
The Substitute Lover Of CEO

For three long years, Evangeline Wanhart loved her husband desperately only to get betrayed. For Eve, Cedric Weildmer was the sun of her life. But for him, she was just a substitute for his first love. A replacement to fill the emptiness of his body. The face that he had desired all his life. But when then-dead twin Elene Wanhart returned after an accident, the copy was not needed. The news of her twin sister brought divorce papers for Evangeline and heartbreak. But she still had her hopes, she held her belly tightly and went to inform her husband that she was pregnant with their child. Only to know that death was waiting for her in that ominous room. A life returned, a life gone. But after seeing the corpse of Evangeline, Cedric realized it was not the face he loved anymore. But the person beneath. He cried hard as he begged for his wife to return, but alas! Desires did not work against the will of god.

troublesome_writer · Urban
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17 Chs

An Offer

"Evangeline, you are there." Prudence, her sister in law smiled and walked to her. The woman had always been two faced. 

She always acts sweet and kind in front of others, especially Cedric but when they were alone, she bared her claws and found every chance to hurt Eve.

She gave one of her million dollar smiles as the crowd left for her and hugged Eve. the smile on her face vanished the moment she hid her face behind Eve.

"Ha! Is this your new trick to use my brother? Acting all weak and sick so that he would not be attracted to his first love. You are such a pathetic woman, Eve." she spat as she let Eve go.

Eve trembled a bit by her insult but when she realized she was in public and so many people were looking at her, she forced a sweet smile on her face.

"Same to you, Prudence. I hope you get the same result." but the woman only snickered and wrapped her arms around Eve.

"Since you agree, I must take you there myself." Eve frowned as she did not understand what it meant. But Prudence had already turned to smile at others. "I apologize to my friends, but I have some unfinished business with Eve. I hope you all do not mind." they all could only shake their heads and waved their hands.

If they have to compare between both, they would still bet on prudence. She was the sister of Cedric. And though Eve was wife, their marriage was never announced. They have all signed a document which states, if they inform anyone about their marriage, they will break the contract with their company and have to pay compensation for termination.

They would never dare to do so. That was the only reason the world did not know about them.

"At least, tell me where are you taking me. I am not in the mood of your jokes, Prudence." Eve was dragged without a choice. She asked a few times but she could not act rashly. When they are in public, every eye was on her and she knew well no one was looking at her with care or admiration.

One mistake and all those hawks would snicker at her and insult her. She did not want to bring another shame on her husband and give him a chance to go closer to her sister. For now, she would bear with this brat.

Prudence knew that was going to happen. She had an image of a bold and naughty sister. So it did not matter if they found her dragging Eve. but Eve, she had always acted like a white flower. Kind, sweet and dainty like lilies. How could she shout at her sister in law?

Tsk! She was going to teach this woman a lesson today.

"Wait! What are you doing?" Eve frowned when Prudence took her to the balcony. 

"I am only giving you some privacy. Did you not want to insult me earlier but you were afraid that others would notice it? I only gave you a chance." she shrugged but Eve was sure that was not the case. Who in their sane mind would drag others to a secluded corner only to be insulted by them.

"Spill the beans, Prudence. What do you want from me?" she scoffed as she reached for the door, "or i am leaving." but prudence only laughed as if she had heard a joke,

"You are leaving? But dear Eve, you have nowhere to go. Hmm? Your parents would not take you back and you do not have any personal house or property where you can stay? You have no choice but to be here, little Eve." Eve frowned. She did have a house and some properties in her name. 

Since she was still working and Cedric never asked her to share her income, she had saved all of that. But she did not need to share it with his foolish girl or she would blame her for being greedy again. But what did she even mean by that? She was only leaving this balcony, not her house.

As if prudence noticed the confusion on her face, she snickered.

"Oh dear, do you not know?" she covered her face and giggled like a child. "Or you are acting like a fool. A cat who closes its eyes and believes that the world is not seeing her? You are closing your eyes and believing nothing is going on in this world?" The way she leaned and mocked Eve made her frown grow deeper.

When she turned, Prudence held the door and blocked Eve;s way. Her eyes had a sinister glow that Eve did not like. Last time, Prudence had laughed like that and Eve was accused of theft. She trembled just by thinking about that fateful night. If not for Cedric, her mother in law would have sent her to prison. 

"I am not in the mood of your jokes, Prudence. Let me go." she warned but Prudence only snickered.

"Oh my dear Eve. I understand that you are withering and could not have fun. But I am not joking. I am here with a proposal." she grinned, "do you remember the chairman of SEK Group?" an image of a bald fat man formed in front of her eyes. He was a sleazy man with a new woman every time. "He is looking for a new mistress." the way Prudence spoke it, Eve felt an ominous feeling churning in her stomach. "Do you not think it would be the perfect position for a slut like you?"