
Chapter 26

Adrian POV

"Shit!! Shit!!! Shit!!" I say to myself panicking Onika is gonna find out if she doesn't already know

"Baby are you okay? You kinda left." Saphire said soothingly and I calm down

"I don't know baby I guess I just felt bad for their friend getting cheated on because I would never do that to you." I said kissing her passionately

"Before we continue I gotta tell you something." Saphire I was preparing to ask her what wa until a knock at the door made both of us pause

"Who is this?" Saphire asks and goes to the door and asks louder

"Who is it?!" Saphire asks loudly

"Joseph I'm Adrian's room mate." The voice said and she opens the door and I breath out a sigh of a relief

"Here man you left your phone at the crib your mother kept calling." Joseph said and I dab him up grabbing my phone

"I appreciate you bringing it man." I said to him and he nods his before looking at Saphire and makes his way out the house closing the door behind him

"I have a funny feeling about him." Saphire says looking at me

"Why do you say that?" I ask her

"I don't know the vibe he was giving just didn't sit well with me." Saphire and I nod my head understanding her

"Baby I would never let anyome hurt you and you have my word he's a good dude he helps me pay half the rent at my apartment." I tell her and she nods

"I don't it doesn't seem like he's a bad dude its just the way he looked at me as if... He knows something, but couldn't tell me I don't know I'm probably overthinking it." Saphire

"Just try to keep calm baby." I said and my phone goes off showing a message from Nicki

Lilbaby🤪💕: Come over later tonight I got a surprise for you❤️

And than I just heard the most shocking news of my life

"Adrian... I'm pregnant."