strong from the start. If you are strong from the start then what is the point of this game. You have to unlock your powers slowly as you level up."


All I can come out is a hollow laugh.

"Oh well, since everything has finished, here a special gift from me."

He gave us two small gift boxes, one for me and another for Koyori. We opened the gift boxes. Therays of light came out of each box and entered our brains.

Ting... Gift box detected.

Content - Dress card and Basic weapon card

Dress card

Can be used once to select clothes of your own choice. The clothes will automatically synchronise with your body but not provide any extra layer of defence.

Basic weapon card

Can be used once to select any weapon of your choice. The weapon will be made of iron. User can also choose the colour of the weapon.

Gift? More like it is given to each contestant. And he said it was a special gift from him.

Ah! I shouldn't get my hopes up from next time. For now, I should use both the cards.

Dress card, huh. Well then a half seelved white shirt with black half coat and black jeans for the bottom. As soon as I think of these clothes a light shone around my body and the next moment I am wearing what I thought in my mind.

A mirror is materialized in front of me. The black and white dress combination looks really good with heterochromia.

Well then let's choose the other card as well. I guess will I should choose a two handed sword. I have obtained the powerful body of dragon race so it should be good. And the colour of the sword, hmm...???, let's use blue.

And with a flash of light, blue coloured two handed sword materialized from thin air. I put it on my waist and looked again in the mirror again. Good, it's perfect now.

"Brother, you are looking really handsome in these clothes."

I turned around towards Koyori who just gave me a compliment. But at this moment my eyes forgot to blink.