
The Substitute Heiress- Dear CEO Husband, Let Me Go!

All her life Amaia Sinclair lived behind her Elder sister's shadow. She was never good enough, she was never the first priority. She always came second to her parents and to the man she loved since her childhood. Now that her elder sister suddenly went missing, her parents force her to take up all the responsibilities and also marry the fiance her sister had left behind. How sweet! Adriann Levinson, the devilishly handsome, ruthless and powerful CEO of the Levinson Corporation was engaged to Alyssa Sinclair for years. The engagement was arranged by both families to merge their billion-dollar business. However, when Alyssa Sinclair ran away before the wedding, he's forced to marry her younger spoiled brat of a sister as her substitute to keep the deal going.

theraregirl22_7692 · Urban
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44 Chs

The Substitute (2)

"Hello!" Amaia greeted them politely in unison, making them smile and nod slightly at her, except for Adrian. He sat quietly beside his father, William Levinson, while his mother, Adelaide Levinson, sat between his father and grandfather, Jonathan Levinson.

"Hello, dear. How are you?" Jonathan was the first one to greet her. His old, wrinkled face bloomed into a warm smile despite the cold atmosphere surrendering to them.

"I'm fine. How are you?" She responded gently while fixing her dress a little.

"Good! How are your studies going? I heard you are already in your third year of college. I can't believe you grew up so fast." Jonathan chuckled, making Amaia smile.

"Everything's fine. Thank you." She responded while glancing at her mother, who had her hands placed on her back. Her mother did this to make sure she never spoke any more or less than necessary. Like a remote controlling her behaviour. The room filled with an awkward silence as Amaia sat there like a porcelain doll.

"I'm really glad that you agreed to save us in this situation, Amaia. It proves what a wonderful lady you are. I always wanted someone like Adriann's bride who would hold and save family values in tough situations like this." Jonathan cleared his throat before beginning to speak. A look of confusion crossed over Amaia's face when she heard Jonathan's words.

"I'm sorry, wh-?" She couldn't finish her sentences when she felt her mother pinching her back, indicating to her to keep her mouth shut.

"Of course. Amaia would never disappoint us. You can rest assured. She would be the perfect wife to Adriann and daughter-in-law to your house." Marlene cut her off. However, the moment she spoke those sentences, Amaia felt like the ground under her feet was shaking. Her whole body froze as she stared at her mother in complete shock.

What did she just say?

A perfect wife for Adriann? A perfect daughter-in-law? What the hell was going on?

Marlene noticed the shocked expression on her face, which made her grip her back in a painful grip. Amaia gritted her teeth as she felt a sudden pain in her back.

"Are you okay, Amaia?" Adelaide, Adriann's mother, asked in concern when she noticed the sudden change in Amaia's expression.

"Y-yeah." Amaia managed to reply that she felt her mother's trip had tightened. Adelaide didn't look convinced, as she kept staring at Amaia.

"I don't know why you are insisting on this wedding when your elder daughter is nowhere to be found. This doesn't feel right." Adelaide couldn't keep her disappointment inside her as she expressed her thoughts with a sigh.

"We can't break this marriage just because my stupid daughter decided to disgrace us. Besides, you guys have already known Amaia since she was young. I don't see any problem here." Edward's words were like a slap on Amaia's face that woke her up from whatever trance she was in. Everything became crystal clear in front of her eyes.

"What about Amaia? Is she really okay with this marriage?" William Levinson questioned her as his gaze fixed on Amaia. At this moment, there was nothing that Amaia wanted to do other than shout at her parents and ask them why they didn't ask her first before deciding to sell her off instead of their perfect little daughter's place. What about her consent? Does she not have any rights in her own marriage?

"Of course she is. My Amaia would never disappoint me. Do you think I would suggest something like this without asking her first?" Edward chuckled while reaching out his hands to hold Amaia's hand. For a moment, Amaia's heart couldn't help but get swayed when her father said his Amaia would never disappoint him. He called her his. He never did that. He only adored her sister like that. He never called her My Amaia like this. The words stuck in Amaia's mind like a tattoo as he felt her heart warming up. She didn't care what he said after that or before that. The only thing she wanted to hear was her father saying he was proud of her. She wanted him to say that she didn't disappoint him.

"I want to hear that from Amaia," William said as she looked at Amaia. Upon hearing her name, Amaia looked at William. His warm brown eyes stared at her, waiting to hear her answer.

"Amaia, are you okay with this marriage? Are you really willing to marry my son Adriann?" William looked at her warmly as he asked her about her answer. Amaia could feel her parents' tension when he asked for her answer directly.

She silently glanced at her mother, who looked really tense as she gripped her back tightly. She then glanced at her father, who had a blank expression on his face. However, the Amaia could still see the anxiety hidden deep under the indifferent facade. She smiled at her father reassuringly. It was her only chance to please her father and her parents. It was finally her chance to show them that she could also be as perfect as Alyssa. She could also make them proud. She was going to show them that she wouldn't disappoint them like Alyssa did. She wouldn't be selfish and impulsive like her.

"Yes, Mr. Levinson. I agree to this marriage, and I'm willing to marry your son in my sister's place." Amaia said in one breath, a perfect smile adoring the corner of her lips. She could hear her parents heave a sigh of relief while their posture finally relaxed. William and his father smiled at Amaia with a nod before relaxing in their seats.

"See, I told you. Amaia would never disappoint us." Edward Sinclair chuckled as he leaned back on his seat, resting his back on the sofa in a relaxed manner. Amaia couldn't help but smile shyly after hearing her father's words. A bundle of joy and pride filled her after hearing his praise. With a smile, she turned around to look at the man she was going to marry. However, her smile instantly dropped when he noticed the hostile glare he was throwing at her. His jaw set in a tight line as she clenched his fists in a tight grip while looking at her. Right at that moment, Amaia realized that even though she had finally pleased her father, he had earned the hatred of the man she had always secretly loved.