
The Substitute Heiress- Dear CEO Husband, Let Me Go!

All her life Amaia Sinclair lived behind her Elder sister's shadow. She was never good enough, she was never the first priority. She always came second to her parents and to the man she loved since her childhood. Now that her elder sister suddenly went missing, her parents force her to take up all the responsibilities and also marry the fiance her sister had left behind. How sweet! Adriann Levinson, the devilishly handsome, ruthless and powerful CEO of the Levinson Corporation was engaged to Alyssa Sinclair for years. The engagement was arranged by both families to merge their billion-dollar business. However, when Alyssa Sinclair ran away before the wedding, he's forced to marry her younger spoiled brat of a sister as her substitute to keep the deal going.

theraregirl22_7692 · Urban
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44 Chs


Take care of my daughter, Adriann." Edward placed Amaia's hands in Adriann's. Even though he asked Adriann to take care of her, deep down, Amaia knew her father didn't really care about her except for the deal.

"I will, Mr. Sinclair." Adriann responded without any emotion on his face as he gripped Amaia's small hands in his. Amaia felt a shiver down her spine as he held her hands tightly before helping her get on the stage. The whole time, he didn't spare her a single glance, making her heart hurt.

Soon, the wedding began as they both stood side by side while the priest completed all the rituals one by one. They both said their vows before finally exchanging rings. Amaia stared at the wedding ring that her sister was supposed to wear. Everything at this wedding was nothing but a farce. She looked at the man she had just married with emotion flashing through her eyes. However, he was really cold and distant, even after their vows were exchanged.

"Now I pronounce you two as husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." The priest announced it loudly with a smile, earning a loud cheer from the guests. For the first time after she came on stage, Adriann finally looked in her direction. Not a glance. He turned around to stare at her. Amaia felt her heart beat increase under his hypnotic gaze. Adriann didn't smile or move for a few moments until she heard the crowd cheering for them. He then pulled her closer before tilting her head to kiss her. Amaia closed her eyes, her heart beating loudly against her chest. His hot, minty breath was fanning her face.

He was finally going to kiss her.

However, what she didn't expect him to do was place his fingers on her lips first before brushing his lips on them. He didn't kiss her. He just pretended to kiss her in front of people. As soon as he was done, Adriann distanced himself from her, as if her touch repulsed him. Amaia opened her eyes in a daze while trying to balance herself. Her heart shattered into pieces again.

A few people came to congratulate them and give their blessings. Swallowing her bitterness, Amaia smiled fakely while thanking them.

"Congratulations to you two. I must say, I didn't expect this at all. I thought you were going to marry Alyssa." A young and beautiful woman whom Amaia didn't recognize came forward with a bunch of young men and women before congratulating them. The pinching in her voice was obvious.

"Right. What happened? I didn't know you two already broke up, and you got together with her younger sister instead." Another beautiful woman in a green dress was questioned, her eyes judging Amaia balantly. Amaia glanced at Adriann for support but instantly backed off when she noticed the frigid expression on his face. The gossip and pinches had a profound effect on him.

"Look at Adriann; he got to have both beautiful sisters. I heard your wife already have a interesting reputation." Joseph Miller joked while patting Adriann on the shoulder. His action made Adriann cast an icy stare, making him instantly withdraw his hand in fear.

"Will you guys stop spitting nonsense? And Joseph, you need to watch your words." Oliver Black, one of Adriann's close friends, spoke up before scolding Joseph. This made Joseph scowl at him.

"Why are you getting so upset? I'm only being honest. No one expected this." Joseph argued while rolling his eyes. Everyone in the room was aware of the ill-fated marriage. Adriann Levinson was engaged to Alyssa Sinclair for six years, yet he married her spoiled and obnoxious sister in a matter of a few days.

"You need to learn to keep your opinion to yourself. Don't spoil the mood here." Amelia, Oliver's girlfriend, defended her boyfriend while smiling at Amaia apologetically.

"Whatever." Joseph rolled his eyes before turning around to leave.

"Congratulations to both of you! You look very beautiful, Amaia." Amelia congratulated them while complimenting Amaia kindly. She genuinely smiled at Amelia.

"Thank you." She responded back. Throughout the whole time, Adrainn stood there like a statue, not saying a single word or defending her. He really showed he didn't care.

"Adriann, can you two come over here? We need to take some photos together." Adelaide, Adriann's mother, called over, grabbing both of their attention.

"Let's go." Adriann ordered without looking at her as he grabbed her hands in a tight grip. He didn't even turn to check if she could walk in her dress or not.

"Look at them. How could he marry her younger sister after being engaged to her for six years?" On their way, she heard a middle-aged woman loudly speak.

"Did she seduce her sister's fiance?" The woman beside her asked as she looked at Amaia disapprovingly.

"Is she pregnant? Look how obnoxious she looks." A young man from a prominent family inquired, peering through her clothes to determine whether she had a visible belly or not. Amaia felt a sudden disgust crawl under her skin while Adriann's grip on her became tight. He also heard their words.

"Oh my god, it must be the case. Look, her sister isn't even present here. She must be heartbroken after being betrayed by her own sister and fiance's poor soul." Maria Kingsley, a girl the same age as her, said it dramatically. Amaia had seen her a few times with her sister.

"Look at her; she's really something else. Her sister must be suffering because of her."

"Women like her had no morals left. How could he marry a wench like her and leave such a beautiful gem?"

"I heard she is really shrew. She is jealous of her own sister and always tries to bring her down."

"These rich people nowadays really don't have any morals left."Another old woman whispered, throwing a disgusted look at Amaia.

"How could she steal her sister's man? Such a shameless and lousy woman." As Amaia heard all the accusations and disgusting words, her heart became heavy with pain.

She tried her best to hold back her tears while swallowing the bitterness inside. No one uttered a word to defend her. She quickly turned into a ruthless manipulator, seducing her sister's fiancé when the truth was far from clear. Not even her husband tried to defend her.

Adriann really kept his word of not wanting to do anything with her, and she fell in love with such a cold-hearted man!