
The Student Nurse and her Alpha Mate

This is a story about Danielle Wise who lives in the English countryside and is a student nurse studying hard to get her career. She is a sweet, kind girl with no Idea that werewolves exist though soon in the story something happens and she meets Jake an Alpha of the nearby pack who seems really interested in her. where will their story go who knows will Danielle settle into this new world and find what she needs.

Abigail_Wade · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 2 - The Nightmare

I was on a slow walk through the woods for my normal reflection on today's work thinking about the patients which I have cared for and what has gone on with today's shift, what I could have done differently. I was walking along minding my own business listening to the birds in the night sky.

Suddenly I noticed the sound had all disappeared, no birds singing or rustling of bushes, nothing. Then I heard a twig snap nearby, my heart was racing breaths quickening, I turned around looking all around turning around in circles trying to spot anything. Another twig snapped, closer this time, heart racing, my fight or flight reaction started now running away from whatever it was not knowing then tripping over a tree root I turned over to get up.

There was something in front of me too close to run now, it looked like a big black wolf too big. My heard was racing, I couldn't move I was frozen not knowing what to do.

The wolf was coming closer getting ready to pounce, bottom up in the air, head up ready to push off.

It jumped, nothing I could do now.

I sat up in bed quickly, what's going on what happened I thought I was in the woods. Sweat was pouring off me like I had been running, it felt so real.

"It was a nightmare" I whispered to myself.

My heart was still racing I looked at my phone it was 5am a little early to start getting ready but I decided maybe a warm shower would calm my heart down a bit and get rid of this sticky sweat layer I had at the minute.

I jumped in the shower soon after it warmed up, I kept thinking about the dream and remembered seeing something in the woods last night that can't have come from that could it, it couldn't have been a wolf that I saw in the woods, wolfs are extinct in England, it can't be.

After the shower I still couldn't shake the feeling there was something off. I went downstairs to get some breakfast as I had time today was my last day on the ward for this placement and year of university it would mean that Year 2 was over and it was time to get some rest and sleep with all the work over for now or for a month anyway. Breakfast this morning was a bowl of cereal dry as I am not keen on soggy cereal and don't like milk.

After eating the cereal, I packed my bag ready for the day and went to my room to get dressed into my uniform again then went out to the car to head out to the hospital again.

I found myself looking to the woods a lot on my way to the hospital, though I couldn't see anything I still had the feeling that I was being watched though whilst driving it probably didn't help that I was still on edge from the nightmare I had last night.

Arriving at the hospital I walked to the door, seeing there was a couple of men stood a little way away from the main entrance, another man was walking up to them from what seemed to be the woods which was a bit creepy at this time in the morning, maybe they had been in A&E and were still a bit drunk from last night. When the other man joined them he seemed to spot me and stared as I walked into the entrance, it creeped me out a bit with him just focused on me and didn't seem to be listening to those who he was with.

I just tried to continue like normal thinking I can just focus on my day today showing what I can do on my last day on this placement. So, I just continued up to the ward ready to begin my day.